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Tell me the truth; isn't she (mama) very beautiful.


Here I am,
I'm something,
am I not?

I arrived quickly,
that way she didn't
suffered too long

Take it easy
with that thing,
will you.

I like this, it is
very nice here.

Isn't my big
sister beautiful.

I thought
you finished
by now.

Isn't my Baba big
but he is a real

My name is Lexi and Elsa. I was born on July 8th 2007, at 7.29 AM. I arrived about thirty minutes after my mama arrived at the hospital. I'm the seventh child, and I was in a hurry to meet my mama in person. Who can blame me; I was in my nest for nine months, why wouldn't I want to leave in a hurry to meet her? By the way, I weighed 2 kg.750g. and I was 48.26 cm. long (weighed 6.063 pounds and was 19" long). I'm told that I have big feet for my size; I'll grow in to them. I'm rather beautiful; I have light brown hair and brown eyes, a real Vamp.

If you would like to visit my unborn (prenatal) page, click HERE.
To hear me Bark orders click radio button, to turn radio's off click button again.

I learned that if I need or want something, I only have to open my mouth and bark an order, and presto it is carried out. With a bit of practice, I'll be better than any sergeant major. I'm very lucky; I have five brothers, and a sister to play with, and a trillion of cousins, aunts, uncles, and of course my grand parents from both side of the family. I'm very lucky everyone loves me. You would think that, the way they all fuss over me, they have never seen a baby before. Of course, I'm so cute, and that works to my advantage. I will have them all twisted around my little finger in no time.

I don't really like it out here. In my world, everything was nice and quiet and the light was very subdued. Out here, it is very noisy, and the light is so strong that it hurts my eyes. I'll have to say one thing though, out here I can hug and kiss my mama and that makes everything bearable. Let's hope that I will soon get accustomed to being out here, and learn to enjoy everything as everyone else does.

Mama please don't
press to hard.

I whish they stop
testing and weighing.

See my
big feet.

Mama and my
brother Dante.

I whish they stop
fussing over me.

Do you see how
hairy I am.