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Hells Legal Documents




Death’s Legal Papers





Picture: False Dawn


Picture: Living in a Bubble

In Which I Poke Fun at a Fast Dying Industry I Hate

Picture: PikaDEAD!, Fortress of Light


Picture: The Future

Law & Disorder

Picture: A Beautiful Day for a Shipwreck

Las Touristas

Picture: Heaven's Trinkets

Profit and Lace

Picture: An Island of my Own

A Heartbreaking Story of Unparalleled Genius

Picture: Satan Loves You (But Not Very Much)

MidEvil (Almost a Horror Story About some Bishop)

Picture: Death's Carnival

How My Computer Died

Picture: This Island Sigma 957

About the Author

Picture: Sailing Into the Sunset




The anthology you hold in your hands (God, I’ve always wanted to say that!) represents a work done over a two year period I faked in one night (actually, a little bit of both…), specifically the night before this anthology was due. As I write this, I have just spent a desperate half an hour trying to track down a closing sci fi piece I wrote about flying eggs that blind the world, but oh well. Voyager ended last night, so I’m still sitting here thinking about how much the series finale could have been improved if a) they paced it better (or, better yet, made it a four-hour episode, which it should have been) b) booted Janeway off screen for a couple dozen more scenes with the OTHER CHARACTERS actually IN THEM uh oh, this has nothing to do with my anthology quick brain storm brain storm ah yes!!! The pieces in this anthology, unlike the Voyager series finale, are perfectly paced, and the main character doesn’t hog the center light for a whole hour and a half (unless you read reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally slooooooooooooowly), so any complaints you may have about anything else, no really ANYTHING (except Enterprise because there is NO WAY you could find something about it I HAVEN'T whined about), then reading this will either sink you deeper into the pit of depression (if you read reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally slooooooooooooowly) or will cheer you up, especially if one of your complaints has to do with Pikachu. He almost gets beaten up in one of my stories (In Which I Poke Fun at a Fast Dying Industry I Hate). I say almost because it’s not REALLY Pikachu. I swear…

Anyway, about the other pieces. The first one is a rollicking good time wrapped up in an epic poem about a fish who rebels against the system (Lox with Rocks), which I would almost be able guarantee you’ll love, if I had a lawyer to deflect the resulting torrents of lawsuits, and the second one is the aforementioned Let’s Beat Up Something That’s Almost Pikachu and Laugh Because It’s a Story So I Don’t Have to Feel Guilty Later story, and the third is a dazzling (slightly rewritten) version of Cinderella I call Plasmadischargella, but you can call it anything so long as it’s a compliment. Remember, if you even THINK about not liking anything in here, I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!! Oh, excuse me. Did I just write that out loud? Stupid question- it’s deliberate and it’s really obvious it is because DUH this is a TYPED introduction- oh never mind.

The fourth piece is Law & Disorder, which isn’t what you think it is. I guarantee that, unless your name starts with a letter and you’re reading this now, in which case I only think it is possible. The fifth is a stunningly brilliant mini-story about a tour group in Australia, and the sixth is Profit and Lace, a story I stuck in here from last year, about a Phoenician and not much else.

Sixth in line is "A Heartbreaking Story of Unparalleled Genius" (and it is too, if I do say so myself [and I do, obviously]), which is about Satan. What can I say? I was weird in the first semester (whether I still am is for you to find out). Assuming you know who Charlotte is, you’ll find this piece funny (I hope).

After this is MidEvil, which would be a horror story if it wasn’t so, well, weird. And it’s not particularly scary, either- just, well, weird. Please hold any complaints about this particular piece for AFTER it stops being relevant, because, well, I just don’t care. Sorry. No I’m not. Never mind.

Eighth and last is "How My Computer Died", an anthropomorphic comedic piece about, obviously, how my computer died. I like this piece a lot, not least because I actually found it shoved somewhere in the back of my English work from sixth grade. I hope you like it too. No, actually, come to think of it, I don’t care. After that is my About the Author, which isn’t. Don’t worry- you’re not the only one confused here. Just ignore it. Trust me. Ignoring things that don’t make sense helps ME continue with my day without my brain exploding. I waste no time on things like why sales tax is ADDED to the bill, why the American people seem to think the Senate system is better than a Parliamentary system (actually I try to stay away from politics altogether), and why we drive on parkways and park on driveways. There, now you’ve got some better things to mull over than why my About the Author isn’t. Good. Okay go read the ACTUAL pieces now. There is NO MORE of this introduction. GO AWAY!!!!!!! Please? I’ll give you another pretty picture…

False Dawn





This one just showed up one day in my freewrite journal. Probably because my freshmen English teacher had just read us "Cows with Guns" (read it, it's very funny and only about 20 pages long).

"Poor little fishies," everyone thought,

As salmon and sea trout were far overcaught-

But everyone loved their delicious pink meat

(Especially when served fresh, with beets).


But one day their thoughts were turned far from the plight

And one angry shellfish put up a fight.

He swam to the bottom of the ocean in haste,

Lest more of his comrades succumb to the baste.




He picked up a big stone, as heavy as he would,

And heaved it to shore like the engine that could.

He threw his great burden into a human,

(Who by sheer chance happened to be Cuban)


He winced and fell over, a rock on his back,

As our hero fish freed his friends from the racks.

They swam out to the sea again, moving swiftly,

Knowing the Cuban would recover quickly.




Our friendly little shellfish soon swam up a horde,

Which went after the humans with rocks (and one board)

No coastline was safe at all from our hero,

Who brought down the pop. census by the sea to negative zero.


His guerrilla fish band, camouflaged as chickens,

Stole up to the shore to give the humans a kickin’.

They snuck into a house, big and pearly white,

And broke things up for the remainder of the night.







They hurriedly swam back before the press got to them,

Hauling behind them paintings and a hundred gems.

They swam to New York and had a big party,

While our crustacean friend looked all high and mighty.


The police couldn’t catch them at all (or so it seemed)

Not with fish food or worms or even hooked spleens.

They chased them from Burma to Jamaica to their great lair,

Where they were caught trying on newly stolen footwear.


They were all hauled off before a court judge,

Who noticed that all of her records were smudged!

She snuck off to punch some teeny-boppers

When who should appear, but lobsters in ‘copters?!?


As the crustaceans gunned down the lawyers,

Reporters and thrill-seekers (the preferred term for voyeurs)

Our hero and his band escaped to the sea.

You wouldn’t try to live on the coast, were you me.




Living in a Bubble

In Which I Poke Fun at a Fast Dying Industry I Hate

This story got brought in so often for "comments" when I was too lazy to write anything that my classmates began to actually beg me not to bring it in anymore. Really. I made the picture near the end out of a picture of Chernobyl's nuclear reactor, a picture of Pikachu from the WB's website, and about fifteen minutes with the Paint program. Adobe? Nah.

Disclaimer: Any relation to existing fictional characters with or without brains or other vital organs is entirely coincidental. Pukeatchu is not supposed to represent Pikachu. I swear. Really. Professor Bloak is NOT Professor Oak, Hairy AIN’T Gary, Cash doesn’t represent Ash. You can trust me on this one. Really. I swear.


Cash stopped, looking around desperately for his little orange chinchilla friend Pukeatchu. He had awoken to find his disgustingly cute little buddy out of his customary Pukeyball, and no one, not even Professor Bloak, knew where he was.

"Pukeatchu! Where are you?!?!" He screamed, frustrated. He had looked everywhere in his hometown (Peagreen City). Everywhere, that is, except at the house of his longtime rival, Hairy.


Hairy looked over at his computer monitor. Another four point two three sec… oh wait, now it's three point six seven eight… oh forget it. Soon, he would know the secret of the ultimate Poketheman ability: Turbo Cuteness. Turbo Cuteness was that secret ability that had allowed his rival, Pukeatchu's trainer Cash, to win the last forty-seven Poketheman competitions at the local gym. He was reeeeaaaaally sick of losing.

He glanced at the monitor. Yes! He had it! He unplugged Pukeatchu, who promptly bounced away in a disgustingly cute show of finesse. He vomited repeatedly into a nearby trash can. No matter. He would now create a Poketheman far more powerful than any that had ever come before. He cackled maniacally as he stirred toxic waste and essence of Cute into the mixture. Pressing the magic button that created the Poketheman, he watched as the mixture solidified into a form. It resembled a particularly chubby squirrel, with a nuclear sign on its belly. Hairy laughed again as the cute little instrument of pain said its first word. "Chernobyl!"


* * *


The next day, at the big competition, Cash and Pukeatchu showed up early for a little extra practice. Hairy, not wanting to tip his hand, waited until the first and only match of the day (between Cash and Hairy, as luck would have it) to let his little Chernobyl out of the Pukeyball. Pukeatchu quizzically looked at the new Poketheman, then activated his Ultimate Cute Defense Grid, which enabled it to always win by virtue of being cute. Chernobyl used his special Atomic Fallout attack to melt the barrier, and zapped Pukeatchu with Chernobyl's Anti-Cute Ray, which promptly activated a big gloved hand which slapped the poor critter silly. Pukeatchu desperately tried to counter this fast-moving hand of death, but was soon outclassed by the superior Chernobyl. Cash fell

to his knees, defeated.

At that exact moment, Chernobyl began to evolve. What could be worse than a nuclear meltdown? Hairy wondered as the cute little form shrank and grew. Abruptly the change stopped, and where Chernobyl had stood flew a little fat IRS agent with wings and a briefcase.

"Mister Stevenson!" chirped the new creature.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed Cash desperately. "NOT THAT!!!! PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!"

His cries alerted a nearby band of lawyers from the Pokemon© franchise, who immediately ran over to the copyright infringement.

"Mister Stevenson! Use Audit!" Hairy screamed as the lawyers attacked. Cash promptly fainted, and Pukeatchu escaped to appear on knockoff merchandise to be sold to naïve little American preteens.




Fortress of Light




A Retelling of the Classic Story of Cinderella (After Fire Was Replaced With Plasma in 2459 A.C.E.)

I had fun with this one.

Once upon time that hasn't happened yet, there lived a little girl named Xerki with her loving father. Her mother had died shortly after she had been born, and her father had been looking for a replacement unit ever since. They lived on a large space colony in a sprawling metal building with a great big garden and fields for livestock. They loved living on a robotic cow farm; no work and lots of money. This made several ambitious women try out for the job position of Wife/Mother. Sadly, none of them had the right resumes for the job; all of them lacked job experience. That is, until the Countess Riecheliue interviewed for the job. She had eight years of experience working with four different husbands, and had two daughters to boot. This made her the ideal candidate for the position, and she was promptly hired.

Shortly after the Countess and her spoiled daughters moved in, Xerki's father died under mysterious circumstances. Her wicked stepmother quickly sent Xerki to a position just below that of the head robot, and for the next ten years she was kept busy cleaning and cooking for her wicked stepfamily.

Four days after Xerki's uncelebrated eighteenth birthday, the feudal leader of the colony announced that instead of having the standard resume/interview process for applicants desiring the job as Leader's Son's Wife, he would instead by having a quaint little thing called a "ball", which hadn't been done for almost eight hundred and ninety-three years, and applicants would be judged by how well they could adapt to sixteenth-century style dress, customs, and dance. All the girls from the not insubstantial colony between the ages of sixteen and twenty-three were invited to participate.

At first, Xerki was excited by the chance to attend a social gathering, but her stepmother absolutely forbid it. So poor Xerki was locked in her ground-level room with a special robot to guard her, and the stepmother busily went out to buy some bodices and headdresses.

Poor Xerki was sobbing uncontrollably when there was a loud clap and a short, fat, middle-aged woman in a bright blue cloak appeared out of nowhere. At first, Xerki was taken by surprise, but the soothing appearance of the woman calmed her. "Hello," the little woman said. "It's been eight hundred ninety three years four months and sixty-seven days since the last time I was summoned, but my skills are still up to par. Would you like to go to the ball, then?" Xerki nodded (actually, she shook her head, but since that meant yes by then, there's really no need to confuse you), and the little woman waved her wand, said something obscure in Arabic, and immediately Xerki's comfortable and fashionable work overalls were replaced with an itchy, drafty, and utterly stunning outfit that accentuated her not inconsiderable natural beauty. She was dressed in shining cloth-of-platinum, a pretty if cheap commodity, with a generous crystal headpiece and embroidered flowers at strategic points to give a person an excuse to stare at them. The crowning touch was a pair of pure leather heels, an object so rare that the only four known to be in existence were in the respective collections of the Smithsonian, the Vatican, the Mars Grand Museum, and the quarters of the First Spouse's office.

Xerki was so surprised by this that at first she tried to sit to take them off and admire them, but found that she couldn't in the bulky dress. The lady stopped her. "You wouldn't happen to have any rodents or creatures of the canine persuasion, would you?" asked the lady hopefully.


"I didn't really expect so. How about robots? Call up seven, please, and be quick about it."

Once the seven robots were in position, the lady waved her wand again, and immediately six were turned into a highly fashionable pure silver hovercar, with the last as the chauffeur. Highly excited, Xerki climbed into the car. As the chauffeur zoomed the car off, the lady shouted one last warning to Xerki; "Remember! It only lasts until four a.m.!"


Xerki sauntered into the ball, where the applicants and various male courtiers were clumsily attempting to waltz. She strode up to the son-of-the-Leader and took his hand. He had been coached very well, and with the magical knowledge the lady had gifted her with, Xerki easily kept up with him. They twirled about the dance floor as the Leader pointed excitedly to her and cried to his courtiers, "That's the most adaptable woman in the realm! She's got the job!" No one could give the couple the news, though, as they never slowed down.

Before she knew it, the auto-timekeeper was striking three fifty-nine. She gasped and ran out of the hall, pursued by the breathless son-of-the-Leader and his father. She tripped and dropped her elaborate crystal headpiece. She ran back to the hovercar and got home just in time to prevent losing her car midair. She ran to her room and collapsed, exhausted, into her sleeping anti-gravity field as the dress dissolved into her usual overalls.

Meanwhile, the son-of-the-Leader quickly made a head cast of the headdress and cross-referenced it with all known females on his computer. Four hours later, he strode up to Xerki's stepmother and told her that Xerki was his new wife, then blew open the door to Xerki's room with his blaster and told her. Offended by his demand for her, she rabbit-punched him in the jaw, then accepted. They were married the next day, and lived happily ever after (except at the annual downsizing, but at that point everyone was nervous).



The Future


Law & Disorder

This story, like the next one, is from seventh grade. This one here was a story about what my teacher called "plausible chaos" - she had rejected my story about a whale mysteriously imploding on Wall Street.

The law office was the picture of efficiency. The secretaries bustled, the bosses ordered, and the attorneys sued. Plastic plants lined the hallways, and janitors dusted their fake leaves, The plants would not have been there at all, save that, in a recent poll, customers had felt 90% more comfortable with some illusion of nature.

Bulletin boards were precisely placed between every two plants, with office doors alternating with them. Elevators were located at either end of the hallway, with a drab, bluish-gray carpet stretched between them. Fluorescent lights revealed a multitude of secretaries and interns on various errands for the bosses, with the occasional attorney among the throng of servitude-bound coffee-carriers with little hope of raises in the next year.

It was into this sterilized environment that Roy Tiller wandered into. The 350-pound would-be globe-trotter (who had been celebrating his birthday by drinking inordinate amounts of beer roughly an hour ago) exited the elevator at the fourteenth floor, and began to meander down the hallway. His enormous gullet toppled a hapless intern who hadn't been looking where he was going, spilling the intern's coffee over the overworked employees, who responded by screaming loudly and stomping their feet, causing even more people to flood the hallway. Coffee mingled freely with sweat, and doors were flung open by the force of plastic plants and tack-spewing bulletin boards hurled into them amidst the chaos.

Roy stumbled drunkenly down the hallway, mumbling about the prices of tea in India and asking incoherent questions about the whereabouts of various places, including the Space Needle, George Washington’s head, and the nearest restroom outside a distance of 3.167832 miles.

He tripped over a fallen worker who was bleeding from the head. He fell and, as he grabbed for a handhold, pulled the fire alarm. As the klaxons sounded, he fell unconscious and was subsequently trampled by the outpouring members of the practice surging out into the hallway.

Roy was unconscious, but the damage he had caused continued, and soon the building was deserted. In the mere two minutes and forty-eight seconds he had been there, the hall had fallen from sterilized perfection to its present appearance; like the remains of a paper cat that had just run a marathon through Hell and then disgorged every meal it ever ate along with all of its internal organs onto a large slab rock.

Once Roy awoke, he was promptly set upon by a rabid group of lawyers who tried to eat his tie. After fighting them off with an imaginary lamp, he wandered off to wreak havoc on another town, I don’t know, Singapore maybe.




Nice Day for a Shipwreck


Las Touristas

This one was a fun assignment, about personifying non-sentient objects.

The tour group clustered together around the minuscule object, their pudgy protrusions rippling with disbelief that they were privileged to see what others could not- an ancient Mayan toothpick that had somehow found itself wedged in a rock somewhere in central Australia. The tour guide gently pressed her cattle prod into the throng, and within moments she had put the artifact back into its seclusion box, where the toothpick found itself approximately 75% of the time. To amuse itself, the poor artifact had taken to self-taught Zen rituals in its time alone, and had incidentally become quite masterful at it.

The line of gullible, pudgy men in Hawaiian shirts and women in tight, form-fitting khakis and T-shirts, purchased at the gift shop, stretched as far as the eye could see over the horizon; their vast multitude of personal boxes with irritating lights on them that flashed when you were trying to hold your eyes open for the picture clinking and clanking as they tripped over the uneven terrain of the archaeological museum's carefully manicured floors. The hapless tour guide used a large, bright neon sign (that, as most chemists would happily point out, was not made with even so much as a particle of neon) to herd the mass back into the buses for their trip across the ocean to New Zealand, where they would be separated into smaller groups as the guides there hunted out the weak and forced them to pay ten times the normal price for a tour of the island. At least the "Outback Safari" tour guide from the mainland would be able to avoid the smaller island, thus staying away from the teeming mass of uneducated rich white tourists with far too many cameras.

Finally, the bus pulled up in front of a massive ferry, then onto the ferry itself. It took up several of the car parking spaces by ceasing its movement in that particularly evil way that only the drivers of buses and especially large vans seem able to manage, effectively blocking approximately 14 parking spaces in the process.

The packed bus began to slowly unload passengers; people dressed in exactly the same shirts and pants that differed only in color from one another began to fall out of the portal onto the deck. One man, in a shirt that seemed to perfectly capture that shade of green that da Vinci would rather cut off his ear than use, and possessing an abnormally large multitude of personal black boxes with lights on them, tripped while stepping down from the bottom step onto the blacktop. He flew through the air, arms flailing and personal gadgetry flinging itself in a variety of odd directions, until he finally seemed to stabilize himself on the ground by ramming his face into the foot of another tourist, who promptly kicked him, sending him flying once again, this time into the swirling waters of the harbor. His cameras all fell off and floated in different directions; the poor fat man was visibly torn between which one to go after, but was unable to pursue any of them as his immense number of chins seemed to be constantly in the way. He started to sink, but the boat took no mind and sped out of the harbor, leaving the poor man to the mercy of the water, which, as it so happens, dislikes pudgy white men in Hawaiian shirts and khakis possessing a vast multitude of personal gadgetry. . .


Heaven’s Trinkets



Profit and Lace

By Jeff

I wrote this one in seventh grade. I still don't know why.

Lom walked down the pier. Ships, orderly and dignified in their lines, rose out of the dank and filthy water to greet him as he passed. He sighed. So many wasted trees of cedar from his homeland had gone into these ships, most likely only to be destroyed when their inept crews managed to somehow get themselves into inescapable punishment. The cedars of Phoenicia were like a personal treasure to him.

Not that he minded the fact that they were being sold by the dozen in the slightest. He merely disagreed with the price. After all, these trees had been the Pharaoh's sole arrival of wood for the past decade, and his brethren could get so much more money for it. Money. The mere thought of it made Lom smile.

Someday, he thought, someday I'll have my own island, and spend all of days in leisure, surrounded by wealth. Someday, this filthy rat of a boss will wish he had given me more credit as his employee. He won't be able to make a cent anywhere!

He walked briskly (or rather, should I say, slithered) out of the Timano harbor. Timano was a tiny town, one that most people would say "nestled in the hills between the lands of Phoenicia and Greece", its tiny harbor sticking out "into the placid waters of the Mediterranean", which was neither placid or, according to Lom, actually water at all. But to Lom, it lurked. It was a huge black scab in the middle of a forest of greens, bloated and fat. Its harbor was a drop of mud on an otherwise flawless green-blue jewel; he hated the town, and, by association, hated its occupants as well.

Laggards, drunks, slaves, the odd merchant or two, and dozens of beggars lined the streets, blisters on top of the larger blister that was Timano. People dressed in black were everywhere; indeed, Lom was unsure whether the filthy garments were intended to be black or had started off as a much more pleasant color, such as the vibrant shade of green that he never wore because it would get dirty.

That is not to say, though, that he particularly liked the surrounding countryside particularly either; he found that so much green often made him nauseous. He simply hated the city more than he hated the surrounding hillsides.

His eyes must have been glazed over, because several of the people around him had turned to stare. They think I'm a drunk! Lom realized with surprise. The sly, paper-thin Phoenician hadn't had a drink for over two hours, so he had no idea why they all thought so. He glared back, causing giggles among the younger of the crowd. He turned and raced off back through the harbor to his place of employment.

He passed by establishment after establishment, ignoring everything but the titles on their fanciful screens. The Blue Dog. The Pharaoh’s Inn. The Icy North. The Seaweed Queen. The Dead Woodchuck. Ah, here he was at last.

He sauntered into the Dead Woodchuck, an aptly named establishment if there ever was one. It smelled like a dead woodchuck, it looked something like a long-dead woodchuck, and, of, course, it was about the size of dead woodchuck. The tall Phoenician shuddered at the thought of having to occupy the same immediate area as the patrons of the bar, no more than insects in his eyes. He had tried, once, to convince his boss to expand a little and free up some more room, but his boss, a burly Sicilian of doubtful lineage from somewhere on one side of the Strait of Messina (presumably Sicily), had only gone on and on about how Lom needed his "personal space". Lom had agreed with him, yes; he required more then a centimeter of unoccupied space around him to do his job effectively. The boss had just laughed in his face when he said that, even though Lom doubted he knew what a centimeter was.

He shrugged his thoughts off as he entered the bar and took up his familiar position by the window. His job was overcharging hapless victims of the bar and stealing their money by telling them the ingredients in their drinks were far more exotic than they really were and pocketing the extra change, thus effectively turning a reasonable profit. In shorter terms, Lom was a bartender. That didn't mean that he enjoyed listening to the familiar tales of grief and woe that were being constantly told to him under the myth that bartenders are good listeners; indeed, he hated that. Therefor, he mused, I am a bad bartender. His tiny eyes glittered. Not that it mattered that he was a bad bartender; indeed, all it meant was that he was less likely to get hired doing it at some other bar.

The day dragged on. It was a virtually boring and uneventful time; he only had to break up fourteen bar fights, a record low. He went about his job and closed the bar early, taking his extra change next door to the Seaweed Queen.

As he entered the door, he sighed happily. He walked up to the rather old and unattractive lady and asked for a room, and laid the money down flat on the board she used as a desk. She grinned at him as she pocketed his money, and tossed an old key at him, telling him to let himself in and that the hotel only paid for breakfast eaten between five and five-thirty in the morning. He grinned weakly back at her, and slowly trudged up the staircase to his room. He’d sleep in a flea-infested old barge of a bed and probably strongly regret waking up in time for breakfast, but he just couldn’t afford the island just yet.

An Island of My Own


A Heartbreaking Story of Unparalleled Genius

I wrote this story about my friend Charlotte (she's Satan). But for the anthology, she asked me to change it. There's really not a lot more to say about it.

Disclaimer: All events and people in this story are fictional. Any similarity to existing persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Really. Also, that other guy who wrote some book called "A Heartbreaking Work of Unparalleled Genius" stole it from me. I swear.


Amanda was a kind, loving 12-year-old girl, mildly popular, a member of the upper middle class; she got consistent good grades (although nothing spectacular), bought from fund raisers, and talked to her grandparents on the phone at least once a week. She was neat but not excessively so, and just about everyone who talked to her left feeling just ever so slightly better about their problems, although once again not spectacularly unburdened. In other words, Amanda was everything you could ask for in a daughter; she was just good enough at everything to inspire pride, but so good at anything that it became annoying. She was a pleasant person to be around at any hour of the day or night, and was well thought of by everyone.

That is, until she began to thirst for human blood.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back and see how it all began…


* * *


"WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DO THAT?!?!" Amanda screamed at the advertising screen at the local mall. It was currently attempting to make everyone in the area desperate to buy a brand-new lawn mower that was the same as every other product the company had ever made, except colored differently and with a new logo on the front. She located the nearest person using her innate ESP abilities and lunged, biting at his neck. She overestimated the distance, though, and went hurling over the railing to land in the center plaza, two levels down. She recovered quickly and ran for the nearest exit…


* * *


Okay, so that wasn't far enough back. Let's try again…




* * *


Amanda looked around the park, dazed as a cow that had been pummeled repeatedly in the forehead with a large metal object. Recognizing her current state from her psychology course, she started looking around for her comfort food (chicken pot pies, actually). To her complete and total lack of surprise (due no doubt to the whole cow/metal object thing), there was one floating approximately three and a half feet of the ground in the center of a burning pentagram. She reached out for the succulent treat, and grasped it firmly in her left hand, drawing it toward her. This also brought the pentagram. She shook her hand wildly, trying to lose the pentagram.

"No, pentagram! It's my chicken pot pie!" she whined at the satanic symbol. A particularly loud satanic sigh echoed through the park and the pentagram disappeared.

Amanda took a bite. Suddenly, a new force wrapped itself around her mind and a voice spoke into the rapidly failing light…

"Hello, Amanda. My name is Satan. You may call me 'you horrible fiend' or Stan, depending on your personal views regarding Satanism. I prefer Stan. It's so much more dignified."


* * *


And so Satan possessed Amanda. Her glorious long blond hair rapidly turned brown, then a sickly red. She began to torture small mammals. No, not kindergartners you sicko. That would be evil. Smaller than that… like squirrels and bunnies and stuff. She shrank to a mere five foot six from her previous five foot six and three quarters of an inch. And, of course, she started reading trashy romance novels, the most powerful tool of the devil. She began to develop powerful extrasensory perception and other innate abilities. Practice with her new telekinetic ability rapidly turned her room into a scale model of Chernobyl, and the Evil Eye quickly turned her eyes a malevolent red.

Finally, Amanda couldn't stand it anymore. She went to a local synagogue while Satan slept and asked about exorcisms. To her surprise, there were no evil spirits that possessed and controlled human beings in the Jewish religion practiced in her area, but she was advised to go next door to the local cathedral, as Christianity has an abundant supply of demons, vampires, werecritters, and the like.

The priest at the cathedral agreed to do the exorcism in exchange for nifty hubcap Amanda had stolen off his car (which he didn't recognize for some reason), and promptly freed Amanda of the evil spirit.

Satan, surprised to awaken outside the head of Amanda, flew straight to the nearest hospital and possessed a newly born little girl. The combination of pure innocence and pure evil altered Satan ever so slightly, making him into a hippie. The newborn kept all the evil.

When the parents finally stopped arguing about what to name the little girl, they came in and whispered to the sleeping manifestation of evil,

"Sleep, Charlotte. Charlotte Wing."


Satan Loves You (But Not Very Much)


(Almost a Horror Story About some Bishop)

I wrote this story about three years ago - in 8th grade. It was the winning entry in a horror story competition. My English teacher thought it was an excellent example of horrific comedy. It was supposed to be serious.


Bishop Leo l preached. It was his divine duty, as the Bishop, to preach. Only now his preaching had a new meaning. To ruin his hated enemy, the king of England. He could dimly recall a time when they had been friends, sharing jokes and the occasional game of chess. How he hated the game. Ever since that fateful night when he had beaten the king, and lost half of his servants, he had hated it. But he hated the King even more.



"Fight!" screamed the household. A ring of servants, of the Bishop and the King alike, had gathered to watch one of the priests being beaten up by the cook. King Philip watched from the North Tower, a thin smile playing around his lips as he watched the action below.

"Your Eminence, my Sovereign, the peasants are revolting!" Panted the plump Head of the Military.

"Fool. Just a fight betwixt servants. I should like to watch it.

"My Lord." Replied the Head, embarrassed.




Leo sighed. It had been a trying day. First the frog. Then the wine. And now he had come down with a fever. The King would have to pay for this. He ordered all of the King’s undergarments burned. Then, as an afterthought, he ordered all the King’s meat cooked without salt. The king would be in vapors when he found out about this. He did not care what the king’s retaliation would be, but he didn’t care. For the first time since the feud began, he tucked his daughter in to bed.




King Philip IX smiled. It was not a pleasant expression, the evilness and fiendishness of it clouding his normally pleasant features. However, of late, the smile had appeared more and more often as his feud with the Bishop heated. It was too bad the cheat had forced him to this point. He had smiled when the frog appeared in the Holy Water, and when the servant had "accidentally" spilled wine on the Bishop’s ceremony robes, and when the herb had been placed in Leo’s food and ale, but this time, this time, he was going to hurt him. And not just a little either. This was going to hurt.





Katherine screamed as the filthy hand crept across her covers and grabbed her nightgown. She screamed again. A second hand placed itself firmly over her mouth. Noxious fumes buffeted her nostrils, and she passed out, dreaming of disembodied hands ands smoke that burned her lungs.

When she came to, Katherine was dangling by her nightgown over the cliffs that lined the coast of her country. Where was her daddy? But the sound of her nightgown ripping overwhelmed her poor eight-year-old mind, and she screamed as she fell 40,000 feet to the waiting tideline, where her scream was suddenly silenced.


The Bishop felt strange. Something was very wrong. He had an unusual feeling of emptiness, and it had never happened to him before. Eventually, he decided to take a solitary ride down the beach. Yes, that would clear his mind nicely, and his God would once again receive his undivided attention, with the sole exception of his daughter, who he had loved tenderly since the death of her mother 7 years ago. She had fallen off the cliff near the beach, falling, falling- he broke the thought off. Time for his ride.

His mount splashed through the surf, navigating the area near the cliff. It was then that he saw the body, in the water. From this distance, it appeared to be that of a woman, but he couldn’t tell more. Quickly, he made the sign of the cross over his body and dismounted, running to the body. He turned it over, and he realized that it was that of a very young woman, maybe eight or nine years old. He pulled the hair back, and recognized it.

It was his daughter.


King Philip smiled cruelly as the sound reached his ears. It was that of an animal in torment, beyond redemption, damned to the ninth hell for eternity. He remembered making that sound when his wife, the love of his life, had died of leprosy. He had been there, had seen the skin hanging of her bones, her arms and legs limply dangling off the bed. How he had fumed at that Bishop, and his mumbo-jumbo about the will of God, when a simple herb would have sufficed to allow her life. He hadn’t blamed the Bishop then, but now, he recognized the fact: the Bishop was a demon from hell, sent to torment him. Now that he thought about it, he could see a good deal of things that the Bishop had caused, from the buttons falling off his shirt (a curse) to the werewolf he had seen. Or might have. He wasn’t quite sure, but he did know one thing. It was all the Bishop’s fault.


Leo was crazed. He grabbed a knife, one of the ceremonial ones, but it would have to do. After all, all he had to do was torture the… the… thing that was revered as King, and then slit his own throat. Your death will be avenged, Katherine! he vowed. Inching along the wall, he reached the tree that sat just outside the King’s rooms. He wormed his way into the room, and made his way silently to the bed, where the King was asleep. He raised the knife, and-

"That is quite enough of that."

Leo whirled around. There stood the Head of the Military, smiling in the dark night.

All the thing that had once been the Bishop could do was gurgle. He lurched to the window, separated from his goal, and leaped out. Like his daughter and his wife before him, his body crumpled like trash thrown away upon the cold ground.

He felt a tide of disappointment wash over broken body. The King was still alive. Oh, well. I’ll see him in Hell. And with a final sigh, Bishop Leo l’s breath ceased.



Death's Carnival


How My Computer Died


I have absolutely no idea where this one came from. I found it in a folder on my computer marked "English Class 1998" though, so that should give you a hint.

I walked into my room. My clock blinked uncertainly at me as I sat upon my bed. As though he sensed my poor mood, he leaned inward, sagging as though to pull me into one of his huge bear hugs. I resisted, pulling off the bed, pacing the room. As I wandered toward the door, it pushed its handle forward eagerly. Once again, I turned away. This time, I moved toward my desk, planning to play a tension-releasing game of Kill-Kill-Kill. Even my computer resisted me though, its stubby face peering at me curiously, it’s thin, tiny hand determined to make me play the boring game I-Will-Not-Get-Mad. Even my chair tried to massacre me, pulling me into its depths so I didn’t want to get up. I picked up a book of essays and leafed through the pages. Everything in it was on controlling stress and tension release. I threw the book onto my bed, which eagerly accepted any excuse to sag comfortably forward, inviting me in. "MY FURNITURE IS AGAINST ME!" I screamed. The furniture made grunting noises and even the computer whirred knowingly. I sighed. If I couldn’t release my tension one way, I had to do it the way that my vicious furniture (again a whirring from the computer.) I sank into the comforting depths of my bed, and slept. I dreamed of barbaric furniture determined to prevent me from killing something, and my computer whirred so loudly I woke. My computer grinned an annoying innocent smile particularly reserved for the guilty party. I sighed, and turned over. At least they weren’t throwing cheese at me.

When I awoke sometime during the next week, I noticed that there was a large, extremely unfriendly-looking stapler sitting on my forehead. When I tried to brush it off, I (to my horror) discovered that it had somehow managed to tape itself to my hair. By the time I managed to extricate my innocent head from this particularly fiendish deathtrap, my hair had been pulled out in great lumps. I sighed and threw the stapler at my computer, which promptly exploded in a very satisfying boom. If the furniture wants war, then they’ve GOT IT.



This Island Sigma 957



Bill Clinton was born in 1663 to Nefertiti and Czar Nicholas II. The couple raised him to be their sole heir and when they died, he inherited their family farm in Cuba, which was soon taken away from him due to the Chinese cultural revolution. After returning to Brazil to invent fire and patent several designs for his brand new computer type, the Macintosh, he returned to India to study ancient Mayan cultures. After receiving his Ph.D. in Oceanography, he proceeded to implement that skill by becoming the Prime Minister of Britain. However, his scientific dreams were cut short when the Nazis attacked Antarctica in the Battle of Troy, and he was drafted into the Israeli Army to defend against the hostile forces of the Japanese. He later attended Berkeley to study modern Medieval literature, and soon received his complimentary tickets to the World Fair in Mississippi. Eventually he died of black lung disease in 2458.

His legacy remains today in the Smithsonian Institute’s NEW Antarctic facilities.


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Sailing into the Sunset