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Refurbished Cranium

Somehow you've managed to stuble across Refurbished Cranium, This is our Ezine, we want to start a mag eventually but we might aswell start at the bottom. We aim to feature Music Reviews, Socio-Political Essays and Writings, and what other random stuff you send in or we decide to put in it. If your looking for socio-political stuff hit up the Socio-Political Ramblings Link, If its Creative writings and other randomness hit up Ramblings of a deranged monkey, and soon we shall have a music section for all to enjoy! Please send us your comments, stories, ideas or whatever at or just put them in the guestbook. Have fun, and remember 'No matter what people say, midgets are NOT pets'
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My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Socio-Political Ramblings
Ramblings of a Deranged Monkey
Becogs the Bongage Bunny
a great GBLT community page
