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A Fleck of Dust on the Web.
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Summertime, and the living is Easy, is how a famous song goes. My summer time is not easy, but it is very enjoyable. It is definetly fun and action packed.

I got this from T-SIS Design!

This summer I am doing my internship at WQED working in the radio department. I couldn't ask for a better internship. I have wrote, recorded and edited several promos that you hear on the radio. I have also broadcasted live at a remote from Finnigan's Wake, an Irish Pub on the north Side. In a few short weeks I will be on the morning drivetime show "Sleeper's Awake" talking about a few classical pieces. Also I will be working at the PSO concert that will be at Fort Necessity on July 1st. It is a free concert so you should come down.

As far as fun things go, I have go to the Simon & Garfunkle concert. It wasn't that bad. They still aren't my favorite, but they were still good. I also am going to a Josh Groban concert on Aug. 4th and a wedding on July 17th. So it sounds like the summer shouldn't be too boring.

That is all that is really new right now. I hope to update this site more than I have in the past. So check back often.

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Which is the worst Summer Job?

Burger Flipper
Dog toothbrusher
BA's baby sitter
Footmodel for anti-Fungi Cream

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