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..::|[Disclaimer]|:::. This Layout was given to my friend Lizzie by me Angela. It was made for her Roleplays, not yours. So just because all of you bitches out there cant make your own dont mean you have to steal hers..and if you dont like that i got some words for ya "Get Over It You Bitch"!! :::|[End Disclaimer]|:::.

*King* Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a very special debut. It's another Diva loaded with puppies!

*JR* now this woman has proved herself throughout her wrestling career. And she's here now in WWF to show that she can do a lot more than just be another valet.

*King* Now you must admit though, she does have big, you know... well, puppies!

*JR* King, everything to you has to do with a woman's body part. You make me sick.

*King* Puppies just keep coming. Haha!

*JR* Well, let's go to a little bit earlier when Jean Grey first entered the arena.

The camera goes to the Titantron and it shows a limo pulling up the WWF arena. When the limo got to the front gate, a guard goes up to the passenger seat and asks for some ID.

*Guard* Excuse me ma'am, but do you have an ID. No one can get in without one.

*Jean* Here you go!

Jean smiles really big as she gives the ID to the guard. He checks it under the scanner and green letters spelling "OK" made the gates open to enter the arena. As Jean's car goes through the left side of the arena where the dome is, people are already screaming and shouting for her. Flashes from cameras were already going crazy even before she got out of the car. Some bodyguards surround her and helps her to the Dome where she was to answer some questions.

*Jean* Hey everyone. It's great to be here. Now I understand that some of you have some questions for me, so lets go to the first one. Umm.. you there in the red shirt.

*Reporter 1* Ms. Grey, how do you feel about entering the wrestling business?

*Jean* Oh it's wonderful. I've been waiting for this event for a long time now. I've signed up with the federation a few weeks ago and I'm so glad when I got a call saying that I was in the fed.

*Reporter 2* Have you set your mind on any goals even before you got here?

*Jean* Actually, I was looking forward to the Women's Title, but since almost all of the Divas are after one title, I might think about going to the next level and maybe compete for the Cruiserweight Title.

*Reporter 3* How do you plan on succeeding in so?

*Jean* In my past years, I have proven myself to be tough and true because I have battled against some of the superstars here. Now I know that it might not be too much of a deal to anyone when I beat a superstar, but to me, it's like a miracle. Going against some of the divas are already hard enough, but going against superstars are even scarier.

*Reporter 4* Since coming here, do you have any other business other than wrestling?

*Jean* Actually yes, I thought that being one of the best Divas in here is already a great thing, but the only other thing that would make me happy is to start my own stable. I know it will be hard work, but it's also going to be a new challenge, things that I like.

*Reporter 5* We know that you just joined this federation. And there are past women here you knew.

*Jean* Yea, they're here as well. I guess all of us have decided that it was time for us to make some action. And now that we're here, well, I can't say more. You'll see. Just watch and you'll get the full coverage.

As Jean finishes her last word, a bell rang which meant it was only a few minutes away until Jean's debut promo.

*Jean* Thank you everyone for the sweet welcome, I'm sorry I couldn't stay any longer.

The camera fades back to King and JR.

*King* Stay tuned everyone, because after the commercial we are going to have Jean Grey's puppies, I mean promo on stage.


*JR* We're back here and tonight we have Jean Grey's promo.

*King* JR I can't wait! It's going to be another Diva!

*JR* Well, from what we have seen from her in the past, there is obviously no opposing to the fact that Jean is going to go through the Women's Division by storm.

*King* Oh my God! JR, it's Jean Grey!

Jean's theme plays through the arena and Jean is seen walking down the ramp.

*Lilian* Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the federation, the newest addition from Forestlake Minnesota, Jean Grey!

Jean walks over to the announce table and gets a mike from Nick. King goes up to her and hugs her. Jean just lightly pushes him away as she walks up the metal stairs and enters through the bottom part of the ropes. Lilian gets out of the ring and Jean waits for the crowd to calm down.

*King* That woman is truly something else. I mean, come on! Look at her! She is a beautiful thing to look at. She's so cute, but I'm afraid she's not at all innocent! She might have the looks, but she is one tough competitor. I just hope that she has enough of it to be able to press on here in the WWF.

*JR* I for one am not going to doubt that she will do well in the federation. She has joined and I think that she will turn out great in here. She has worked hard, and that's why she is here right now. Well, let's see what's up with her.

*Jean* Thank you everyone for welcoming me to this federation in such a glorious day. I'm so happy to be here right now, being able to be with all of you. Now I came to this business because I couldn't find one good enough to fit my needs. So I'm here to ask right now if any of the superstars would like to be my manager. I feel very welcome for being in here. It's really great to finally be in this federation. I feel very welcome and very happy that you all would take your time and pay some money just to see me in my promo. This means a lot to me and I want to thank all of you for being so nice. I came here to be the Women's Champion or even more. I have trained long and hard for this event to happen. And I plan to go all the way and be the best I can be. I think that finally being here proves to everyone that I'm not just another pretty face in the crowd. I am something else. Something better than your ordinary girl in the corner waiting for her man to start ordering her. I am a Diva. And getting here wasn't all that easy. But by standing here now in front of all of you just makes me a happier person. I can see the hard work that I put into getting into this federation and the things that I had to sacrifice to be able to reach my goal. And that goal is to be better than anyone else. And I'm really happy to finally be here. I will see all of you later when my match starts. I hope you all have a great day. But before leaving, I have a little something to offer to a special someone. Scott Summers, I know that all these girls are roaring about you. And you probably have your eyes set on someone like Trish or something, but all I have to say is that for you to remember that there’s always someone here. Waiting for you, caring, loving, and happy each day that she sees you. I'm always here Scott. Just remember.

Jean smiles at them and she exits ringside.

Jean walks backstage where people start to greet her, she goes to her locker room but gets interrupted as Terri goes up to her and asks her some questions.

Terri* Welcome to WWF Jean.

*Jean* Thanks Terri. You need something?

*Terri* I was just wondering, what was that whole thing with Scott Summers?

*Jean* Well, I wanted to show Scott how I really felt about him. I've seen him for some time for a long time, and I think it's just about time that we actually get somewhere.

*Terri* What would you do if he said no, being that he’s new here?

*Jean* Then I guess I'll just have to take it then. I'm a strong woman; I think I'll make it through if a guy doesn't like me.

*Terri* Ok, well thanks for that little info.

*Jean* Yea sure, no problem.

Jean goes inside her locker room and shuts it close. WWF goes to a commercial then comes back again.

The WWF camera turns on and sees Jean training for her future Women's Champion match against Trish. She bends down and stretches as the crowd cheers, then Michael Cole goes to Jean.

<.::Jean::.> Hey there Mike. How are you?

<.::Cole::.> I'm good Jean. I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions.

<.::Jean::.> Sure, go ahead.

<.::Cole::.> Now we all know that you were seen here first in WWF earlier tonight. You haven't really made your official debut, but so far how do you feel about being in the WWF?

<.::Jean::.> To tell the truth, I don't really have a response to that right now. I have only been here for two days and so far it's been great. People around were really nice and all, and I am glad that Scott is here as well. We're going to come in and show that divas aren't to be messed around with. We are more than just what we look.

<.::Cole::.> Speaking of Scott helping you in the ring, we captured some footage of her training you and we made a special video. Take a look.

After the video was shown, Jean looks like she had watery eyes and smiles.

<.::Jean::.> Hey Mikey. Sorry about that. You wanted to ask more questions?

<.::Cole::.> Actually, I had just one question left.

<.::Jean::.> Ok, go ahead.

<.::Cole::.> How do you plan on beating Queen of Stratusfaction, Trish down? You are a new diva here and have never really seen either of the divas in action.

<.::Jean::.> You know Mike, all you need to have is a little hope. I really think that I have a great advantage in our upcoming match. And it's not because of me being a beautiful woman, it's because whenever I'm in the ring, I try and give it my 110%. We try to give the best we can to anything that we do. And sometimes, even just a little faith in yourself can get the job done. I mean sure, she is Trish Stratus and she is the other number one contender for the Women's Championship, but I am a woman with talent in the past that not a lot of people might know of. But trust me Mike it's all going to change. People will see me not just as a sex symbol anymore, but they'll look at me and say, "Whoa! That's the chick that beat my ass!” So you see Cole, everything will work out perfectly. Just fine.

Jean smiles at Michael then starts to walk away. The camera fades out and goes to a commercial. As camera roles back on, it was hours later and Jean was seen picking clothes for her promo..

<.::Jean::.> Hey Jan, which one do you think is the best one for tonight?

<.::Jan::.> The black one looks great. I think that will work Jean.

<.::Jean::.> Ok, thanks.

Jean leaves the hallway area and goes to her locker room. After a few minutes, Jean gets a knock on her door and a man shouts that her promo was on in 10 minutes. Jean struggles to get on her black top and picks a Twizzler from her candy jar. Her music blasts all over the arena and she hurries to get to the entrance ramp. She was just in time and she walks down the metal ramp and enters the ring with Scott.

*Lilian* Ladies and gentlemen, making her way to the ring from Forestlake Minnesota, being accompanied by Scott Summers, Jean Grey!

*King* Going back to earler on JR, Jean Grey's had just come to the WWF!

*JR* This woman has certainly proved herself to be something more than eye-candy, but I think she still wants to keep her beautiful features.

*King* I hope we get to see some of Jean's puppies tonight! I can’t wait.

*JR* Well this woman has certainly proved herself to be great both in wrestling style, and in battles of the beauty. She certainly has my respect.

Jean starts to laugh when she sees other superstars trying to kiss her ass to be her manager.

*Jean* Well, I guess this is you would say, my official debut. I have made it to the WWF! *crowd cheers* Thank you everyone for welcoming me. I feel really great to finally step out here in the squared circle for the first time ever. I'm glad that I'm here because I get to share a few things with you.

Were here...

*Jean* First of all, thank you for this wonderful event tonight. I'm glad that I could be a part of this federation that I longed to be at. Since I was little I've been watching wrestling and seeing that there aren't really a lot of divas that competed. Some became legendary though. And since then I promised myself that I will put myself in that position. I'm both glad and happy that I finally made it here. It was a tough road to conquer, but I made it. I have tried so hard to give my 110% to all and everyone in the business, but none had what I was looking for until I came here to WWF. I know that all of you have doubts in me about my ability in the ring because you haven't seen much of me yet. But I promise you that there is more to come. And once I show you the real side of Molly Holly, you won't know where this monster was unleashed from. Now I'm sure that there is very tough competition back there. Like for example, Lita. These women put everything on the line when they get in the ring and battle it out. That is one thing that I respect the most about these women in the WWF. I'm happy to say that I am proud of all the accomplishments that they have achieved as divas and I'm very happy of the fact that there are more than just 3 divas in a federation like this. It's good to see more faces in the women's roster. But I'm warning all of you right now, you better watch out because even though I might seem all nice inside, I am really one tough cookie. As you might probably remember, I used to wrestle for a federation called the WCW. I was the diva who trained one of the female wrestlers to become more than a Women's Champion, but an icon to the society. That's right, I trained the late Madusa, or as you may know her otherwise as Alundra Blayze. After the rumor about me getting fired from the WCW, I came to the WWE and showed that I was a dominant female. And I did capture the Women's Title on my days there. As you all might remember as well, this right here next to me is my cousin, Crash Holly. He is here tonight to support me through this. Not that I am not happy of your happy cheers and yells at me, but I just really need someone inside the business. I feel very blessed to be a part of this federation. I have looked for a very long time for a federation that would have suited me. And I haven't found one that I am more proud to say that I joined than this federation. WWF has helped me realize that women in here aren’t all about looking good. In some of the federations that I've been at, most of the divas were valets and only escorted the men. But in this fed; women are also wrestling as well. I'm very happy for this event and I am also proud to say, that I am a WWF diva. I'm looking for challenges right now, so any diva that wants to, come and step forward! *crowd cheers and shouts for Jean*

Jean waves to everyone and raises her hands in the air. Jean and Cyclps left the ring and went back to the WWF locker hallways.