Dude, penguins kick ass

A forum that I run, go there or suffer my wrath!
Reasons why penguins kick ass:

visit these l33t sites

Click here for the BEST Hit Exchange! Kyle's site, cool and cowish
Aidan's site
click this link to make the all powerful penguins more powerful
My rant on penguins, a must see!
Penguin's Cult From Hell

Hey everyone welcome to my satanic penguin-worshiping website, like you all know penguins kick ass, and so do I. Penguins are so cute and fuzzy that no one suspects them of their demonicness until it is too late and they get their asses kicked by the penguins. Kory is so fat and gay, how is it that EVERY TIME one of us loses an expensive, rare, hard to find magic card that that bastard ends up with it somehow? Hmm? "Oh, i found it in a box under my bed. My parents got me it!" Shut up, you humoungous pulsating pile of gay! He is so fucking stupid that sometimes I would like nothing more than to beat his head in with a 2 by 4! Heres how the basic conversation with Kory goes: "Blah blah blah blah blah gay blah blah blah blah I'm fat blah blah." That's Kory for you. He's so fucking fat, it's a wonder he can fit in the school, let alone his car. I swear you can tell he's coming when you hear a car in the distance creaking from some tremendous weight that must be on it. He's so incredibly gay that he looks at hentai, that disgusting toon porn. What the fuck is up with hentai anyway? It's so incredibly fucking disgusting. If you want to look at naked women, get a playboy or hustler, that's what they are there for, dumbass. Hentai is so fucking nasty, I don't see how anyone can look at it and not puke. It's just the idea of some fat lazy gay bastard (Kory, cough cough) getting his jollies by looking at cartoon titties, that revolts me. Kory also brags about the stupidest fucking things that couldn't possibly exist. "Oh, I've already beaten Halo on legendary, I played the Japenese import version on the PS2!" You fucking retard, first of all, it's a MICROSOFT game, it's not in Japan, and secondly, it's not on the PS2! "Well, I played it, so there!" Moron! Show me the game! "No, I don't want to show anyone! Duh duh duh! I'm fat and gay! Huh huh that was funny!"

Email: fuzz_e_penguin@yahoo.com
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