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Yes I am a chick. And my name is Victoria Leigh...I am an avid porn fan, what about you?

this supposed to be

My Favorite Web Sites are...

1)>A lame site that has free games that fill your computer with spy ware and's cool though.
2)<--That is my sister's site, she said this would be fun. I couldnt be more stoked.
3)<-- I totaly made it up and then when i went there, it was really lame. Dont go there. Just admire the name.
4)>If you have ever watched South Park you would find that funny. Wait till you see what it is. he he hehe.....
5)> For all your lyrical needs!!! In other words, if you need lyrics, go here.
6)Click right here if you want to see more pics of me. If you click on the next button on the album to look at the other pics, you will notice I put a little picture story. I thought you might enjoy that.

Well, I know how hard it is to find a good website. I am sorry you had to waste however much time you did checking out this page. But like you, I am bored, so I decided to ocupy my time by making nothing out of nothing... Yes, well check out my sis's web page if you like young, hot, monkey spanking good times. She is quite the genius. Sorry gentelmen, I am taken, I am married. Yes, I know, I am so young. Well, I couldn't help being random and eloping at 18. No I am not pregnant, and I do not have kids. I am in college and I am studying Mechanical Engineering (automotive design), I am thinking of changing majors...I still love cars. I am 19 and I have no job currently, hopefully I will soon. I am tired of being a bum...well not really, but I would feel less pressure from the Husband Unit if I got a job... Maybe I should be a marshmellow roaster, I think that is a professional job, it would fall under the Culinary Arts if I am not mistaken. Ok, enough of my babaling, check out these sites and dont forget to make a quote. If you are a fan of freaky shit, you might like my choice video "Mein Teil" by a German band, Rammstein. I love them. Then the other one is "Amerika" by them. It is a funny video about how they feel about us. I couldnt help but crack up.

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Rammstein - Mein Teil

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Rammstein - Amerika To find out what this stuff means, you can go to the fifth link up there and get it translated.
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