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Mountain Talk'n

Did you ever wonder how people talked living way up yonder in them mountains?

Mountain folk living way back in America’s Appalachian Mountains have a mite different talk than most folks. Their speech and way of life dates back to earlier times when life was more relaxed. Here are some examples of “mountain talk’n.”

A-Fixin’ – Getting ready. “We’re a-fixin’ to go down the holler.”

Aim – To intend to do something. “I aim to buy a new cow.”

Askeered of – Afraid of something. “He’s askeered of his own shadow.”

Awful Poorly – feeling very ill. “Mrs. P been feeling awful poorly lately.”

Biggety – Stuck up. “He’s been acting biggety here lately.”

Book Read – Educated. “We aim for John Boy to get book read whenever.”

Bresh – Brush. “Looks like Jim Bob forgot to bresh his hair.”

Chaps – Childen. “Tell the chaps to go wash up.”

Crick – Stiff muscles or joints. “Ole Ben got a crick in his neck.”

Cuttin’ Up – Making a fool of ones self. “John Boy was cuttin’ up again last night.”

Dask – to dare. “Don’t you dask tell John Boy Erma’s got a crush on him.”

Doin’s – An event or function. “We’ll be serving fried chicken at the church doin’s.”

Et – Eat. “Did you et already?”

Fetch – To get something. “Best go fetch the doc.”

Fibbed – To lie. “Skeeter fibbed on John Boy bout swipping that watermelon.”

Fur Piece – A good distance away. “Erma’s mama lives a fur piece from her own folks.”

Gander – To look at. “Take a gander at Skeeter’s breeches.”

Gully-Washer – A hard rain. “Laud, we got a gully-washer last night.”

Hesh Up – Shut up, be quiet. “Make John Boy hesh up.”

Holler – A small valley down in the mountains. “Erma said she’s goin’ down in the holler.”

Kivver – Covered. “Laud, them young-uns can't keep no kivver on.”

Lollygag – To loaf around, do nothing. “Ole Butch been lollygagging around for years.”

Naw – No. “Naw, I never took no moonshine.”

Parts – An area, neighborhood. “Been livin’ in these parts few 30 years or more.”

Peaked – Pale or sickly looking. “You lookin’ peaked today.”

Pizen – Poison. “I heared George, Jr. almost pizened his self with moonshine.”

Plumb – Completely. “I’m plumb fed up with the way them Camden's carry on.”

Poke – Paper bag. “Sarah put the vegetables in a poke.”

Put Out – Angry or mad. “Ole Doc was put out ‘bout the church meeting.”

Shet – to shut. “Shet the window.”

Skittish – Nervous. “Them horses get right skittish before a bad thunderstorm.”

Smack-Dab – Exactly. “Ben shot that bear smack-dab between the eyes.”

Smart – To hurt. “It shore did smart when John Boy’s horse bit me.”

Vittles – Food. “Yall come over Saturday evening for some vittles.”

Whupped – Whipped. “Pa gave me the whupping of my life when I sobered up.”

Yall Come – Come back again. “Bye, Skeeter. Yall Come.”

You’ns – You or you all. “You’ns ain’t go see Erma tonight are you?”

Real live Mountain Folk

©1999 jcpinkerton

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