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Chapter 4

The players:


Leah is not the kind of person I would not normally befriend. She is one of those "girls". The kind of "girl" who spends time planning out an outfit and gets excited about going shopping. She's one of those girls who are rarely satisfied with themselves. She has fair skin and brown hair. One could say she is far from hideous. I met her a few years before this one, like five or so. Our families spent an entire week together when they first met. So we got to know each other pretty well. I remember when we first started hanging out, I think I probably had a crush on her. She liked this kid, Ryan, and she always asked me about him. Man, we were such fetuses then. Even though Leah is not like most of my friends, crazy, loud, obnoxious, or anti-anything, she still is a cool kid. Leah is the first person I call if I need advice about girls or crap like that. Leah always has an open ear and usually an interesting story to tell as well. She's helped me through a couple of "problems" I've had. Thanks Leah! ::thumbs up:: ::wink:: ::teeth glimmer:: We used to talk like every night, but now I'm usually busy not being constructive and she's either doing homework or watching "American Idol". Although Leah wears fashionable clothes, she does play basketball, so she's not afraid to get sweaty. Sometimes the things I say go over Leah's head. At times Leah does some silly things, i.e. trying to soak up cheeze doodles with a paper towel. All that aside, Leah is definately a good person who will suceed in life. We have had some crazy experiences that will probably be referred to in a flashback later on in my "book". Once again Leah, if you are reading, thanks. I hope someday I can help her as much as she has helped me.


What is there not to say about Erin? She is the kind of girl who gets good grades and will definately be financially sucessful. She has brown wavy hair that is an unknown length to me because she usually wears it up. She has perfect lips, someone said they were "Pocahontas lips." I could definately see where they got that from, they are one solid color and shaped just like the cartoon indian's. She dresses like a normal person. She's the kind of girl who thinks proms are important. We met in my church. She is two and a half year older than myself. For the most part, she is quite upfront and open about stuff. We used to date. her parents liked me, they just didn't like me dating their daughter. They said I was immature and uncommitted. I have to admit, they were right. We spent a lot of time poking each other. We held hands and did all that dating crap. We had very different lives. She lived in school, while I slept in school. Our friends were very different from each other. To be honest, whenever we hung out with her firends, I was bored out of my mind. If I had a rope I would've tied a nuce and hung myself right there. When we hung out with my friends, I could tell she was bored out of her mind and embarrassed at our antics. I think she thought we were going to get married. I guess that was one of those teenage fallacies people are always talking about. One year after we had started dating I decided to call it quits. Then I changed my mind, then I changed it again. I said we could have the same friendship, just without the boyfriend/girlfriend part. I said nothing would really change. Let me tell you I was *right*. If three lefts make a right, and three rights make a wrong, then I was right three times. This is my life.


Cecelia one of the coolest womyn I know. She likes ska, so I would call her a Rudie. I met her in my youth group. She just started going this year. She has dark brown hair and I stand a few inches taller than her. Cecelia is the kind of girl who tries to dye her hair with kool-aid when her hair is still wet. She is also the kind of girl who likes to steal accessories from everyone around her and wear them all at once. She's also the kind of girl who lets a kid with a mohwak wear her skirt, and then gives it to him to keep. She's definately a cool kid. Apparently, Cecelia has a lot of guy problems. From what I can gather, she seems to have had bad past experiences with life. Her Mom seems to be a straight laced, over-protective, lady. I haven't really hung out with her outside of youth group, but we're planning on going to some shows. That's not all I can say about Cecelia, but I'm getting sick of typing.


Vinny is the man. He's not just "the man" he's "Theeeeee man." Vinny told me when he first saw me, he wanted to be half of what I was and half of what he was at that point. I'm proud to say he has accomplished that, which is awesome. He is not a carbon copy of me, but he's enough like me to be "the man." Womyn dig Vinny, and I'm sure gay guys do too. Vinny plays sports and skateboards. He is completely original, which as far as I'm concerned, is as punk rock as it gets. His obsession with Mark Weiner and WEINERVILLE is kind of scary, yet entertaining. Vinny is my other skater buddy. He does a lot of the skating, while I do a lot of the breaking into the public skateparks. I'm definately glad I know Vinny. Without him, church woud be full of a bunch of straight faced, teenager hating, mud-slinging, hypocrites. I'd say I love Vinny, but that might sound to love Vinny. Ok. Sorry, I had to throw in some gayness sooner or later. This is my life

br> Heather is the girl who has lived down the street from me all of my life. Unfortunately I did not know she did until, like a year ago. She's a year younger than me, but is definately an awesome kid. She has blondish/brown hair. I can't actually tell. I suck with stuff like that. Heather also dresses like a normal person. The last time I was in Heather's house, I tried to steal her spongebob toy. Sometimes I'll walk to her house and then we'll walk around our ghetto neighborhood. We dodge bullets, and beat off muggers, as we talk of life and silly stuff. I have to thank Heather for being probably the only person who actually is reading this crap. She was the first person to know about my writing a book idea. She's such a cool kid.

I woke up with my eyes crusted shut. I sloppily rolled out of my sleeping vessel and headed to my bathroom. Every floorboard my bare foot touched, squeaked like a mouse in a vice. I forgot to close the bathroom door as I haphazardly tried to urinate into the toilet. Unfortunately, I sneezed and peed all over. Who would've thought a split second disctraction would leave you with piss all over your bathroom? I did my chores and called up Jonny D to see if we were going to have band practice. He said our drummer didn't have his set, so we would have to practice without the drummer at his house. I hung up with Jonny D and realized no one was home to give me a ride. I'm glad my family said good-bye to me before they left. ::sarcasm::

The day went on, as I wasted a chunk of my life watching saturday morning cartoons. Have you noticed that in this time period, all of the saturday morning cartoons are exactly like the T.V. show Pokemon? They are identical to it, only with a different name and characters who are even farther from puberty than the main character in Pokemon. If they are not like Pokemon, then they are probably Japanese animation. Those cartoons bother me. I never got how come all of the people have spikey rainbow colored hair. In the middle of my T.V. watching, Erin called. I answered the phone with a tone of voice I didn't know I had. It seemed as if to say, "What the hell do you want, you are wasting my time, you waste of life." Which is not what I was thinking or meant to come off as thinking. So, she quickly told me I had to be at church at 3:00 to set up for our youth night and then she hung up as fast as she could. This was a problem, I told my mom youth night was like 4:00.

To make a boring story not so boring, I got a ride from Heather. When we got there I rushed to the door and realized I had left Heather in my dust, so I waited for her. When she caught up with me she said "aww." That is the one word I cannot stand. I couldn't see why that was worthy of an "aww" anyway. When we got in, Joe and Vinny were waiting for me.

People, who were going to be our audience, started coming in. Cecelia appeared with a bag full of skirts. Me and Vinny quickly ran to the bathroom and ripped off our pants to put on the skirts. Joe and the other kids wore them over their shorts. I guess they weren't as excited. People shot us looks. They glared at us as if we were roasting dead babies on a grill. The skirts were for our skits we were going to do. The youth leaders thought the skits were going to be haphazard and lame. They thought we were going to be the screw ups.

The other skits were performed and the audience was waiting for something good. Then our skits were announced next. The youth leaders watched on, waiting to see us fail miserably at being entertaining. Our fist act was "vocal instruments". Instead of playing bass, guitar, or drums, we made the noises with our mouths. We covered "The Veggie Tales Theme Song". As soon as we started the tuba intro, the audience roared like a lion with a nail in it's eye. Then our next act was "River dance" to the band, Flogging Molly, hence the skirts. The song started and we engaged in the greatest skank pit ever. I pulled my Mother into the pit. The audience was clapping and stomping to the song. People were cheering us on. We all had the largest grins ever. Skanking, swimming, it didn't matter, we were beasts. The song ended and everyone in the audience went insane. The other skits recieved maybe a ten second clapping. Ours was a rambunctious stand up applause. I shot a glance at the youth leaders, as if to say "Ha, I'm not such a screw upafter all." Me and Vinny went to get a drink and refused to take off our skits after the skit. Leah came up and asked for a hug. I reluctantly agreed. She smiled and we both realized that in all the years we've known each other, that was the first time we ever hugged. I don't know what brought it about, but I quickly forgot and went back to enjoying the feeling of having a skirt on.

Cecelia let us keep our skirts and we're palnning on wearing them again. I had to leave to go to my dad's.

That night, me and Vinny were talking online. It was hours after the show had ended and we both were so hyped up about of performance. Then we both admitted we both were still wearing the skirts. I liked the way the air flowed through mine. Peeing is also very easy wearing a skirt. It's like, easy access. This is my life, admiring a skirt and writing really short chapters for books.