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Chapter 17

The players:

Fred 2

Fred 2 is the descendant of Fred. After skating for so many hours and days, the original Fred lost his pop. He became an unusable skateboard. So I decided to make a new companion in Fred’s image. I found an old scooter board. I put the original Fred’s trucks on the scooter board and hot-glued carpet to the bottom. I spray-painted the top silver and put some art on it. Hence, Fred 2 was created. Fred 2 filled original Fred’s shoes well.


Erika is Shayna’s friend. She’s one of those girls who wear Dickies and hurley t-shirts. Usually I don’t like people of that nature, but she seemed to be a really awesome kid with pretty noble intentions. She has straight dark brown hair and I about as tall as Shayna. That is all I can really say about Erika.

Shayna’s Mom

Shayna’s mom is pretty awesome. She likes Aerosmith and is very friendly. Shayna gave me one of her mom’s denim vests. So she has become automatically cool in my eyes. I’ve only talked to Shayna’s mom a few times, but I can tell she is a good person and a loving mother.

24 hours ago, Fred 2 met his demise. I stood in amazement as reality sunk in. I had pulled off the biggest “all up in your grill” old-school trick ever. Upon my landing, my foot slipped too far back and I landed with all my weight on Fred 2’s tail. The sound of wood cracking echoed as I looked in fear. Joe was beside me, his jaw had dropped and he looked like he was going to cry. I was devastated. Fred 2 was my buddy. Fred 2 was a good skateboard. He never did anyone any harm. He pretty much kept to himself. Fred 2 was always there for me. If I fell and could not get up, I would use Fred 2’s carpet bottom to rest my head upon. I landed my first nose shove-it on Fred 2. We had some great times. Fred 2 was also a people magnet. A lot of girls thought Fred 2 was cute. They admired his carpet bottom and asked me how I did it. Fred 2 was amazing. I am sorry I did not land more tricks with Fred 2. I am sorry to announce Fred 2’s passing. We will always remember you, Fred 2. R.I.P.

I decided to reminisce some of the past events that had happened these past couple of weeks. I often do this to take my mind off of bad things that may have happened. It also is a very cool technique to use when writing a book. Won’t you join me once more, as I travel along the mental time passage into the past?

As you remember in the last chapter, there were some unfortunate events involving Jena, my mother and myself. Well, I am glad to say things are now back to normal. Jena gave my mother a letter of explanation and my mother was happy. My mom wouldn’t tell me what the letter said, but she was flattered to know that Jena thought so highly of her. She also no longer believes that we are “going out”, as the cool kids say. So once more it is ironic how things fall in and out of place. Sometimes they just fall in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ha, a pun.

When Jena came over, we watched the movie Rocket-man. My sister came down to view the movie with us. I was fine with it until she got weird. My sister was being extra weird that day. She was trying to put her hands and my pants and she kept trying to attack me. I think my sister may have a crush on Jena. Jena jokingly told my sister that she was sleeping over. My sister told her she could sleep in her room because she had two mattresses. Jena agreed jokingly once more, and my sister ran upstairs and told my mom excitedly. Jena really didn’t get to watch the movie, she was too busy being entertained by my sister’s antics and my misfortune.

Then, Vincent came over. Me and Vinny were going to work on songs for our new band called ,“Yohan Fuger and The Shoechunks.” Since Jena was there, we decided not to bore her with our song making. Instead, we all sat around and Watched Dependable Youth, Episode 2. It is such a great video. It was cool because Jena and Vinny hadn’t really met before, but they seemed to get along o.k. Then my mom told me Jena had to leave because my mom wanted to go to bed. My curfew has to do with the fact that my mom wants to go to bed at a certain time. Whether I am out with my friends or at the house, all activities must stop before eleven o’clock. Vinny was sleeping over, so he was good to stay. That night we made a whole bunch of songs for the band. I think the sleep deprivation made us so creative and silly.

Days later, I decided I would visit Shayna. I hadn’t gone over her house in a while. So I skated to her house. (without Fred 2) Her friend Erika was over. It was cool because I really had never met Erika before, but we seemed to get along pretty well. When I first saw Erika she seemed very familiar. She reminded me of this girl I met at this Halloween party. I could’ve sworn it was her, but I don’t know for sure. If it was the same girl, she didn’t recognize me. Maybe I was just hallucinating. Maybe I did meet her, only not in this universe. Maybe I met her in a parallel universe and I was experiencing inter-universe déjà vu. In any matter she seemed like a fairly cool kid. Erika straightened my hair for me with Shayna’s hair straightener thingy. After that, I did Shayna’s make-up and they took picture of her dog licking my mouth. Then I was palying the keyboard with Shayna’s mom. She has an awesome mom. It was an eventful day. I guess the only reason I mentioned that was to have a segway for the next section.

Me and my good friend Kevin, were discussing the theories of time travel. We talked about parallel universes and how we could travel between the different universes as long as they shared one instance of time. We talked about it as other people listened and tried to understand what it was we were talking about. I really don’t know why that was important for the readers to know. I shake my head as I continue thinking about other past events.

Joe came over the same day that me and Kevin had the time travel discussion. My parents were having a bar-b-que for some of their friends. They brought along their son who was about eight or nine. Me and Joe went out to skate and the kid followed us. At first he was just watching us, then he was jumping in our way and almost getting hit by cars. That was when I broke Fred 2. I put Fred 2 aside and the kid tried to ride him. I freaked out. He was abusing Fred 2’s mangled corpse. Then the kid took my hat. I tried to be as nice as possible about everything. I knew he had A.D.D. So I tried to be an understanding person. It was utter chaos and hard work. To make a long story less long, they kid left and I sight a breath of relief.

The next day the kid’s parents drove my sister home from bowling. They kid told me he had something for me. He pulled out a skateboard from the trunk of their van. It was an old-school deck. He said, “I knew you needed a new fish board.” I smiled at him and said, “thanks man.” I gave him a high five and realized that that was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me. I guess I was God paying me back for being such a tolerant person. Isn’t it funny how thing fall in and out of place so ironically?