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~*The Gallery of Cookiin Drawins*~

Hello, I'm Cookiin! Welcome to my new Gallery of Cookiin Drawins! This here website specializes in showcasing many of my drawings. This is the introduction (Main) page, where I'll be explaining lots'o'stuff for easy veiwing and so forth. Please read and go ahead to look at my beautiful renditions of...whatever. :D Happy viewing.
(Rules on taking my pics below)


Shoujo Kakumei Utena Fanpics (01.19.04)

3 eViL sIsTeRs (12.08.03)

Misc . Everthing Else (01.19.04)

Misc . Anime (01.19.04)

Songs (11.29.03)

Coming soon!! New Section: Croquis Book

Anyone and Everyone is welcome to view and take these pictures, as long as they follow the rules. They are as follows:
  • If you take a picture to put on your webpage (or anything like that) you MUST give credit back to me, or at least put a link back to this site on the same page (or if you have a special page for credits you can put it there) where it is easily seen.
  • You may NOT just change or add a few things to these pics and call them still need to give me credit for the original picture or put a link somewhere.
  • You may save/take these pictures for your own home viewing, but please remember if you put them up anywhere on the web (or print out for projects etc.)you must give me credit..somehow.
  • I have nothing against you printing 'em out and putting them on your walls at home or at your school locker...go ahead!
    That's all..I think. Now a small explation on the you dont get confused.
    I have separated all the pictures into several categories, but more than one picture will appear on each page. What you will see is the thumbnail i've made for them, so to see the whole picture all you have to do it click on the picture. Easy! Under each picture I've written a small caption to go with it, usually info about it, and so forth. Enhances your viewing fun!
    Anyways, most of the pictures are drawn on normal lined paper, and that is because I just felt like it. Yep. For some reason I just like it better than white computer paper. And I drew most of 'em in my notebook.
    Last thing, all of the pictures have been modified a bit on the computer after being scanned (I cut around each pic) so that the files arent too big for my know scanners scan ALL. Plus, you should know that NONE of the pictures on this website were traced in any way unless it says so in the caption (sumthing like "I traced this off a---" and so on).


    Yeah, so..the menu keps changeing..and from now on I'll make sure to keep the "last updated" date beside each menu choice3. For quick-knowing purposes.
    Main -- This page
    Shoujou Kakumei Utena Fanics -- page for Utena pictures
    Evil Sisters -- Page for pictures of me and me two sisters, Tulae and Ile.
    Songs -- page for comics and Illustrated songs already written, most likely ones used in anime.
    Misc . Anime -- page for pictures of various anime, obviously doesnt include Utena.
    Misc . Everything Else -- Whatever is left over and isnt from a specfic anime. Usually people I make up.

    Thank you for coming! Hope you enjoyed your stay!
    Thanks To Ile for providing the banner!

    Click to E-mail me!
    Website of the *Week! - Amy + Oddish Story! (Featuring the Geo Scouts!)

    This is a great story written and illustrated by Tulae. There is also a full-length graphic novel (english-language manga) out, but is only available in part online. Enjoy!
    *Note: by "Week" I meant whenever I feel like changeing it. Heh.

    Changing LINKS

    **Second Note: I did not make nor do I own any of the anime I may have mentioned in any of my pages. They belong to their proper owners.
    All pictures here are © 2003 eViL sIsTeRs ©