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Work-At-Home Edition
September 26, 2002 
Volume 1 Issue 5

because Every Mother Could Use A Helper




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Publisher's Comments:

Welcome all of my new and long term

subscribers to the Work-From-Home"  edition of


You are receiving this newsletter because you

requested a subscription. To unsubscribe, see the

instructions at the end of this newsletter.


Hi, everyone. I'm still working on my mailing list, so

I'll cut my comments short.


I really apologize for being late with the issues and

everything that has been going on lately, but I also

have two home businesses to run, in addition to

being a mom.  I'm sure you all know the drill.


Enjoy this issue, If you haven't been seeing your ad in

this or the main issue, it is probably because you are

not following the 5 x 65 guidelines.  There will be NO

exceptions to this rule.  If ads seem longer on the

website issue it is because of the formatting that has

to be followed in that edition, not because I am allowing

longer ads for certain people.


 If any of you know of any REAL Work-From-Home Jobs, please send them to me, along with your experience with the program; good or bad.


Please don’t send a 10 paragraph advertisement.


 Also, if there are any tips, tricks, or comments that

you can Share with the group, please don’t

hesitate to send Them to me for publication.

This will also offer you The opportunity to get a

little more exposure for your Business. 

have two networking groups for WAHMs/Women. 

Please join both groups and help support other Moms

in their homebased businesses.


I am considering putting up a message board so that

we can get to know one another.  You will be able

communicate with each other, and post your ads

(in a designated area).  There will also be scheduled

chats.  If you think that this is a good idea, please

send me some feedback to let me know.

Free ads are to be formatted at five lines by 65 characters.  Please do not use HTML, or any other special formatting

or backgrounds.  Ads that don’t follow the guidelines will

not be published, and you must be a subscriber. 

Send your ads to:
The Subject line MUST state Work-At-Home for ads to be placed in the Work-At-Home issue.

Don’t forget to forward this newsletter to a friend.

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Home Employment secrets revealed!

My name is Cheryline Lawson and I am a wife and

mother of two boys. For ten years, I had been trying

to find legitimate home employment. I searched the

newspapers, magazines and lately the Internet has

been added to my search.


I desperately wanted to work from home so I could be

there for my kids and to get away from the endless

commute to and from my job. I was miserable every

morning going into the office, fighting the traffic. By the

time, I got to work; I was in a bad mood and it took me

at least an hour to two hours to get into a work attitude

and that wasn’t fair to my employer.


I also didn’t particularly love my job. I had an intense

desire to either find a work at home job or start my own

business. I responded to many of the ads I saw in the newspapers, magazines and on the Internet but it was

like searching for a needle in a haystack.   I lost a lot

of money in the process but was determined not to get discouraged. I knew that something must be out there,

but where to find it, I did not know.


I stopped telling my husband about what I wanted to do because each time, he would hear me get excited and

then become disappointed again at being taken advantage

of by another scam. It was like a roller coaster ride and I

just couldn’t get off.


Have you been where I have been?  Does this describe

what you have been through as well? Are you tired of

these little games? Subtle ads that try to get you to

send your hard earned money? Empty promises?


Well, I was sick and tired and wanted to just scream at

how vulnerable I had become. So one day I decided no

more. I had gotten so accustomed to these scams, that

I became skeptical of everything. I researched everything

and everyone. When I started doing that I found that it

wasn’t so bad after all. I wasn’t afraid anymore because

I knew that if I did not let my emotions play on me and do

my homework, I wouldn’t be sucked into all the gimmicks and scams.


The first thing I did was to start a free online newsletter

that would  help others like myself. My newsletter would provide all the  resources that I had researched and would help my subscribers so that they wouldn’t have to do the research themselves. That process helped them but also helped me as well. I found out a lot about myself. I had perseverance, a will to succeed and skills that became apparent, like writing and researching.


I wasn’t making any money with my newsletter but I was fulfilling a need and that was a rewarding experience that money couldn’t buy. I also perfected my writing skills to

land different writing assignments and my research landed me an exciting gig.


I found an excellent site that helped me. It helped me

so much that I had to even turn down some of the assignments. I wanted to share my success with

anyone who is reading this article and has been where

I have been. I set up a small web site so you can get

further details. All I did was to sign up at this site for

FREE, posted my resume, and waited. I didn’t have to

wait for long. I was bombarded with home employment

offers from legitimate companies who wanted to hire me

to work from home for them on different projects

according to the skills I had to offer. I quoted a negotiable price that we both agreed to and I was in business:



My persistence and determination finally paid off. And

that is the lesson here. “NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS.” “NEVER BE DISCOURAGED BY OTHERS.” “ALWAYS BE WILLING TO TRY.”   “AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK.”   I recommend that you take the time to register at this site. It is FREE…you have nothing to lose

anyway and more to gain and I am glad that I was able to help anyone who would like to work from home for

whatever reasons.  It is truly a reward for me and for you.


This article was written by Cheryline Lawson, writer,

author and publisher of telecommuting books, web site

and newsletter. Visit her website  to learn more

about her. This article may be copied and reproduced

but only in its entirety. Resource box must be left intact.

No permission from the author is needed.




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Don't Get Blocked on the Road to Success!

by Donna Schwartz Mills


The days have become shorter, the nights are cooler and

the retail world is awash in colorful decorations. It's my

favorite time of year.


No, I'm not talking about the holiday selling season, but

the publication of Inc. magazine's annual list of the top

500 fastest-growing private companies. Inc. is one of my favorite resources for ideas, advice and inspiration -- and nothing inspires me more than the story of a multi-million dollar company founded at the CEO's kitchen table.


This year, a staggering 61% of the listed companies were

*started at home* and 16% were initially capitalized with

less than $1,000. If that's not inspiring, I don't know what

is.  It just goes to show you how much an entrepreneur

can accomplish with an idea whose time has come.


Of course, good ideas are not enough to turn a $1,000

investment into a million-dollar enterprise. It takes good

financial management -- salesmanship -- marketing skills

 – and a little bit of luck -- to grow your home business to

the point where it's ready to take public.


Do you have what it takes?


According to the Women's Online Business Center of the

U.S. Small Business Administration, these are some of

the most common roadblocks to small business success

in the startup phase:


Dramatic change in day to day life

There is an adjustment from being an employee to being

an entrepreneur. Don't be surprised if you find yourself

putting in many more hours than you ever did at a

conventional job. The biggest casualty may be your sleep:

Many parents work into the wee hours of the morning,

others wake up before dawn to get some work in before

the kids are up.


Balancing career and home

Time is the enemy of every home-based business owner

who is also responsible for the upkeep of a house and the

well-being of his or her family. Both are full-time jobs. You

may not be able to grow your home business as quickly

as you would if you were childless. Your home may not

be spic and span. On the other hand, you may not have chosen this great entrepreneurial adventure if you did not have a burning desire to be home with your kids... and

your life would certainly not be as rich.


Business skills undeveloped

There is a learning curve involved in any new undertaking.

You will make mistakes. Learn from them and do better. 


Focus on sales, marketing: records,

finances neglected

If you are not using a financial program like Quicken or

Quickbooks, buy one... NOW! It will save you a lot of

heartache, time and *money*.   If you do have financial

software and can never find time to use it, hire a

bookkeeper or accountant. You will not be sorry.


Insufficient time to do it all

Just as you budget your finances, you should also create

one for your time. Make a list of all your tasks (both

business and personal) and note which ones you must do

yourself, which can be postponed or performed less often,

and what can reasonably be delegated to a spouse or kids

or outsourced. Then, instead of trying to do it all, focus on

doing what's possible.


Cash flow unpredictable

There are no easy answers for this one. There are reasons

why risk-averse people tend not to become entrepreneurs,

and this is a big one. There will be months, especially in

the first couple of years, when you will need to tap into

your personal assets (92% of the CEO's of this year's Inc. 500 did so!). Larger companies obtain bank loans and lines of credit to help them through these periods. Most female home-based entrepreneurs rely on their credit cards (78%, according to the National Foundation of Women Business Owners). If you take this route, do so with caution.


The SBA offers a variety of options to help small businesses

obtain bank loans:



Responsible for all decision making

Most home-based businesses are sole proprietorships, which
can put you in an idea vacuum. Gone are the days when you could brainstorm with the colleague in the next cubicle. If you have a spouse with a good head for

business, you may wish to use him or her for a sounding board (many work-at-home experts suggest that vesting

your partner in your venture can help ease some of the tensions that arise in a relationship when you are starting

a new business). These days, many work-at-home parents form networks with colleagues they meet online on

message boards and discussion groups. You'll find dozens

of terrific boards at:


              Home Based Working Moms



We also have a discussion list created for the purpose

of brainstorming and helping our ParentPreneur Club members find solutions for their business problems.

To join, click here:


Don't set yourself up for early disappointment by

expecting immediate success, or that attaining success

will make conducting your business much easier. As

your business grows the issues you need to deal with --

like hiring employees – will bring you new challenges.

If you can accept them and enjoy the ride, these challenges will bring you benefits you never imagined. Who knows? Someday when I get my annual Inc. list, I may be reading about *you*!


Donna Schwartz Mills is the Editor/Webmaster of the

 ParentPreneur Club,

"where those who are doing the most important job of all

hang their hats." She can be reached at

If you have a marketing tip that has worked for you?

Share them with the group.  Send it to
Feedback Forum

If there is something that you like or dislike about
this publication, or if you have any comments, your
comments/feedback could be placed in an upcoming
issue. Send comments/feedback to:

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