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Hi everybody...

Well, we have had a very successful few months as far as membership goes. We now have 178 members in the branch. This is due mainly to the members we signed up at Oakwood in February. There were people who joined up just before and there are a few who have joined after.

There are far too many to mention by name since the last issue but welcome to you all and you should have received a letter from me by now with a list of who's who etc on the Branch committee.

The next issue wiil be out just before the Autumn membership promotion and we'll once again be setting our stall out somewhere in the branch, details will be published in the next issue. However, membership is not just special events and times of the year. It is an all year everyday thing so if you know someone interested, get them to join and lets help try to get choice back into the pubs here in Rotherham.

Thanks to you all once again and see you soon,


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