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Our current issue for Jan, Feb. and March of 2003

Members we are currently working on new ideas that we will be sharing with you in the near future. We are giving ourselves a new facelift to go with the new changes on how we will would like to represent HMEA to you and our new members.

  In the future magazines you will see alot of changes and specials catered just for members only. These special will be posted in the publications only. Here on our site we will be including information but not like the publications due to the different media type.

  It is beneficial to you to be or become a member to take advantage of our new services. Please take the time to explore this site to familiarize yourself with new updates and changes.

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E-Books Coming Soon
only at

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Members Only submit a photo who knows you might be in our next publication


Topics for Safety Meetings
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We have topics and materials that you can use for your next meeting

Forms currently available for use on our site
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Forms that you can download and edit for your property use

What your tool pouch should look like
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TIPS on what you should have in your pouch

©2003 HMEA "Hotel Motel Engineering Asociation"
Web design by Manny Higazi