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Evelyns Page of HOPE

Welcom To Stars of Hope

Hi my name is Evelyn!!!
I would like to show somethin for the people who lost their loved ones in the
attack on america.
Please remember those who lost their lives that day.
Dont for get what they did...

American Hopes
For our great empire of government and people,
Theres a great absents in our lives.
For the great pergormace that Osama and Al Quada did.
It wouldn't bring us down.

With American grudge aganst Osama, Al Quada and Irag,
It sure will kill our soilders.
It's unbelivable that Bush would go that far,
Why protect our Independence through,
The eyes of war?

With Bush's ideas of war,
Can he insure our Independence.
Can he convence that we as a country,
will be safe.

The journey through war can justifiy Bush judgement.
When Americans see that it can not be done.
The advertisement of hatetred towards Iraq will grow.
American heros still hopes for peace.
American hopes are still strong.