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Letter to the Editor

An open letter to all Rotherham Branch members. Dear Members, I cannot understand the complacency in Rotherham Branch. We have a willing Social Secretary in Barry who is organising trips to various destinations. In the last 6 months we have been to Hull, Manchester, Southport Branch Christmas Party and 2 days out in West Yorkshire, visiting a number of micro-breweries on both occasions. However, the number of people on the trips never exceeded 6!

Asking a number of members why they did not attend any of these trips, the same excuses kept arising: I had got something else planned {what, every time?) or I did not know about the trip - 9 out of 10 are printed in What’s Brewing. This branch has over 180 members and is growing all the time, so let’s support Barry whilst we still can. All the trips are subsidised so we can visit somewhere different instead of going to the same pub and drinking the same beer.

If the trips are not supported, they may cease to exist because the Branch might not continue to subsidise them when so few members can be bothered to make the effort.

K. Spencer

Editors note: Branch trips are open to all, not just members.

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