Welcome to Insolent Cricket's House!

This is the personal rant /info page of myself, the Insolent Cricket, and a few of the people that I respect and know as intelligent. All the expressed ideas, feelings and thoughts are directly from myself or those that I mentioned above. They are here because in our world, a place with so-called freedoms of speech and thought, this is the only place we can express our thoughts without fear of being subjected to abuse, criticism or anger. No longer shall the young be silent! We are the next generation and we have to deal with the world that the older generation has screwed up! It's time we stood up and took some responsibility! It's now or never!

Disclaimer Below!



The ideas and thoughts expressed within are real and therefore may be explicit in honesty, logic and truth. The narrow minded, weak of stomach and most members of any organized religion should turn back now. If you want, go here where your weak, feeble and unimaginative brain won't have to struggle to understand things that you wish to disregard.

Run Away!