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Official Target : Osama Bin Laden

This is what we think of Osama Bin Laden..I made this target as a way to relieve strees and anger at someone I couldn't shoot, because I'm here in America.
I'd like to say that september 11. 2001 will be forever on our minds..They have not won but they have changed our lives forever..We won't talk, act or feel in the same way we did. Our children will be forever terrified of images of passenger jets flying overhead. This has happened on American soil, but the tragedy has happened to the world..Many thousands have lost their lives in this senseless tradgedy, many thousands more will lose their lives if this brings about war., Many have given their lives so they were not another bomb of destruction..I salute every american who lost their live in the world trade centers, on the airplanes and on the flight were they voted to take action..These hero's will not be forgotten, neither will the criminal acts that took them from us... God bless them and God bless America again.. And god better be with Osama Bin Laden if he ever shows his sorry face again.
Some people have said "Some people might take offense to this's not right..." Well my reply to them is "I took offense to him ordering the deaths of thousands of American people..So this is my protest against him..Last time I checked I still lived in America where I had freedom of speech and expression. If you don't like it, get the hell out of my country, I will honor my oath to defend America as I, or the president, see's fit..If your not from this country and you start any action that is deemed hostile against America, me, my family, or friends, I will defend her and them with my life. And god help you if I can get to you, you won't see the light of day again. If you try to harm me, my family, or any I hold dear dig your grave now, if I find you you'll meet whatever god you worship. I am a member of the Homeland Defense Force and I'm native American. If you don't like it here, I accord you the privledge to return to your own land, I didn't invite you here and I don't want you here. If you try and start a war on American soil, you will be buried in American soil, or in your homeland soil."

Top 5 uses for this target

blow guns

blow guns