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Chapter 8

the players:

Jonny D.

Jonny D is a great kid. He is Not Jonny B. They are two different people. Jonny D's favorite band is Anti-Flag. We are planning on making an awesome band. Hopefully we can live up to our own expectations. Jonny D. plays guitar and like the movie Dumb and Dumber. No he loves it, no he obsesses over it, no if he could he would make love to it. But who doesn't love that movie? Jon's last name is Devine. That's not what the D stnads for in his nickname. We used to call him Jonny Desperate because of a funny story. Some middle school girls were hitting on him, he thought they were in high school. We never let him forget it. Don't worr Jonny D. I still love you. Jonny D.=cool kid. Jonny D.+Phil=cool kid making fun of gay kid. Jon is also another kid I'm proud to have in my posse.


Paul is quiet. When he does talk, it is usually hilarious. Paul is a giant compared to most of my other friends. You know, all three of them. Paul also likes video games. I get the feeling when Paul gets a car, he'll be over my house constantly. Paul is our supplier of the Goldfish snack food. I think without him, I may have starved many times. Paul is one of those kids who will always be a loyal friend. Thanks Paul! If I had three thumbs, I'd put three up. ::thumbs up::

I called Jonny D up on the telephone. Today we were supposed to create chaos. His sister answered, she always does, and I asked for Jon. The plans were made and we were off. Joe was coming down from his house and were were going ot get Paul. I grabbed the video camera and stuffed it in my bag. We headed for the consignment shop. I was dressed up like death. (the guy in the black cloak) I wandered the store and shook some old mans hand. I told him if he needed his soul didposed of to call me. From there we headed to Aldi. Aldi is the grocery store for poor people and teenagers. They only sell generic brand food. We bought corn chips and a case of soda. Of course, by "we", I mean Jonny D. He was the only one with more than a quarter in his pocket. We (Jon) bought the stuff and sat oustide of Eckerd. It was the coolest feeling in the world. I was amongst a group ofcool kids. We were blocking the entire sidewalk and we talked about a lot of nothing. We didn't accomplish anything really great that day, but it was more fun than I had had in a while.

The next morning, I watched my sister for my mom. This was my summer job. Three dollars an hour. I didn't care, in two weeks I'll be able to purchase a longboard, so yeah. I have to watch her until two every day. While I was watching her I wrote a pretty awesome short story. I made a website for my short stories too, so check that out. While I was typing the intro for my short story website, and instant message window appeared and I almost sent the person the words "rotting corpse", not that they would find that weird coming from me. It was Sio. Actually I don't think that happened. I think I probably sent her the first message. Anyway we decided to hang out. So blah blah blah, she got a ride to my house. I believe we spent an hour talking about the invisible library of books I have access to. In the books are things like, rules to the nose game, and why I win. The opponent cannot win if they have do not have an equal amount of sunburn on each arm. I don't think Sio is very coordinated. She kept tring to knock the books out of my hand, but she kept missing. maybe she was just having a bad hand-eye coordination day. Then we got kicked out of the basement because Jim came down and we were watching a grey televison screen. Where is the crime in that? He looked at us said, "uh-huuuuh" and walked upstairs. I could hear the sliding door open as he went to tattle on us to my mom. I then hard my name being called by my recently moody mother. She hit me with a metal baseball bat and then chopped my legs off. So we couldn't stay in the basement. It was fun while it lasted. I like it when she plays with my long, knotty, and unconditioned hair.

We decided to visit Lauren. We rang the doorbell and she answered. We sat in silence for about three minutes. She didn't look happy. We went to her room, where she continued to not speak for a long amount of time. So I made a message out of pins and iron-on letters in her carpet.


,is what read in my work of art. She put other clothes on and told us we were going to walk outside. We talked of life and its suckyness. We haven't really had a serious conversation in a while. Then again, we haven't had any conversation in a while. I guess we've both been busy with other things/people. She enjoys the computer while I enjoy skating. I guess we just are never in the same place at the same time anymore. "Is it time, or is it me?" -Comeback Kid

I've come to realize that no matter what life throws at me next, eventually things will get better. Lauren and Jena are friends again. Jonny D and me are finally going to have a band. I'm finally coming to a better understanding of myself and the world around me. Even thought I'm constantly falling down, I think things are looking up.

Sorry this chapter sucked and was too short. Maybe chapter nine will bring you something you can relate to. Maybe I will help someone and not be such a failure. But I have to laugh and say to myself, "This is my life, look up, always."