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Elsa and I in a Casablanca's garden.
We tour Morocco for 2 weeks and visited all the Imperial and Moslem Holy Cities,
we Also found in Casablanca a most beautiful roman catholic church a real jewel. We
visited the old Roman City of Volubilis, any one that like mosaic will enjoy it, the
mosaics are fabulous.
I was really ignorant of Arab or Moslem architecture it is very beautiful and they
incorporate as much water (fountains, pools, ponds)as possible it is a real love
affair. Everyone seems to be well fed, however the difference in classes between
the poor and the rich is enormous, it seems to me that their middleclass is
practically non existent.

We spent 2 weeks at Agadir's beech, the weather was perfect and the hotel, food,
and entertainment was super. All and all it was a beautiful vacation.

I hope you don't stop here. On the next pages you'll find the narration of our
VACATION with many photographs.

(Don't forget to click the thumb nails to view full photos.)



Going to

the donkey

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