Pages Of SIN internet magazine
Pages Of SIN internet magazine


This is the new site for the old "SIN Radio" page....we felt it was time to put SIN Radio to rest, and forge on into the future. As before, we will do our best to keep you updated on the news and happenings in the world of metal....any input you might have would be appreciated. If you would like to become a contributing writter for "Pages Of SIN", please e-mail the editor and explain why you think you'd be a good addition to our family. Again, thank you for stopping by, and this site will be fully operational with-in a week or so....come back often to see what's REALLY happening in the world of metal!!!


Editors Note:

Skull Of Death Skull Of Death

Well, well, well.....what do we have here?? Mtv, the overrated, corporate network that has successfully brainwashed an entire generation, or so it would seem, is turning 20. That's right. The network that single-handedly tried to kill singular expression by hiring advertisers who are trendy, is entering it's third decade of criminal existence. The corporation that pushed so hard to make 'grunge' a household word, and eventually take the words 'heavy metal' out of the minds of people everywhere and turn them into a nonexistent culture, is now trying to right the wrong it did by airing their "Return Of The Rock" series.The true metalheads, see through this thin disguise, and see it for what is truly a poor attempt to try and cash in on the current resurgence of metal's popularity. This network of business suits, cigars and whatever else may be trendy at the time, has the audacity to take credit for metal's long lasting and air a program titled "20 years of rock on Mtv", when rock has had no real place for well over a decade on Mtv. In my humble opinion, it has no place amongst prefabricated, soulless, sugarcoated pop, created for unsophisticated, mindless preteens. Their unflattering, unwanted portrayal of wedded bliss between metal and corporate whores is nothing but a realization of their pure idiocy and close-mindedness, as well, as their greediness. So, with all this in mind, remember, Mtv NEVER helped ANY way!!!


Musicians Views on Mtv, pt1

Skull Of Death Skull Of Death

"I think MTV is the ultimate form of media hypocrisy simply because in one sentence they tell you to be yourself, however they employ sponsors that dictate styles which forces the youth to spend enormous amounts of money on clothing that looks like they just walked out of the Salvation Army." Peter Steele, Type O Negative

Skull Of Death Mtv Sucks

Special thanks to Shane at Metal Up Your Ass for the graphic

With the huge controversy over copyrights and Napsters supposed infringement, the turn-coat style of Selloutica, and the greed of the major record labels, we here at Pages Of SIN are making our stand clear on this issue. Any metalhead knows that before major labels came into play, metal was here. It spread by word-of-mouth, and tape trading. We support the idea of 'trading', and therefore, are in the midst of a strenuous search for new 'Napster-based' web sites. In the coming weeks, the ones we find to be easy enough to use will have write-ups and links here, in this spot.


Here are the top ten songs on the Pages Of SIN playlist this week in no particular order:
Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
Lizzy Borden - American Metal
Cradle Of Filth - Amore E Morte
W.A.S.P. - Let It Roar
Dio - Last In Line
Megadeth - Holy Wars....The Punishment Due
Suicidal Tendencies - No Fuckin Problem
Halford - Screaming In The Dark
Iced Earth - Im-Ho-Tep (Pharaoh's Curse)
Testament - Trial By Fire
If you do not have these songs in your current collection, they come HIGHLY recomended. If you can't find them in your local record shop, go to a Napster-like web site.


In The Studio

On Tour

New Releases


Hall Of Shame


