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Johnny King Honey Bee's

Awkward Times
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The world is getting is getting into a real mess. One has a wide choice on whom to blame this on. The truth of the matter is all of us have been shitting in our own bed and sleeping in it - and many are starting to wake up and say something like 'we can't go on like this.' I fear we are 40-50 years too late to make major changes, so we shower and soak for hours in the tub, but that smell of shit won't go away - it will never go away. I could rant and rave for pages and pages about corrupt governments and large corporations being the root cause of the foul smell of shit which is starting to permeate nearly everywhere one goes, especially in the USA. But that is passing the buck. We are to blame - me and you - for allowing such total bullshit to take place. In short we - you and I - are to blame for totally fucking up our environment.