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English Qabala Dictionary project
Begun by Open Source English Qabala yahoo egroup in 2004.

Here are the contributors and the codes used in this dictionary:

388 CL : 388 Clear Light by Ron L. Adams 1986.

D : Dialectic Qabala by Ron L Adams 1992.

ORB : Oroboros Twin Flame English Qabala by Ron L. Adams April, 10th, 2014

EQ-11 : New Aeon English Qabala by Jim Lees 1976.

EQ-17 : English Qabala 17 by Ron Adams 2004.

JK : Judgement Key by Prophet of L, 2004.

Mars QEQ : Mars Q English Qabala by Ron L. Adams 2004.

MKG : Mars Kamea Gematria by RIKB.

TEQ : Trigammaton English Qabala by R. Leo Gillis.

TK : Toavotea Key by John Farthing II 1/26/03.

TN : Thinker’s Numerology by Ron L. Adams 2003.

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Check the numerology calculator below to work with these systems yourself.

03 AL (EQ-11), LA (EQ-11)

06 Law (EQ-11)

08 Nu (D), Had (JK)

09 Sun (D)

10 Will (TEQ), Allah (EQ-11)

11 Law (MKG), Ass (EQ-11), Had (EQ-11), Had (D)

12 Lola (EQ-11), Owl (EQ-11), Me (Mars QEQ)

13 Add (EQ-11), Had (388 CL)

14 Hawk (MKG), Law (TEQ)

15 Zip (EQ-17), Had (MKG)

16 Ox (TEQ), Sage (388 CL)

17 Hawk (EQ-11), Oak (EQ-11), Nu (TN)

18 all (MKG)

19 Ra (TEQ), Asar (EQ-11), Nu (388 CL)

20 bud (MKG), Glad (EQ-11), Had (TN)

21 six (TEQ), six (D), body (MKG), Goal (EQ-11), Ra (Mars QEQ), Mage (388 CL)

22 wand (MKG), Sun (388 CL)

23 snake (388 CL), Nu (MKG)

24 Moon (D), sun (MKG), Glass (EQ-11), Wand (EQ-11), Nu (Mars QEQ), Sun (TN)

25 dark (MKG), soul (MKG), Hand (EQ-11), Vows (EQ-11), It (Mars QEQ), It (EQ-17), Nu (TK), Not (D)

26 six (TN), Gold (EQ-11), Shadow (EQ-11), Magick (Mars QEQ)

27 Graal (EQ-11), Lord (EQ-11)

28 God (MKG), word (MKG), Dark (EQ-11), Holy (EQ-11), Obeah (388 CL), Not (388 CL)

29 Moon (TK), Child (TEQ), Dogs (EQ-11), Gods (EQ-11), Not (TN)

30 snake (Mars QEQ), Chaos (EQ-11), Wanga (EQ-11), Wolf (EQ-11), World (EQ-11), Sun (Mars QEQ)

31 fools (MKG), kiss (MKG), Had (TEQ), She (TEQ), Way (TEQ), Ox (TK), Of Me (TK), I give (TK), Crawl (EQ-11), Gallows (EQ-11), Shadows (EQ-11), Shaman (388 CL), Nu (EQ-11)

32 Circle (TEQ), Kabba (EQ-11), Heal (EQ-11), Me (EQ-17)

33 dew (MKG), star (MKG), Fool (TEQ), Seal (EQ-11), Sword (EQ-11), Had (Mars QEQ), Tarot (TN), Focus (388 CL), Babalon (MKG)

34 Key (MKG), Man (MKG), stars (MKG), Are (TK), Fool (TK), None (TK), Arab (EQ-11), Two (EQ-11), Magick (EQ-6), Wanga (388 CL), Babalon (388 CL), Who am I (D)

35 six (Mars QEQ), five (TK), Coral (EQ-11), Laugh (EQ-11), Tonal (388 CL), Hadit (D), Not (TK)

36 Folk (EQ-11), Mask (EQ-11), Hadit (JK), Not (MKG), Sun (EQ-11)

37 Joy(ORB), gold (MKG), Art (EQ-11), Royal (EQ-11), AUGMN (Mars QEQ), Mars (Mars QEQ)

38 Aiwass (EQ-11), Knows (EQ-11), Swords (EQ-11), Wanga (TN)

39 Space (TEQ), Awake (EQ-11), Wave (EQ-11)

40 Hadit (TEQ), Dove (TK), Altar (EQ-11), Gross (EQ-11), Time (Mars QEQ)

41 To Me (TK), Awful (EQ-11), Pan (EQ-11), Moon (Mars QEQ), Babalon (D)

42 five (D), snake (MKG), one (MKG), root (MKG), Blood (EQ-11), Star (EQ-11), Moon (388 CL)

43 five (Mars QEQ), Not (TEQ), Star (TEQ), Liars (EQ-11), Slave (EQ-11), Soul (Mars QEQ), Eleven (388 CL), Hadit (TN)

44 Red (ORB), leaf (MKG), moon (MKG), Jew (EQ-11), Scholar (EQ-11)

45 six (MKG), will (MKG), Apollo (EQ-11), Horus (EQ-11), Tonal (TN), Not (EQ-11)

46 Love (TEQ), Ones (TK), Had (TK), I love (TK), Winged (TK), as One (TK), Abyss (EQ-11), Hadit (388 CL), Not (Mars QEQ)

47 five (TEQ), snake (D), One (TEQ), Thou (TEQ), Above (TK), Azure (TK), Aeon (EQ-11), Maat (EQ-11), Moon (TN), Babalon (TN), Who am I (TEQ)

48 six (388 CL), Key (TEQ), Lust (EQ-11), Sun (TK)

49 Abrahadabra (MKG), Nu (TEQ), Water (TEQ), Nuit (TK), Ye are (TK), Key (EQ-11), Solve (EQ-11), Sage (TN), Focus (TN), Moon (EQ-11)

50 six (D), five (388 CL), Harlot (EQ-11), Exegesis (Mars QEQ), Soul (Mars QEQ), Abrahadabra (TN)

51 dove (MKG), Asar (TK), East (TK), Seat (TK), Sorrows (EQ-11), Who am I (Mars QEQ)

52 Galaxy (EQ-11), Nuit (Mars QEQ), Healer (388 CL), Tarot (388 CL), Secrets (388 CL)

53 love (MKG), Lazuli (EQ-11), Shield (388 CL), Action (TN), Who am I (TK), Self Slain (D)

54 Crown (ORB), snake (D), Ritual (TEQ), Buddha (EQ-11), Shaman (TN), Judgments (388 CL)

55 six (TK), none (MKG), Priest (TEQ), Word (TEQ), Of love (TK), East (EQ-11), Mage (TN), Teacher (388 CL), Obeah (TN), Ordeal X (D)

56 egg (MKG), seed (MKG), Mass (TEQ), Bare (TK), Unite (TK), Are One (TK), Aum Ho (TK), Magi (EQ-11), Nu (JK)

57 snake (TN), death (MKG), Prophet (TEQ), Tongue (TK), Aiwass (TK), And Two (TK), Abacus (EQ-11), Satyr (EQ-11)

58 Hadit (MKG), Change (TEQ), Jasper (TEQ), Mary (TEQ), Nuit (TEQ), Stars (TEQ), Ordeals (EQ-11), Ordeal X (TN), Hadit (EQ-11)

59 Blue (TEQ), Scarlet (TEQ), Rose (TK), Kiblah (EQ-11), Action (388 CL), Who am I (EQ-11)

60 paste (MKG), Alphabet (TEQ), Cube (TEQ), Hermit (TEQ), Lover (TEQ), Truth (TEQ), Wand (TEQ), Spell (EQ-11)

61 Ipsos (ORB), Hiding (TEQ), Hadit (Mars QEQ), Choose (EQ-11), Horus (Mars QEQ), Secrets (Mars QEQ), Who am I (MKG)

62 Beauty (ORB), five (TN), snake (TK), space (MKG), Beast (TEQ), Sphere (TEQ), Kings (EQ-11)

63 Bind (EQ-11), Burn (EQ-11), Eleven (Mar QEQ), Judgments (D)

64 earth (MKG), heart (MKG), stem (MKG), Sun (TEQ), Hindu (EQ-11), Who am I (TN)

65 flower (MKG), pure (MKG), Moon (TEQ), Original (TEQ), Silver (TEQ), Warrior (TEQ), Thou (TK), I am Nuit (TK), Babalon (EQ-11), Khure (EQ-17), Secrets (D), Eleven (TK), Empress (388 CL), Empress (Mars QEQ)

66 mind (MKG), Nuit (MKG), sacred (MKG), union (MKG), House (TEQ), Unto Me (TK), One, One, One (TK), Not of me (TK), Gates (EQ-11)

67 Lover (MKG), English (TEQ), sunset (MKG), Teach (EQ-11), Ritual (EQ-17), Thoth (EQ-17), Empress (D), Self Slain (388 CL)

68 Ghob(ORB), lovely (MKG), Silence (TEQ), Lover (TK), Gotham (EQ-11)

69 life (MKG), Druids (EQ-11), Babalon (Mars QEQ)

70 Aiwass (ORB), Nixtet (ORB), Ka Tet (ORB), Ecstasy (MKG), nought (MKG), palace (MKG), Sword (TEQ), Heaven (TK), Star (TK), Hadit (TK), I love you (TK), Armour (EQ-11), Resonance (Mars QEQ), Folly (EQ-17), Chapel (EQ-11)

71 Mercy(ORB), Flowers (EQ-11), Hadit (Mars QEQ), Who am I (388 CL), Abrahadabra (D)

72 Abraxas(ORB), Equinox (TK), Words (TK), Tried (TK), Holier (EQ-11), Eleven (D), Ordeal X (TEQ)

73 Victory (ORB), attain (MKG), warrior (MKG), Letters (TEQ), Order (TEQ), Snake (TEQ), Riddle (EQ-11), Thelema (Mars QEQ), Folly (Mars QEQ), Magick (EQ-17), Ordeal X (388 CL)

74 PTNSAH (ORB), snake (TEQ),Beast (EQ-11), Nought (Mars QEQ), Moon (JK)

75 Djin(ORB), five (MKG), Secrets (TN), Ordeal X (EQ-11), Abrahadabra (388 CL)

76 five (EQ-11), light (MKG), Azure (TEQ), Lapis Lazuli (TEQ), Dancers (EQ-11)

77 Agape(ORB), Death (ORB), Enki (ORB), Mayans (ORB), Ra-Hoor (ORB),Snake(ORB), Tahuti(ORB), Peace(ORB), success(MKG), Written (TEQ), Wisdom (TEQ), Black (TK), To my joy (TK), the Wanga (TK), Invoke me (TK), No blood (TK), Ammon-ra (EQ-11), Ennead (EQ-17), Shield (TN), Babalon (JK)

78 Anubis (ORB), Thosis (ORB), fruit (MKG), Heru-Ra-Ha (MKG), Master (TEQ), Wisdom (TEQ), Written (TEQ), Demons (EQ-11), Ordeal X (MKG)

, Geomancer(ORB) 79 Thuari (ORB), alphabet (MKG), If thou (TK), Be goodly (TK), Of my book (TK), My hair (TK), Abrahadabra (EQ-11), Babalon (TK)

80 night (MKG), the Law (TK), Bahlasti (EQ-11), Not (JK)

81 Star Chakra(388 CL, Grades (TEQ), Laughter (TEQ), Nothing (TEQ), Ordeals (TEQ), Reason (TEQ), Alchemy (EQ-11), Nought (EQ-17), Abrahadabra (EQ-17), New Leaders (388 CL), Teacher (TN), Secrets (TEQ)

82 because (MKG), Divine (TEQ), Heru-ra-ha (TEQ), Infinite (TEQ), To me, to me (TK), Love song (TK), I call it (TK), Nothing (TK), Jasmine (TK), Verse number 65 (TK), Adept (EQ-11), Process (ORB),

83 marvel (MKG), Heart (TK), To Love Me (TK), Earth (TK), Success (EQ-11), Ritual (EQ-6)

84 Heaven (MKG), Rituals (EQ-11), Community (TN), Healer (TN), Key of it all (D), Do what thou wilt (D)

85 Hoor-Pa-Kraat (MKG), number (MKG), servant (MKG), Nemyss (EQ-11), Hierophant (TEQ), Babalon (TEQ)

86 invoke (MKG), Ra-Hoor-Khut (MKG), Eighteen (TEQ), Eleven (TEQ), Every man (TK), Come unto (TK), I am Heaven (TK), With Isa (TK), Knoweth (EQ-11), Key of it all (TEQ), Self Slain (TEQ)

87 Chanted (EQ-11), Empress (TN)

88 desert (MKG), silver (MKG), time (MKG), Ecstasy (EQ-11), Thoth (Mars QEQ), Hierophant (D), Self Slain (Mars QEQ)

89 Ta Nech (ORB), Wisdom (ORB), Skew-wise (TEQ), Dissolved (EQ-11), Severity (ORB), Oroboros(ORB), Taoism(ORB), Green Tara(ORB), God + Goddess(ORB), Gay Thelema(ORB), Rainbow(ORB), Sufism(ORB),

90 I swear it (TK), Eunuch (EQ-11), Playful One (388 CL)

91 System (TEQ), One Kiss (TK), Availest (EQ-11), Ordeal X (Mars QEQ)

92 Serpent (TEQ), Tongue (TEQ), Unto Him (TK), Hermes (EQ-11)

93 awaken holy guardian angel [GoN], Q-gnosis (ORB), "I am that I am" (388 CL), Alienz (ORB) eagerly (MKG), enter (MKG), middle (MKG), Queen (MKG), secure (MKG), verily(MKG), Concealed (TEQ), Energy (TEQ), Mantras (TEQ), Pointed (TK), Before me (TK), Stars (TK), I am Divided (TK), Of division (TK), learn and (TK), of the Law (TK), the man of (TK), a fool with (TK), stars (TK), under my (TK), Listen (EQ-11), Masters (EQ-11), Pure Will (TN), Eleven (TN), Self Slain (MKG), Green Magick (ORB), Langue Verte (388 CL),

94 Splendour (ORB), burning (MKG), Equinox (TEQ), Creator (EQ-11), Stardust (EQ-11), Key of it all (388 CL)

95 Genius (EQ-11), Empress (TEQ), This line drawn (D), Self Slain (EQ-11)

96 people (MKG), unto whom (TK), the dove (TK), Self-slain (EQ-11), System (EQ-11), Thelema (EQ-17)

97 HARMONY (ORB), Thelemites (TEQ), Heathen (EQ-11)

98 nothing (MKG), Priestess (TEQ), Strength (TEQ), Threefold (TEQ), Failure (EQ-11)

99 Blue and Gold (TK), My colour (TK), My Name is Nuit (TK), Ecstasy (TK), Faint & Faery (TK), woods & gum (TK), Endure (EQ-11), Ordeal X (TK), Judgments TN)

100 voluptuous (MKG), Deadlier (EQ-11)

101 Child (ORB), secret (MKG), My Incense (TK), Abarahadabra (Mars QEQ), Eleven (EQ-11)

102 Breath(ORB), Supernatural (TN), Secrets (MKG), Empress (MKG)

103 prophet (MKG), Judgments (Mars QEQ)

104 Thelema (MKG), Community (388 CL)

105 I yearn to you (TK), my meetings (TK), fill of love (TK), four gates (TK), Meditation (TN)

106 Nemyss (TEQ), Night-blue (TEQ), Meditation (388 CL)

107 letter (MKG), understand (MKG), Protection (TN), Inner Peace (388 CL), Integrity (TN)

108 Ardours (TK), My knowledge (TK), whom ye will (TK), Key of it all (TK)

109 Beehive(ORB), Half known (TK), house of God (TK), sacrifice (TK), World Leaders (TN), Slowing Down (TN), Pure Will (388 CL), Secrets (EQ-11), Eleven (MKG), English Alphabet (388 CL)

110 Petensah (ORB), beautiful (MKG), Hermit (MKG), Ra-Hoor-Khuit (TEQ), Restriction (TEQ)

111 Bolon yokte Khu(388 CL), Eucharistos(TEQ), Ra-Hoor-Khuit (MKG), serpent (MKG), Quarters (TEQ), Space-marks (TEQ), but thee (TK), the seeing (TK), of sunset (TK), the naked (TK), priest (TK), whole body (TK), But always (TK), ritual be (TK), me under my (TK), resinous (TK), unassuaged (TK), Folly Me It (Mars QEQ), Revelation (388 CL), Playful One (TN), Key of it all (MKG), Key of it all (Mars QEQ)

112 It may be given (TK), Jasper (TK), of a letter (TK), my stars (TK)

113 Boleskine (TEQ), Clerk-house (TEQ), whoso gives (TK), willing to give (TK), knoweth me (TK), continuity (TK), but as none (TK), of the Gods (TK), sweet wines (TK), the fools (TK), love and love (TK)

114 Indigo Star (ORB), Self Slain (TN)

115 World Leaders (388 CL), Sensitivity (TN)

116 Seagull (ORB), Revelation (TN), Self Slain (TK), Sun (JK)

117 Heru-pa-kraath (TEQ), Number (TEQ), not aright (TK), Storyteller (TN)

118 number is (TK), but whoso (TK), innermost (TK), drink to me (TK), my ecstasy (TK), shall be (TK), my scribe (TK), the wisdom (TK), the obeah (TK), if she will (TK), perfect (TK), not two, nay are (TK), to the wise (TK), the dark (TK), while in life (TK), Supernatural (388 CL), Hierophant (388 CL)

119 dissolution (MKG), Empress (EQ-11), Abrahadabra (TEQ)

120 continuous (MKG), incense (MKG), Concubine (TEQ), Knowledge (TEQ), one letter (TK), princes (TK), to one palace (TK), ever unto me (TK), they are one (TK), but thou (TK), Enlightened One (388 CL), Do what thou wilt (TN)

121 Belaroth (ORB), Bes na maut (ORB), perfume (MKG), Continuity (TEQ), love-chant (TK), Khabs is (TK), worship (TK), no other god (TK), do thy will (TK), letters (TK),Slowing Down (388 CL), Key of it all (TN)

122 concealed (MKG), Protection (388 CL), Judgments (MKG)

123 Mandala (ORB), and every woman (TK), burnest (TK), am the naked (TK), the chief (TK), multiply (TK), this book (TK), but close (TK), there are (TK), key of this (TK), in the East (TK), intellect (TK), are there (TK), Ho! Warrior (TK), all these (TK), Secrets (TK), Hierophant (TN), English Alphabet (D), Do what thou wilt (TEQ)

124 Storyteller (388 CL)

125 Omicrontheta (388 CL)

126 All is Number (ORB), universe(MKG)(TEQ), come a little (TK), lie in my bosom (TK), purple (TK), serpent (TK), pleasure (TK), revealed by (TK), sevants (TK),unattacked (TK), manifestation (TK), Key of it all (EQ-11), Hierophant (Mars QEQ)

127 English Alphabet (TEQ)

128 Dark Victory (MKG), perfumes (TK), breathed (TK), Empress (TK), Judgments (TK)

129 Meditate (ORB), Darkside ORB), Pandrogeny (ORB), Sephiroth (ORB), Thelema (ORB), children (TK), Inner Peace (TN)

130 Omicrontheta (TN)

131 Ra Hoor Khut (Mars QEQ)

132 Hierophant (MKG)

133 midnight (MKG), Gay Liberation (TN)

134 Mothers Day(ORB), Dark Victory (TEQ), Kingdom (ORB),

135 Foundation (ORB), Holy Serpent (ORB), This line drawn (TN), Do what thou wilt (388 CL), Do what thou wilt (MKG)

136 Dark Victory (MARS QEQ), Ra Hoor Khuit (Mars QEQ), Integrity (388 CL)

137 Dark Victory (ORB), Sipapu point(ORB),

139 Judgments (EQ-11), This line drawn (TEQ)

140 disappear (TK), Hierophant (EQ-11)

141 Eucharistos(ORB)

143 Trigrammaton (TEQ), Love Under Will (TN), Restriction (ORB), Galebrath (ORB),

144 Mothers Day(TK), Dark Victory (388 CL), love under will(388 CL), Quest for English Kabba (D), English Qabala (EQ-17), Love Under Will (388 CL), Indigo Star (ORB),

146 understand (TK), Thelemites (TK), Abrahadabra (TK)

147 Dark Fae Patenshay (TG) (MKG), Manifestation (TEQ), Sensitivity (388 CL), Knowledge (ORB),

148 Judgments (TEQ)

149 Splendour (TK), This line drawn (388 CL), Do what thou wilt (EQ-11)

150 Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (D)

152 Gay Liberation (388 CL), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (TN),

153 Omnipresence (TEQ), (TN)

154 infinite (MKG)

155 Sufi Tantrick Gnostic Alchemy of the Naga (ORB), Circumference (TEQ),

156 Rapturous (TK), This line drawn (Mars QEQ), This line drawn (EQ-11)

157 Liberation (ORB),

159 If we only listen (388 CL), This line drawn (MKG)

161 imagination (MKG), understanding (MKG), English Alphabet (Mars QEQ)

162 Book of Thoth (ORB), Hierophant (TK)

163 The Great Work (ORB), Abomination of Desolation (D)


168 six(JK),

172 Thelemites (MKG), Frater Sabaechit (EQ-17)

173 Sanctus Coluber (ORB)

174 manifestation (MKG)

175 English Alphabet (MKG)

176 If we only listen (TN), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (MKG)

177 Understanding (ORB), This line drawn (TK)

182 Cyber magick (ORB),

183 Hierophantic (TK)

184 English Alphabet (TN)

186 Do what thou wilt (TK)

187 Hoor-pa-kraat (TK), English Alphabet (EQ-11)

188 Crack the Code (Orb), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (388 CL)

189 Ankh-af-na-khonsu (TEQ)

190 Primigenian (ORB),

191 Do what thou wilt (Mars QEQ)

194 Apostle of Infinite Space (D)

195 ASSUME POWER FOCUS (ORB), Unfragmentary (TEQ)

196 Spyres of the hawk (ORB),

198 Spiritual Liberation (TN)

199 All Nature is here to teach us (388 CL)

200 Apostle of Infinite Space (TEQ)

202 Purple Magick (ORB), Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (TN)

205 Enlightened One (TN)

208 Akashic Records (ORB), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (TEQ), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (EQ-11), Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (TEQ)

209 Apostle of Infinite Space (388 CL)

210 Nu the Hiding of Hadit (Mars QEQ), Apostle of Infinite Space (Mars QEQ)

202 Aiwazification (ORB),

213 Tap the energies of the Earth (388 CL), Abomination of Desolation (TK)

219 Create space for listening (388 CL)

220 Abomination of Desolation (388 CL)

221 spill out into the world(388 CL),


223 Dark Fae Patenshay (ORB),

224 Tzaddi is not the star (ORB, English Alphabet (TN)


227 Abomination of Desolation (Mars QEQ)

230 Ronald Lee Adams(ORB),

235 Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (MKG)


238 Abomination of Desolation (TN)

239 Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (388 CL)

243 Spiritual Liberation (388 CL)

245 Indigo Starchild (ORB)

246 Hierophantic task (TK)

248 Quest for English Kabba (TEQ)

249 Attitude of Gratitude (ORB), Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Mars QEQ)

250 Vision is powerfully clear (TN), Love is the law, love under will (388 CL),

251 Abomination of Desolation (MKG)

255 ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (ORB), And clear light, my first system (388 CL),

256 Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (EQ-11)

259 All nature is here to teach us (TN)

260 Nuit Hadit Ra Hoor Khuit (Mars QEQ), Totally lost in the act of creation (388 CL), Abomination of Desolation (TEQ)

268 Nature of the Beast I Am (ORB), Apostle of Infinite Space (TK),

269 May the fourth be with you (ORB), Apostle of Infinite Space (TN)

272 Create space for listening (TN)

275 Had the manifestation of Nuit (Mars QEQ), ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (TK)

279 still out into the world (ORB),

283 spill out into the world (ORB),

284 Vision is powerfully clear (388 CL)

292 Totally lost in the act of creation (TN), Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (TK)

293 Ultimate sparks of intimate fire (388 CL)

294 Abomination of Desolation (EQ-11)

298 Quest for English Kabba (ORB),

306 Apostle of Infinite Space (MKG)

309 Quintessence is Magick (ORB)

319 Holy Guardian is awake... tis we that sleep (TEQ),

320 Tap the energies of the Earth (TN)

323 Magick is always an option (ORB),

325 Ultimate sparks of intimate fire (TN)

329 apostle of infinite space (ORB

330 And clear light, my first system (MKG),

332 Ultraculture = Strange attractor(ORB),

333 Kundalini Clear Light (ORB)

334 Sufi Tantrick Gnostic Alchemy of the Naga(Mars QEQ), Identity access codes secure (ORB),

335 The word of sin is Galebrath (ORB), The word of sin is restriction (ORB),

349 Apostle of Infinite Space (EQ-11)

358 Scientific Illuminism (ORB),

367 Abrahadabra the reward of Ra Hoor Khut (Mars QEQ)

376 "If ye would dance the Mask, then mask the Dance" (ORB),

383 And clear light, my first system (ORB),

397 heretical new numerology system (ORB), apostle of infinite space aught (Orb)

418 five (JK), snake (JK), Abrahadabra (JK)

440 Sufi Tantrick Gnostic Alchemy of the Naga(MKG)

444 Ipsos KA-thar-OZZZ, Melchizedek-Aivassz (ORB),

436 Mask the dance and dance the mask ORB),

451 Mask the dance, then dance the mask (ORB),

467 Holy Guardian is awake... tis we that sleep (ORB),

491 the great work four hundred eighteen love is the law (Mars QEQ),

498 Off top of my head with no short term memory (ORB), the great work four hundred eighteen love is the law (TEQ),

501 Secret Light the Way of Sacred Knowledge (ORB),

524 Key of it all (JK)

135 The weirdness in me honors the weirdness in you(ORB),

540 everything's connected you just don't get to know how(ORB),

544 As brother's fight ye = snake wiggles in an egg (ORB),

567 Self Slain (JK)

586 Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit (JK)

625 Ordeal X (JK), Who am I (JK)

626 the great work four hundred eighteen love is the law (ORB),

631 "Sacred Light, reveal the secret paths to the great work!" (ORB),

673 Hierophant (JK), For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union (ORB),

688 Genesis paved the way for Revelations, in belly of the beast (ORB),

718 Abomination of Desolation (JK)

801 "I shall reveal the paths to the power of the Great Work with my light." (ORB),

916 All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little(ORB),

970 Secrets (JK)

990 All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little(TK),

999 Eleven (JK)

1004 Empress (JK)

1188 Dark Fae Patenshay (JK),

1313 This line drawn (JK), Do what thou wilt (JK)

1545 ABKALGMORYXRPSTOVAL (JK), English Alphabet (JK), Apostle of Infinite Space (JK), Judgments (JK)

English Qabala Calculator

English Qabala Calculator

English Qabala Calculator

Toavotea Key Dialectic 388 Harmonic Clear Light
Thinker's Geomatrix Judgment Key Trigrammaton English Qabalah
Mars Kamea Gematria Mars QEQ Oroboros English Qabala


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Click to join FutureThelema


My interpretation of the secret of verse 76, done without numerology:

Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis

Other Links:

Exegesis 1: Toavotea Key

Quest for the English Qabala

Who is Ron Adams? And what is he talking about?

Here is an Eastern look at Thelema, which was started by a man who was 16 when he meet Crowley in India:

Twilight Yoga I\\ Ecstasy, Equipoise, and Eternity

My first inquirey that started all this crazy questing, using Crowley’s own words from his Old and New Comments on the Book of the Law, which I call Transcendence of Liber L:

Transcendence of Liber L

Frater Sabaechit's Email