HTML Tutorials

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This page is dedicated to people who want to learn HTML.

I made it because I know how it felt like to learn HTML personally. In my tutorial I have made it as clear as possible. With a little inspiration from Joe Burns and how he made his site I have tried to make it simple and easy to learn. Although I had already learnt HTML before I went to Mr. Burns' page it had clarified a few things for me and I thank him.

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Check out the Whats New? section. I will put up info on the new stuff I have added to this page or any latest updates. If you want to play games go here: GAMES or use the links to get there. There are quotes, jokes and pictures under the entertainment link.

Thank you for visiting my page. Please come back and visit again! If you have any concerns or questions e-mail me at THIS e-mail address. Other than that surf the site and enjoy yourself!

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