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Info About Me
"My Name is Otto, I love to get Blotto"

My name is Andrew Blumberg. I am 15 years old, and I live in Arlington, Texas (suburb of Dallas). I go to Fort Worth Country Day School in (*gasp*) Fort Worth. I play football and wrestle. I'm in choir. I can marginally play the Saxaphone. I love the Simpsons. I love philosopy. (an interesting combination I'm aware). I like pro-wrestling. I like writing. I don't like annoying people who IM you a million times, and go:
AnnoyingPerson193: Hey
Limin8tor: Hey
AnnoyingPerson193: what's up?
Limin8tor: nm, just chillin', you?
AnnoyingPerson193: nm
(Long Silence)
AnnoyingPerson193: so...
Limin8tor: yes?
AnnoyingPerson193: nothing

To Summarize, only IM me if you actually have something to say.

I like every kind of music except country. I like to laugh, anyone who can amuse me for 5 minutes has a special place in my heart. I like doing stuff on the computer, like making really long profiles. My Catch Phrases:
Bueno (and variations, BuenoRiffic, BuenoMaster)

Stylin'(if you don't know by now, you shouldn't be here)

Throw Cupcakes at (insert sect) people. Yes there's few things I enjoy more than throwing cupcakes at old, fat, tall, shot, lanky, crippled, oddly proportioned, and several other groups of people.

Happy Trails. (it sounds so much better than Sincerely).

Happy Trails,
-Andrew B