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Right-wing talk radio lunatics please note! By the grace of God, Al'lah, Zeus, Ba'al and every other Holy entity known to mankind, we are not a John Malone endorsed web site. You probably came here looking for John Malone's web page (cripes!), which, like his "radio show," is tragically uninspiring, lame, moribund and content-free.

If you've never heard John's radio show, our best advice is to keep it that way. But if you happen to be of the type who enjoys gawking at an automobile accident, then the disaster he brazenly calls "compelling talk radio," which can be heard weekdays from 4-6pm, might be right up your alley -- wherein you might discover such fascinating pseudo-facts as:

  • Democrats are bad!
  • Peace activists are anti-American
  • George W. Bush was lawfully elected
  • The Gang of Five didn't sodomize the Equal Protection Clause jurisprudence to guarantee that their prime choice pResidential candidate would win the 2000 election

So if you're already sick, by all means, click away and begone. Or for a more balanced and amusing view of that imbecilic ingrate John Malone, stick around and have a take.

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