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~.:My Website~home of the pie files:.~

Things that will appear on my webpage


links for when your bored
dogpile (not a real dogpile, a search engine)
virtual bubble wrap
lyrics for u

Thanks for veiwing my webpage! it just got off the ground but it will soon be growing. you can email me with ANYTHING at: *~The Pie Files~* This has been moved just recently from my profile. (probably where u got this link) This is My story. Why is it called the Pie files you ask? well, PIE stands for A Pretty Ignorant Everyone. People Now a days are proud and ignorant, and here is how I can prove it. (mostly by my own twisted thoughts) 1.) Some people are convinced That I am totally Ghetto. Not if you really know me. fo' Sheazy Some ppl Are all wassup Dawg and I'm all, What is up? why, a lovely ceiling of course. Assuring you, If i was that ghetto I wouldn't have shirts that have Hello kitty on them. 2.) When I try to explain a double negative to someone, they usually respond with a double negative. 3.) When is Gullible ever written on the ceiling? once there was some paper hanging from the ceiling that said DUCT on it, but that the only thing i've ever seen written on the ceiling. 4.) People Say random things on purpose, to be funny, but in all truth if you say it on purpose, could it still be considered random? Or is it an insult to your Intelligence? (did i spell that right?) 5.) Teachers are teachers because they know like, lots of stuff, so why do they ask you questions? 6.) Why is it that when you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend you act all mushy to them, but if u saw anybody else being like that, youd be all eeew, Gross... 7.) Can you believe that people stare at me when i talk to the meat section in the grocery store! I am only offering the poor cows sympathy! where is the Humanity people! (Anybody who would like to go grocery shopping with me plz tell me cuz, my mom won't push the carriage if I am sitting in it...) well that and it's fun to have a friend to go down the cereal isle with you at full-throttle speeds! :-D 8.) This pie files Entry comes to you from Arty! One of his friends sends him lots of chain letters, and he does this thing, so it gets sent to lots of ppl, (including to the girl who sends it to him.) and he got a letter from her parents asking him to stop sending her the chain mail! :-P ~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#*#~~#* do you have astory where someone (even you) was being so incredibly stupid that it proves that every is proud and ignorant? if you do, send it to me! I love to add new entries ^_^ Cereal~*~ So far I have no cereal isle updates, so i guess your going to hafta wait. Rants Raves and Whatever Todays: RaNtS: The flower drum song, Sorrie Linda Low, but i'm your understudy and I wonder why I didn't get your part... of all the times I have heard u sing, You havn't sung, you just yelled. That COULD be your singing voice, but if it isn't then I suggest you start singing for real, because I'm begining to wonder why i'm only the night club singer.. RaVeZ: The Gossip Girl series some of the best books I have ever read, and i'm not done with the first book! even if u hate reading you'll like this book.. WHatEVer--- La la la Oh well, If u wanna add something to my site email it to me okay? You know u love me, ~Candy
