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You have entered.... my domain.... Turn back now if you want to see another website...

The cowards way out...

Uh-oh... Now you've done it. You've come to the point of no return... You have entered the dark corners of my mind. How do you plead?
Well, you're still here, so it's obvious you're guilty. Welcome to my brain. Population..... I have yet to count the cobwebs up here. You'll be glad to know that there are no spiders... I ate them. But cobwebs are just plain icky, so PLEASE don't eat them.
You're still here? Geez, you're making me think of more things to put here, just to get you to go away. God!! Well, how about I talk about the many uses of chocolate syrup... No, that's just a little too advanced for you. Those who know who I'm talking about, I give you a standing ovation. *claps politely* Not what you were expecting, but hey, I can only do so much until I get off my lazy butt and clean out these cob webs. Until then, just enjoy the many workings of my brain. Alright, I lied. My brain+thoughts=not that many. The one math equation I can really actually do.
No more thinking for me. I've over heated my brain as it is. You can't expect that much of me. I'm a simple human. Or am I? Human that is. We already knew that I was simple. You see. I even have to explain myself to myself. If that makes sense. Let me ponder. ..................................................... Alright, I'm going to tell myself to quit while I'm ahead. I'm surprising myself as it is, I mean I actually know enough about websites to build this simple minded one. Or is it? NO MORE THOUGHTS! MAKE THE THINKING STOP!!!!!! hehehe. No, I don't have voices in my head. Just me. Here I am.... Hurrah, hurrah. Guess what. You're here, I'm not. I was, but if you're reading this I'm not here anymore. But I was... What a comforting thought. Isn't it? Isn't it just?
Guess what? I'm on a caffine high, you know what that means don't you? Some of you do. I bet you're backing away as I type. Gotta be politically correct. I'm bored, what should I write about? PENGUINS!!! They're everywhere!!!! Well, not yet, but they will be... you just wait. They'll attack us all. Well, except for me. Because not only am I special, I'd be the one controlling them from my secret base in Antartica. Oops, did I type that? Now my evil plans will be thwarted. Oh wait, no they won't. You wanna know what? I took this quiz on the internet to see how evil I am, and it said I was only 26% evil. I was disappointed to see my number so low. See they should have asked if I had plans to take over the world. Which I don't.......... *wink wink* But anyway, I decided that the other 74% of me is definately not psycho, because let's face it. I'm too sane to be psycho. I mean god, it's not like I'm talking about world domination and penguins or anything.
I'm bored, what should I write. I could write about the invisible leprechan I was talking to the 8th. He was very interesting. We were talking about Haggis. I wanna try it some time. There's nothing better than Sheep guts. Sounds appetizing, right? More appetizing than spiders, let me tell you. Stay away from the Daddy Longlegs.... ICKY!! I remember my biology teacher telling me that we eat about 8 spiders a year in our sleep. So sleep with your mouths closed people. If you're bad breath wasn't a good enough reason to keep your mouths closed, this should be.
I am hurt! I work so hard on this website, okay not really, I mean to work hard, my brain would actually have to process thoughts, and as we all know, that doesn't come easy for me. But anyway, like I was saying before I interrupted myself, there has been one measily visitor, and I know for a fact that was me..... Wow.... I need to get out more, make some more friends. So here I am, by myself. Actually no, because I have that little voice in my head that I talk to. Wait, that's me.... Nevermind, I really am by myself. I'm so non-normal that even my cat doesn't wanna be around me unless I'm feeding him. Maybe that's on account of he went to the vets to have his.....yeah.... cut off and before hand I told him a bunch of horror stories... Wait... Now I just sound like a psycho... You know you could just tell me to get a life. I wouldn't be offended or anything. Wait, you can't, because I'm here and you're there. Muhahahahaha!!!!!! Fear me! FEAR ME!!! Wait...... I'm gonna shut up now...
No, no I'm not. I'm just gonna keep typing about nothing in particular, just wasting your time. My life is a waste of time. Well that's not true. You know what, they should schedule more winterguard practices, because then I wouldn't be bored, and then I wouldn't be here, typing a bunch of nonsense. I'd be in the gym twirling my rifle like a maniac and nearly killing anyone who came within a 10 foot radius. Have you noticed how nice I am to myself?
Well, I guess this is it for now. My poor overheated brain. First school now this. What are you trying to do, make me have a nuclear meltdown? No, my brain isn't powerful enough for nuclear meltdowns... The batteries might die though, if there were batteries in there to begin with. Ah, just leave already before I confuse myself more. Later!
Wait!! Before I forget! See, I have reasons why I'm not psycho! *sob* Stop thinking bad about me, it hurts my feelings!! Deep down under these evil, psycho tendencies, there's a human heart that beats with the passion to take over the world!!! Alright enough with the sob story, here are my reasons why I cannot be a psycho.

So you see, I'm not crazy!!! There you go.