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Missie'a'a's Zine of mostly useless stuff

This is my zine of mostly useless stuff. That means most of the stuff here is useless! Not really. It's really a place for me to post my writing. Most of it is useless, it's just stuff I wrote for fun. I just started this site, so there isn't much here just yet. Give me some time, and I'll have it up and running, though. I will probably update about every two weeks or so, so just keep checking back until it changes! Hopefully, each time I update, I'll have new pictures and stories, just like a real zine! Yipee!

OK, I finally updated, took me long enough. right now I just have new pics, but I'll have some more new stuff o the way soon. My modem crashed, so I couldn't get on to update. It's really very sad. But it's fixed now, Yay!!! And I promised Shannon-chan a Shirtless Bishonen page, it's coming soon. Still looking for the perfect pictures. Hopefully I'll have it up in 2 weeks or so. Just keep checking back, I promise it is coming!

Official Information Officer:Shannon-chan:)
Official Officer of Silliness:Beth-chan

Official officer of the law:otosan, he keeps me from getting a big head:)ILU, otosan!

Quizzes I've taken

Shannon-chan is the greatest! Thanks for signing! I don't feel so unloved now:)

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