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D o n ' t   B e   S o  S t u b b o r n

T a p e s   a n d   Z i n e s





Don't Be So Stubborn (based in Grand Rapids, MI) is a cassette tape label that releases and distributes tapes and zines.  Currently released are sixteen little red tapes of every sound, each containing 15 minutes of music, and selling for only four dollars apiece. 







Catalogue of DBSS Tape Releases:


DBSS01    bunkbed nights the old hotel     5 songs, folky and buzzing with melodies, insects, bowed guitar.

DBSS02    the cautions piranhas in love    6 songs. teenage punk. political, brash, loud, brief songs.

DBSS03    lapel/chico split    4 songs. this one will never actually become available. the ghost release.

DBSS04    fred thomas    self-titled    5 songs. noisy and raucous, jangly guitar and piano, 4-tracked.

DBSS05    halos for martyrs/bunkbed nights    split    4 songs. fast emo anthems and moody melodramatics.

DBSS06    prophet of the dawn/swimming to pinpoints    split    5 songs. vegan hardcore and metric indie rock.

DBSS07    flights and swarms    flight/swarm    4 songs. slow bright songs punctuated with bells and lap steel.

DBSS08    mm mclaughlin    dreamless    2 poems. one long poem with 14 short spoken pieces and improv guitar.

DBSS09    the backbone flute    desert rain    4 songs. mid-80s drum machine and delay vocals. haunting vibe.

DBSS10    bright shining as the sun    self-titled    6 songs. film audio, sped-up vocals, paino, guitar, and effects.

DBSS11    don't be so stubborn    mix tape    7 songs. motown covers, bunkbed, nick, fred, prophet, & cautions.

DBSS12    halos for martyrs    feel my hands loosen    4 songs. fast emo with urgent vocals, driving rhythms.

DBSS13    juan garcia    speak soft    4 songs. art/indie. guitar, piano, lap steel. whisper-sung and bitter-sweet.

DBSS14    bunkbed nights    all the leaves are now in snow    6 songs. backmasking, piano, bells, guitar. peculiar.

DBSS15    peter lagrand    4 1/2    4 1/2 songs. country/folk standards with accordion, mellotron, melodica



(Click here for Lemonade Stand picks of the litter, reviews.)



All tapes are $4 postpaid  -  expect for the don't be so stubborn mix tape ($1), and the halos for martyrs feel my hands loosen tape ($3).



Also Available:


teenybluepillows    these are small (3"x5") pillows screened and sewed by sarah and ben. each pillow is screen-printed with the        

                                   DBSS black cassette tape, and are perfect for that spot on your head that bumps against the car window when

                                  you're sleeping in the passenger seat. $2 each (postpaid).






To order any of the above, send well-concealed cash or a check (payable to ben scott-brandt) to:


Don't Be So Stubborn / 945 Thomas SE / Grand Rapids, MI / 49506


We try to keep copies of everything on hand, but sometimes we're unable to. If you're in a rush, list alternates. Unfortunately, we cannot take any orders by electronic mail, but you may contact us at









The following is taken from the DBSS January 2004 mail order catalogue, penned by Ben Scott-Brandt, manager of DBSS (and frontman for Bunkbed Nights):


these cassettes took a while to come together, both in cultivating the ideas needed to record them or request their recording, and in the actual hand-dubbing in real time (7.5 minutes per side) of approximately 400 finished tapes. it's been a lot of work, but it still seems worth it. somehow we've been able to put out recordings of everything dear to us: motown covers, backwards-looped piano, vicious eighties drum-machine sounds, accelerated-tape-speed vocals, vegetarian hardcore songs, spoken word, improvised guitar, teenage all-girl punk songs, moody acoustic ballads, and lots of indie/emo/rock songs, from bands around grand rapids. the fifteen-minute mix tape features seven full-length songs from what we've released so far. halos for martyrs allowed us to release their last recording before they broke up; it's a four-tracked piece of rushing brilliance in a pink paper package. juan garcia finally gave us a master after a year of recording and did all his own art for the cover. I was so proud and inspired that I recorded six songs on a borrowed four-track for bunkbed night's latest tape.


I know tapes won't be around forever, but in some ways, that's the beauty of the whole idea. all things are impermanent, and most things of beauty especially impermanent. get a taste of the passing moments of a local music scene - it won't be here forever.





we are always accepting demos of original material from all genres. if you're interested in an analog release of your material, please send a CDR or master-quality cassette to us. (we'll reply promptly.) keep in mind we can only release fifteen minutes worth of audible sound per cassette.








945 Thomas SE / Grand Rapids, MI / 49506 /




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by Noah Paul Borgondy.




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