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Pan's Grove

Everyone loves Greek god Pan!

Lesser Known Facts about Pan

Pan says that you are the

sprite to visit the grove since Beltain 1996.

Hi! I'm Nella and we at the

Pan's Grove Committee

The Pan's Grove Magazine

has made Pan's Grove our hobby, life and child! The people - contributors, subscribers, etc. of Pan's Grove are Pan's Grove. We make no profit off of this website! NO, WE SELL STUFF HERE ( click now )The Pan's Grove efforts at this site, are strictly in existance to educate the general public, and the Pagan and New-Age population (as a whole). Infact, extra money within Pan's Grove goes towards the web pages, general expansion, and donated money towards community education on NewAge and pagan religions, and towards protecting animals, of course. When we speak of pagans, we mean those people who believe in more than one deity.

We have music on this page. Please allow it approx. 1 minute to load. Do not move your mouse or touch your keyboard within that time. Can't hear the music? Go here :

Music Match Website

Welcome to the Pan's Grove Home Page. For those of you who are new to this site, we do not see Pan as the devil or a manevolent entity. Pan is an entity of joy, happiness and freedom. Likewise, Pan's Grove is an ..... entity.


Yes, the members create Pan's Grove, the love, the effort, the unmoving dedication of hundreds of people create Pan's Grove. Become one with the world of Pan!

We have a Pan's Grove national Magazine but you can learn about that later.

Pan is viewed at this site as a force ( since Pan could have came from the Sanskrit word pavana meaning the wind ). In Thessaly, Pan was known as Aristaeus, and his name meant the very good!

However, there is debate that Pan meant the Great All " at the end " of Greek mythology. When thinking about this fact, I think it is better seen to recognize scientific fact; we are all one with energy ( even Pan ).

Furthermore, Pan is acknowledged as a personified entity here. We also recognize any other god similar to him, related to him and an avatar of him.

Not impressed?

Well, click the webpages below ... and if you're still not satisfied - check out our AWESOME Pan links. Become one with the world of Pan!

Where did the beautiful music come from?? From Putumayo World Music, a music company and distributor! They gave Pan's Grove permission to use a 1 minute clip from the album, Music from the Tea Lands, track 10. This song is called Kang Mandor, and it was created by UJANG SURYANA. It is an Indonesian song. This is only 60 minutes of the song - the entire song is much longer. I first heard the song in a little curio shop in Old Town, San Diego, CA. It took me 8 years and a business license to find this beautiful song. Pan's Grove supplies all PUTUMAYO products , at the Pan's Grove commercial website. Buy beautiful albums from us HERE ! DO NOT copy this song clip; you do not have permission to use it. Rights to the song clip is reserved by Putumayo and Pan's Grove.

So .... what's so different about Pan's Grove? Take a look for yourself. Browse through these pages and take a look at some of the articles, ads, and more from some of our back issues. You can also see samples from upcoming issues of Pan's Grove, and some topics of general interest.

The Pan's Grove ( and store ) address:

Pan's Grove

458 S. Walnut St. ,

Casper, Wy 82601

Is this Silverpawz, the famous witch of the west, and a poor Greek Priest want to be?

Note: This site is always being updated and revised, so you may want to come back from time to time to see what's new. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to make a submission to the Magazine, or if you want to be on our e-mail newsletter for e-mail notices, contributions updates, store updates please feel free to e-mail us at Pan's Grove

Sign at this SANCTUARY OF PAN ( pssst ... this is where you sign our guestbook and share prayers and thoughts of/to Pan )!

View The Sanctuary of Pan Where People Posted Stuff!

Click 2 Visit the Pan's Grove Club! When you enter, you'll have to register with LYCOS Communities first. After you join you'll be kicked into our club!

The Pan's Grove Commercial Website - this is where we sell stuff!

And here's our educational pages! Our archeological site webpages are featured in a different link color than the rest of the links to our various webpages. To jump to our other webpages please select ( and click on ) any of the following topics:


Egyptian Deities

Don't Kill

Why Conformity Sucks

Articles That You Don't See Here

The Spirituality of Body Piercing

About Energy in Stones ...


News and Pagan Talk


Hinduism Fever

Necromancy and Astrix

Positively Angelic ... Christians who became Pagan

Death ...!?! Yes, a death page!

The Legend/Myth of Diana

The Physical and Archeological Sanctuary of Pan in Greece!

Ancient Pompeii

Learn About The Magickal Energy in Stones!

What about WICCA?

Get your Spell here! ( this page has been changed )

We no longer have the monthly contest. We now have

seasonal website contests

Most the contests will have

mythology trivia

. Send in the answer to Pan's Grove via mail or e-mail using addresses above. Include your full address, and if possible, your e-mail address... if you have the right answer you'll be put into our drawing ... you could be a winner!

Pan's Grove FALL - Winter 2001 internet contest :

Prize Winner Recieves : A BIG Bottle of Pan's Grove Incense and a Charcoal Roll!

Entrants agree to be announced, and when you enter, please note what name we can use to announce you as the winner, and if we can use your city in our announcement ( we will use the state. ) Email answers to the Pan's Grove email address, above.


Who is the Celtic Horned God that is similar to Pan?

Click 2 Visit the Pan's Grove Club!
