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this chick's webpage

Garfield loves Pooky because: 1: Pooky always cheers him up
2: Pooky cant tell any of Garfield's secrets
3: Garfield doesn't have to share his food with Pooky and
4: Pooky is just soooo cute!
Okay yeah so as you can probably see I adore Garfields teddy bear! I mean how can you not? He is sooo cute!
Well incase you didn't know my nickname is Pooky Bear. My uncle gave it to me when I was little.Well now it's time to check out another one of my favorites!


Dedicated to Amber Newell

Brill stuff: Hey okay like this is totally blinding not to mention brill! I mean this is probably the most potty thing I have ever done. The can never have Wendy's in England I mean lol Biggie fries! hahaha.I mean who would buy poo fries?Well I honestly think that the British slang is Bees knees. Well for all of you who dont know what any of this means its a bunch of Daft talk. Oh might I add that Heath Ledger is very dishy! I mean OW OW!! Do you do batteries.Thats probably the most Mutt's nutts thing I have ever heard. Oh I think that you Naff people out there are probably thinking I am majorly insane

Hey okay well I don't have much more to say except hi to all of my friends and I love you

Peace,Love and Christ 1 Timothy 4:12