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begining to a new novel maybe, tell me wut you think...

Jasmine held the smooth blade in her hand. Her father had used it only earlier that day when shaving away the stubble that his face had collected overnight. She shifted her hand and watched the metal gleam under the fluorescent lights. Its shine nagged at her, tempting her the rake the sharp edge across her pale skin. The vein in her wrist pulsed and pounded with desire. Desire to be broken open; to let all of the pain, fears, and dying hopes drain out of her in a sweet, sticky, syrup of red. She hoped that the stream of red would reach all the way down to the fiery pits of hell, where she would eventually join them one day. She brought the metal to her skin; it was cold, but only seemed to ignite the flame of blood lust even more. Jasmine pressed the blade down and delicately made an incision. Jasmine sucked in a little gasp of breath, but then she savored the sensation of the small cut, instantly feeling better. A little deeper she went, a little harder she pushed, a little longer she made the cut, just a little bit more of a taste to quench this thirst that Jasmine now craved. And she loved it. The blood was warm, but it brought a cooling sensation to her. She loved the feel of the cool essence of life running down her hand and dripping off her fingertips, pooling on the floor like the end of a river of life. Jasmine hadn’t known for the longest time why she did this to herself, but now she seemed to understand. When she saw the fluid of her heart, body, and soul lying on the floor in a crimson pool, she felt better.

“Jasmine?” a voice said interrupting her thoughts. “Did you hear me? I asked you to tell me what the answer to number three was. Are you awake, child?!”

Jasmine opened her eyes groggily and looked at the elderly woman standing in front of her desk. Students around the room were trying to suppress laughter. They were not doing a very good job at it either. “Yes ma’am” she said, her voice full of sleep and her head still laying on the desk.

“Then why don’t you do us all a favor and answer me!” the elderly woman snapped at her

thats all for now, updates soon.
