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A text-based page

This is, and probably always will be, a text-based website. No graphics, Nuh uh. Unless I change my mind. Saves band-width, no? Well, take a look at the links below. See links. See link run. Run, link, run. (That didn't sound right, did it?)

To the Links!!

Links(Yes I know I'm repeating myself)

Snopes - Urban Legends Debunked -- you know, about all the stupid emails you get about viruses and free handphones and mysterious, horrible happenings that cannot be explained. Go see. - Take a good look at your keyboard,

Hotmail - Whatever.

Angelfire - Hmm, wonder what website this is?

Click it! - Well, why don;t you?

My Favorite things about Angelfire.


The above statements came with the default homepage. Just making use of it.






















why are you still here?