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Saturday, April 12, 2003

Yay!!! I finally had my first exam last night. One exam done, two more to go. Then I'm DONE! And I don't just mean done this term, I mean DONE!!!! GOOOOOD-BYE Waterloo!

Last weekend Kalpesh, Ami and I went on a little road trip to find me a place to live in Montreal. I must have looked at 15 places (at least), and as luck would have it, I didn't find a place to live. Montrealers are strange...they move in May and July, so of course no one wanted to rent me a place for June. I have a theory on why they love moving on July 1st. Instead of celebrating Canada Day, they'd rather make it their national moving day...go figure. A few of the places I looked at:
- A mansion that was renting our studio rooms right across from the museum (how perfect!) but the only problem was that the room was a little small.
- An apartment in the McGill ghetto run by some old dude who was blasting Eminem and looked like he had been in one too many fights (this place was actually nice!), but did I really want to rent from a guy who called himself Nas??
- Finally, my favourite -- another place in the McGill ghetto the size of a closet. The kitchen was SOOO tiny that I could only get inside it if I entered walking sideways. It was open concept, and by that I mean that the bathroom and the living room/bedroom were all in one room (fun!!!).

SO, I'm going back at the end of April with Pat to search for a place again.