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Emily's Movie Reviews

Pay It Forward is an amazing movie based on Catherine Ryan Hyde's novel that takes a complex idea of social change and uses a concrete example in a child's school project. An inspiring teacher played by Kevin Spacey challenges his class to a project that asks them to change the world in some way.His choice for the project is to try to do three acts of kindness for three people. He chooses to help his teacher, his mother, and a homeless man. His determination and strenght is admirable while he hope to create a snowball effect. The depth of each character is award winning against the backdrop of a very powerful idea. The movie is a great example to all of one person's empowerment and has an unsurmised ending. I would reccommend everyone to go out and rent this movie and challenge yourself to changing our world.

Real Women Have Curves is an emotionally in-depth movie that highlights a sector of society not normally shown in mass media, the hard working Latina women. This movie portrayes a sub-culture in American society that has real hardships making ends meet, and stars a girl steping in to womenhood with an optimitic and strong-willed persona. Ana played by America Ferrera learns to love her body and develops a healthy body image while evaluating the social and economic realities of her sister dress store, and the conditions of her reality.

Hotel Rwanda is a heart-renching true story based on hotel manager, Paul Rusesabagina's courage in saving over one thousand Tutsi's in refuge from the genocide invoked by the Hutus. This movie is a powerful reminder of the atrocities that are going on in our world, and showing the ignorant nature of our society. Over one million people were killed and most of the world knew nothing. This movie has an important message that we must stay informed about what is going on in our world and not let something like this go on again.

The Motorcycle Diaries is an interesting and fun movie based on the journals of Che Guevara, leader of the Cuban revolution, and his college friend, Alberto Granado. They embark on a motorcycle roadtrip throughout South America and each start with the same goals and ideas, and by the end of the movie are going in two different ways. Their journey is exciting to watch as their kindness strenghtens for people they begin to take different outlooks on life and as the tagline of the movie says the world changes them, just as we learn Che will go on to change the world.