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Color Guard:

We didn't have as good a season as last year, but we did great anyway! We tried our hardest and that's all that matters. As for the band, they did an outstanding job! Congrats to the Drum Majors for their win as Best Drum Majors at the Windsor Town Fair. This years songs consisted of Aztec Fire, Evil Ways, and Latin Closure. Unfortunately for us we didn't win any awards. In May we traveled to Boston and did excellent!

Winter Guard:

This was our first year competing in over 20 years. We spent the beginning of the season fund raising since none of our funding comes from the school due to budget cuts. We preformed to the song "My Way" by Limp Bizkit in the novice class. This year we've expanded to 18 members. This is the largest group we've had in many years. Some of our members had never even picked up a flag before and they did an awesome job.

Competition Schedule and Results: