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I wish I could understand.

I wish I could understand the mystery of life.

How does it happen that a person becomes trapped in a life that slowly kills him when the life that was meant for him is there for the taking?

When the passion in his heart for life is ignited and the lives of others are touched.

When the sunrise seems brighter and the moon seems to light a path to his dreams. 

While all these things are there, why do we choose a lifestyle instead of getting a life worth living?

 I wish I could understand the mystery of Love

What makes a man fall in love with another person?

He carries this seed in him which only one person will cause to grow.

That moment when the water of love falls on this seed it springs to life. A little green finger rises above the surface, growing into a strong tree as time goes by. Many times we think this is it but the reality of life quickly squashes this small fledgling plant.

Then we see that the roots went nowhere.  They never started to grow. The only thing that will make the roots take hold is the passion, which is ignited in the soul.

It is a burning passion, which burns away obstacles and overcomes seemingly unbeatable odds.

 Martin Luther King said: Until a man has found the thing for which he is prepared to die he is not fit to live.

I would like to say that until a man has found the person for whom he is prepared to die he has not lived yet.  I think that is love. The willingness to leave all and follow that passion which burns so brightly in the heart that it overcomes even the fear of uncertainty and the fear of failure.

 So let us stop trying to make an impression on people and begin making a lasting positive dent in life and we will taste freedom. Only the committed can ever taste real freedom. Sometimes we allow other people to dent us and live a life, staring at the dents that other people have made on us. But it is time to start living and stop staring.

Everybody has some dents but we can live with them if we are prepared to look on the inside and not on the outside if we renew our minds we think differently. When we begin to think differently we will talk differently, act differently and build a life according to the new way of thinking. Only expecting the best and pursuing the greatness that is within us all.

 Some people hurt us badly but then not every one is out to hurt us. Stop expecting people to hurt you and you will stop flinching at the mere sight of an obstacle.

 Be real and people will respect you. Most of us wish to meet real people. People who are living their lives from the inside out. People who show us they care and not how much they know. People who do not need to impress us in order for us to like them but who impresses us because of the light they reflect from their souls.

Dare to love, dare to live, dare to look inside and find the real you. Your life will explode into a shining light for others to follow. Develop the greatness in you, stir up the gifts in you and you will make a dent and not a mere impression that fades as the heat of your hand fades on a pane of glass.