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Welcome to the Net249 Download-Page

Net249.ZIP  - This is the Net249 application to join Fidonet.   
POLICY4.ZIP  - This is the 'bible' for Fidonet. You must read this before joining  
INSPECTA.ZIP  - This program will allow you to read archived fido message packets 
FIDOHIST.ZIP - A history of Fidonet
HARVEY_5.ZIP - A point system for those who do not wish to be full nodes in Fido
AP125EN.ZIP - A Windows based point system for those who do not wish to be full nodes in Fido
AP_BND01.ZIP - AP_BND01.ZIP is the BinkD add-on for AP125EN.ZIP
UKA17X2.ZIP - A Dos based TCP/IP, PPP Utility. Expands to self extracting exe. Read the Doc Files for more information
FNSRULES.ZIP - Several sets of FN_Sysop Rules, from original to 1999

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