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Update 06/13/06

That's Right, Believe it. Only 4 updates last year, half this year is already over. fuck.

Update 12/23/05

Street Skating with kyle and Powell/Westerville photos from a few months back.


Update 06/27/05

Seth was in Ohio, shredding. Yon, Danny and myself went to Skatopia for the bowl bash. Shit was killer.


Update 05/23/05

Louisville, Dodge, Coshok

Incorporateds Tour De' Ville



Update 01/24/05

Put a fork in the new video, because that son of a bitch is DONE! I'm going to work on making copies as soon as I get stocked up on blank VHS. If you would like a copy send me a email at and i'll see what I can do. Oh yeah, I still take photos?


Update 12/10/04

I was getting tired of the way shit was looking around here, so I changed it, sorry if it sucks. Oh yeah, I finally got a card reader for my camera that works, here are some photos from the past month or somthing.


Update 11/26/04

Seth's new website is kicking my website's ass. Go look at it now if you know what is good for you. One month since I last updated this page...


Update 10/27/04

You guessed it, more Zanesville park photos!


Update 10/25/04

The weather has been rather shitty lately. No new skate photos, so let's just call this the bonus section.

Ain't no party like a Coshok party.....


Update 10/23/04

I skated the Pickerington park yesterday. Danny got a tailblock over the spine. Steven from Kentucky was up in Ohio busting out some burtslides, frontside airs and this awesome quote:"Good thing this is skate wave because I'm about to wipe out." The Pickerington park isn't that bad for a skatewave park, go skate it if you are in the area.

Party in Coshocton tonight in celebration of the purchase of 5 kegs. 3 of PBR, 2 of Beast ice, 5.9% fule injection. Don't be there.


Update 10/17/04

INCORPORATED Skate Shop hosted a BBQ at the zanesville park today. Stop by the shop, buy some stuff and say thanks.

Also, be sure and check out Jamisons web page he has some rad photos from the backwoods bash and evolution skatepark.


Update 10/04/04

Coshocton crew made the pilgrimage to Skatopia's Backwoods Bash X was last weekend, along with a pit stop in Athens. We took some photos.


Update 9/20/04

I started fall quater of school today, so there will probably be less updates, cross your fingers.

Yon, Danny, Doug, and myself cruised down to the Dirty South

The Zanesville "skate jam" was a few weeks ago, here are some photos from it and some random photos from columbus.


Update 9/02/04

Kyle and I went to Columbus yesterday, met up with Yon, skated Dublin park, and the Blood Bowl.


Update 8/30/04

My computer crashed a few weeks ago and I lost all my footage, photos, and music, so basically I'm sucking at computer life at the moment.

Speaking of sucking at life, I've been spending way to much time in Coshocton lately.

Kyle and Brickles came up to Zanesville the other day, we got the struggler out of his house and skated some stuff. Theres some footage from that day over thurrr....


Update 8/10/04

New logo awesomeness created by Bash.

Whats that on the right? A whole page documenting Doug's shredding lifestyle? Yep.

Kyle is in Oregon with danger duo: Seth and Dennis( who was recently arrested for stealing beer and chips from dari mart), He's gonna be back in a few days and he better have some good footage.


Update 7/13/04

I'm changing the site around, probably update more often.

Seth and Dennis are back from Oregon for a few days, then heading back out. They have some killer footage, check it out if you see em. We had a nice little session at westerville, here's a photo of Noah - BS grindin and Seth with a FS tail over the hip.

Doug is in Texas, doing who knows what? Word on the street is hes coming back in a month or so.

Cruz has "skatelite" on his mini ramp now. Go skate it.

Also give Noah and Jamison a high five next time you see them. Both of their kids were born, rock on.