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Bad Bad Brothers

Jeff and Barney "T-Bird" Harris

Originally from California, These two have dominated all challengers when it comes to guitar. Holding positions #1 and #2 in our picks for Guitarist of the year (first time 2 brothers have ever appeared in the top ten) These two ultra competitive and superbly talented players came to Mississipi and set a new standard for musicians.

MSSOUND- "How did you two decide on Mississippi?"

Jeff- " I was driving down highway 40 and missed the left turn at albakurke"

T-Bird- "My wife was from Thaxton (MS) and I decided to get away from California city life"

MSSound- " You two both have amazing musical careers, why dont you ever play together?"

T-Bird-"we do on occasion, but it's hard for us .. , we tend to both try to be the leader... Our musical styles are a bit different also."

Jeff- "we have differing views musically.. once in a while, we will share a stage.. but if we do that too often, we tend to fight. We get along great otherwise"

MSSOUND- "So in your opinion, who's better?

T-Bird -"He is"

Jeff - "He is"