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Beyond Grave

Summary: My take on what happened following the events in "Grave."

Spoilers: S6 BtVS/S3 AtS

Parings: A bit of B/S, of course.

Rating: R to be safe, but probably PG-13.

Disclaimer: If they were mine, I would be a happy, girl. And those plot holes? Pah! Thanks to Joss and ME for letting me play. And eternal thanks to Sadbhyl whose Lazarus touch brought this piece out of limbo and made it a better behaved beast. If it wasn't for her, it probably wouldn't be here.


“Bloody hell” were the only words that came to mind when the demon fulfilled his wish, and they were the only words that came to mind for some time after.

Now he was no different from the dark and brooding poof. He’d wanted to be rid of the chip, get back to the Big Bad he was before. Especially before her. It was one big cock-up from the get go. Not only couldn’t he be all that he could be, but now he had a bloody conscience on top of it all. He was tormented by all that he had done in his glory days along with the fact that he could no longer do those things if he so chose. At least the nancy-boy hair-gelled poof had that on him.

There was no way in hell he could go back to Sunnydale in such a state. And then there was that whole business in the bathroom that drove him to Africa in the first place. He was a dusted vamp walking if ever there was one if he ever thought of going back.

