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News Resources


Major News Sources For You 

My Virtual Newspaper -- Design and Craft just exactly your very own personalized online newspaper from hundreds of media links
AJR Newslink -- American Journalism Review -- Search for news by media type (newspaper, radio, TV) or region (by State or Country), or even look up your favorite college newspaper here.
News Directory -- another news search engine
Excite Free News Clipping Service -- they will search for and save the articles on topics of interest to you
ABC -- All the headlines in many categories.
CBS News Online -- Ditto as above.
Los Angeles Times Online
MSNBC News - easy access news, categorized, search function also.
Reuters - a reliable news service that is much used by media outlets around the world
The Jerusalem Post -- world headlines and stories inside Israel and of interest to Jews around the globe
The New York Times
The Weather Channel

Washington Post
USA Today
The Ultimate Collection of News Links From Around The World -- That title about says it all News
UExpress -- links to several category types -- Dear Abby and advice, Comics, Sports, Kid Stuff and Fun, Money, Opinion, Computers, Marketplace
The Drudge Report -- Sometimes a little strange, sometimes on target, definitely doesn't care how government or anyone else feels about him, says what he wants...about anything.
This Day In History -- Find out what happened on this day or any other day (as in your birthday, maybe?) from The History Channel.
PBS Online News Hour
People Magazine Online
Virtual Jerusalem -- Current Events, forums, travel, chat, live webcam and more
Disaster Relief -- search the databases of several major news outlets at once for news of disasters from around the world.