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Welcome to This stupid page

My least favorite things about this page

Hi! Welcome to my webpage...This page is a crappy combinatino of rants, 4 pictures, and what appears to be the most popular part, Ask Moonshine Willy. If this is your first visit, I'd recommend taking a look at the "Ask Moonshine Willy" section, since everyone seems to like him more than me. And he's supposedly funnier, too. Anyway, have a fun stay!


Hey, dingleberries. Moonshine Willy here to update el craptactular webpage. Ask Moonshine Willy part 5 is finally done. So what's in store for the future? Nothing! HAHAHA! sorry. we really are trying to update. Personally, I think we need staff writers. You wouldn't get paid, but you can contribute. Maybe you would get paid. We'll have to see. MSW over and out.
That bastard webmaster...I'm NOT dead. Moonshine merely had such a wonderful spring break he had to sleep off a week long hangover. Wheeee. Seeing how my spring break journal went somthing like this, i don't think it's such a great idea to do post a summary.
So that was MSW's spring break (break from being a homeless bum who breaks into other people's homes and drinks their beer). Look for Ask MSW part 5 sometime in the near future. Translation: Never.


Well, Moonshine didn't update over the weekend with Ask MSW part 5, so I can only assume he's either dead in a sewer drain, or passed out like the alcoholic that he is. One can only hope he's dead so I can stop paying him to update the site. Then again, the content I post is pretty lousy. So maybe, just maybe, I have a small hope that Moonshine "I'm a lazy bastard" Willy is still alive. I'm out.


I see Moonshine did his part in updating the site. It's been a really busy month. Spring Break is coming up soon, so maybe then I'll have time to update and stuff.


Hey, turd-burglers. Moonshine Willy here to update the site. It seems Mr. Webmaster is too damn busy to update his craptacular site, so it's up to good ol' Moonshine to handle the task. Moonshine moved all the news to a different news page, because he was tired of scrolling down so far to get to the superior part of the site, his own advice column. Even though Moonshine doesn't like to admit it, he has grown rather fond of this page, and has come to the conclusion that it must be updated more often or no one will ever want to visit. That's why Moonshine and the Webmaster are going to stick to a schedule of updating nearly every weekend. We'll see how long this lasts, but so far, Moonshine has held up to his end of the bargain. There may be an update during a weekday periodically, but until we get more time and more content, weekends should suffice for now. Should you really want to write for site, contact the webmaster (contact information will be up shortly, probably next week). Moonshine doesn't really know what kind of lunatic would want to write for the site, but if you really want to, so be it. Moonshine decided just an advice column isn't enough, so at some point in the future, "Storytime with Moonshine Willy" will be available. Also look for "The Odd Link of the Week" below (again, sometime in the future). I guess that's it for now, so Moonshine is gonna go drink his earthly troubles away. Ahh, drunken bliss. Later, yo.

Old News Archive here


Captain Planet

Moonshine Willy says Click Here!

Internet Ads

I'm not sure where this goes to.The file name is 'pants'...enter at your own risk.


The President(or at least his answering machine) responds to my letter.

My Uncle Jimmy, the satanist.

The Picture Section! (updated 10/8)

Ask Moonshine Willy!
Ask Moonshine Willy!
Ask Moonshine Willy Part Two!!
Ask Moonshine Willy Part Three!!!
Ask Moonshine Willy Part Four!!!!
Ask Moonshine Willy Part Five!!!!!