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Sunday, November 28, 2004

I ran the Seattle 1/2 marathon this morning...woo hoo!!!! I did it!!!! My life can return to normal..I no longer have to spend 3 days of the week running. My body from the waist down is soooooo sore. My calves hurt, my knees hurt, my tendons hurt, and my butt hurts. I've been napping and eating all day..hehe..I figure that today's a free ticket because I probably burned at least 1400 calories this morning.

The course: hills..hills..and more hills..just when you think you're done and the rest is all're surprised with a few more hills. A good chunk of the course was on the I90...gotta love running on knees are thanking me right now. I've heard that this is apparently NOT the race to try and qualify for Boston and now I know why. On the flipside, Seattle's really small so running 13 miles is a great way of seeing the city. My favourite part was around mile 2 and 3 while running on the I90. The sun had just risen and we had an absolutely gorgeous view of Seattle and the mountains.

So, here's the UNofficial deal..13.1 miles (that's 21.0779 km for us Canadians) in 2 hours and 27 minutes. We figured that the earliest we would finish was 2:10 so we came pretty close. It was awesome having friends waiting for us at the finish will follow in a few days. So thanks to all the people that sent me emails, bought me dry-fit socks and gu, and called me early in the morning to wish us good luck :) I signed up for the race a couple months seemed like a good way to deal with a rough beginning to the year so this was an important day for me. I've learned that some things just won't heal (no matter how much you run) but I'm a strong person and the past couple months of training and running have really taught me how to focus my energy and achieve things that I didn't think I could do. Yay :)

What's next?? Summit Mt.Rainier..I've already started to purchase some of the gear. I can't even think about the training I'll have to do with my body in so much pain today.


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