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Oldsmobile G-Body Chapter

A club formed to petition the Oldsmobile Club of America for national specialty chapter status
( Updated 09/13/2002 )

Proposed G-Body Chapter’s Bylaws:

Become A Charter Member!   Sign up TODAY!
Note: There is no fee at this time but you must be or have applied to become a member of the Oldsmobile Club of America to be a member of the G-Body Chapter

Charter Member Signature Documents
Select the format you wish to print, print it on your printer, sign it then send it to the address listed.

Click HERE for the FREE Acrobat Reader !  If you need the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" button to the right ->

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For more information about the
Oldsmobile Club of America,
go to their web site at

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Any comments should be directed to
Steve Harrison at