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Hey Everyone

So its july and the middle of summer and......nothing to do! I know you're all surfing the net to pass time. Well this is what I did to stop boredome. I'll tell you about myself. My names Hannah. I enjoy swimming, , listening to music, hanging out with my friends and snowboarding. I just started last year but I love it so far! My favorite kind of music is metal and rock or punk. Don't talk to me about good charlotte though. They're a punk band gone well thats all so far this month sign the guest book and tell me watcha think Feel free to put events in the event box below and take the polls and the games below are sweet...Read the instructions for the games plz! Okay now the mullet talk. Mullets are dirty creatures who enjoy going long weeks without showering. They are very touchy around cameras because many young mullet hunters snap them off in their faces before running. Now some mullets are angered by this behavior. Treat Mullets with respect and hunt them often. The best places to spot mullets are in wal-mart which should change it's name to "mul"-mart and any county fair.
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