Disclamiers:  "Wiseguy" belongs to Stephen J. Cannel, with or without Frank Lupo.  Frank McPike, Vinnie Terranova, *Mike Terranova*, and Sonny Steelgrave belong to Mr. Cannel -- with great thanks from me for creating such wonderful characters.  

My fiction contains consensual sex between two or more men and is not meant to be read by those who object to explicit homoerotic sexual material.  Or minors.  The law says anyone under the age of *consent* can't read this.  If you don't like the law, change it.  Remember: one person can make a difference.  

WARNING:  This story contains many elements of *bdsm*, including but not limited to bondage, spanking, whipping, nudity, enemas, butt plugs, general discussion of *bdsm*, and group sex.  If you are uncomfortable with the subject, don't read the story.

15 July 1998

Surprises for the Birthday Boy

Alexis Rogers

Anger burned in Vince as he paced the cold garage waiting for McPike.  Having set this meet for after midnight because he knew Frank hated it, Vince gave free reign to his feelings, including the grief.  The picture of Danny, dead, with the needle still in his arm, was driving Vince crazy.  No one, not Frank, not Sonny, no one, would do anything to avenge the murder of Danny Tesseo.
Vince lit a cigarette and paced.  Frank had arranged for the bogus arrest, stopping Vince's investigation cold. He rubbed his wrists where he could still feel the bite of cold steel.  His family's curses rang strongly in his memory as Vince drew smoke deep into his lungs.  "Damn you, Frank McPike!"  Vince kicked a rock against the garage wall.
Vince had finished one cigarette and lit another before McPike's car pulled into the agreed spot.  Dropping the cigarette and crushing it under his heel, Vince marched to the driver's side window.
"This better be important," Frank snarled.
Jerking the car door open, Vince pulled Frank out, twisted him around and shoved him against the side of the car.  Grabbing the right wrist, Vince yanked it hard, then slapped the handcuffs around bare flesh.
"Vince!" Frank warned in a soft, deadly voice.
"Shut up, Frank!"  The anger covered Vince's thoughts in a blood red haze.
Dragging Frank to the Porsche, Vince put extra stress on Frank's shoulders, then pushed him into the passenger seat, wishing, at this moment, that the car had a back seat.
"Vinnie," Frank whispered.
"You have the right to remain silent!" Vince yelled, "And if you don't keep your mouth shut, I'll shut it for you."
Keeping his eyes on the road, Vince felt McPike acquiesce in the small confines of the sports car.  He gripped the wheel tighter, working to control his anger, his frustration, his isolation and his pain until he pulled into the back parking lot of the Howard Johnson's where he had made arrangements for a room.  He
had tipped the guy in the office with Sonny's money for this first floor room at the back of the lodge.
Vince automatically checked the parking lot for activity as he got out of the car and saw nothing, so he pulled the room key from his pocket and roughly hauled McPike out of the car.

Vince prodded Frank towards the door in front of the car, holding the man while he unlocked the motel room door.  Shoving McPike towards the bed, Vince slammed the door, twisted the night lock, and jammed a chair under the door knob.
When he turned to face Frank, the older man stared back, calmly in control.  "Damn you!" Vince muttered, backhanding Frank, knocking his glasses half way off.  Frank sat perfectly still, his face calm even with the trickle of blood trailing from the corner of his mouth.
Vince relaxed his hands at his sides and tried breathing deeply.  When he could trust his strong emotions, Vince gently removed Frank's glasses and set them on the dresser out of harm's way.
"What do you want?" Frank asked softly.
"To wipe the smug look off your face, to teach you how it feels to be roused by the cops, to know the pain of death."  Vince turned away from Frank before he lost control again, visions of beatings racing through his mind.  'Come on, pretty boy, on your knees.'  Slap.  'Down I said.'  A punch in the gut.  'Roll him over, his ass is mine.'  Cold fear burned his face as hard flesh pierced his body.
Vince turned back to the bed and slapped Frank.  Then he jerked Frank to his feet, opened his belt and zipper, and pulled the pants down, before slamming McPike face down on the bed.
Unbuckling his own belt, Vince dropped his jeans, pulled McPike's ass up in the air, slapped it hard, then shoved his cock home.
Frank was silent and still.
Vince stopped, impaled in Frank's body, unclear as to what was happening.  The anger drained away as Vince listened to Frank's even controlled breathing.  As his head cleared, Vince's cock deflated and he pulled out of Frank, fumbling to pull his pants back on.
"Vincenzo?" Frank asked softly.  "You wanna talk?"
"I think it's a little late for that, don't you?"  Vinnie stared at his lover's bare butt, wondering how dark the bruises would be.
"Vinnie, take off the cuffs."
Finding the key, Vinnie unlocked the handcuffs, then walked across the room as far from Frank as he could get.
"Why did you stop?"  Frank pulled up his pants and retrieved his glasses.
"I don't know."  Vinnie stared at his hands.  "One minute I was so angry I wanted to kill you and the next minute I knew I was crazy to hurt you."
Frank settled on the bed, rubbing his wrists, then patted the spot next to him.  "Sit by me."
"No.  I need to get out of here before the anger comes back. Frank, I've never felt like that before."
"We can deal with it."
Vinnie lit a cigarette and paced while Frank sat quietly on the bed.  When Vinnie began to tremble, he stubbed out the cigarette and dropped onto the bed.
"That's the after effects of the adrenaline rush.  The higher the rush, the greater the let down.  I need you to tell me what's happening."
Vinnie rubbed his hands over his face.  "Danny's death kinda brought everything to a head, made me understand how isolated I am from my family, and how important they are to me."
"You knew going in ...".
"I knew here," Vinnie touched his head, "but not here," Vinnie's hand moved down to his heart.  Vinnie took Frank's hand, kissed it, and placed it on his own chest.  "There's no training anywhere that can teach you that kind of hurt."  Vinnie looked into Frank's blue eyes.  "What about you, Frank?  What about your family.
I bruised your butt with my hand.  How are you going to explain that to your wife?"
"My wife," Frank paused and drew a deep breath, "my wife has found her own way of dealing with the difficulties I have on the job."
"Yeah?  Does it work?"
"My family is off limits to you.  I'm your field supervisor. We deal with your problems.  Period."  Frank stood and circled the room.
"Vincenzo?"  Frank returned to the bed and sat down.
Vinnie smiled at Frank, responding to the sound of his name like the caress Frank intended it to be.  "Yes?"
"I want you to tell me what you're feeling.  I have to know if I need to pull you out.  Vincenzo, do you want out?"
Vinnie reached for a cigarette.  "It's so strange.  My emotions go crazy.  The night Danny died I was having a good time playing with Sonny.  We had two beautiful girls for show but the later evening would have been reserved for me and Sonny.  I could see the promise in his eyes, and Frank, sex with Sonny is fantastic."
"There was a change in Sonny's mood after Kiki Vanno made his play at our table.  The barriers came down and Sonny was all business again.  I had promised to take Danny and Angie to dinner after the fight, so I figured I would have time to refocus Sonny's mood later, when I came home.  I knew he would be waiting for me."
"You freaked when you saw Danny?"
"Yeah, Frank, I freaked.  It hurt so much I panicked.  No one was doing a damn thing, no one cared that Danny had been murdered."
"All that posturing with the cops, Vinnie, you flashed your I.D.  You broke all the rules.  Do you have any idea how much work it cost to convince those guys you were so desperate that you had a fake FBI I.D.?  I wanted to toss you over my knee for being so stupid."
"Instead, you have my hand print on your butt."
"Funny how life is," Frank smirked.  "So can you handle this or do I pull you out?"
"I need to get through Danny's funeral and my family's hostility. I need to see the bastard who killed Danny brought to justice. I need to hear a jury say 'guilty'."
"And people in Hell need ice water."
Vinnie lit the cigarette in his hand.
"We need Vanno to protect your cover.  Don't you think Danny would get some perverse pleasure out of knowing that his killer had to serve to keep you safe?  He wouldn't want you endangering your soul by seeking revenge."
"Frank, your Catholic side is showing."
"So maybe God will make Danny your guardian angel.  I could certainly use the help."  Frank chuckled and patted Vinnie's knee.
Vinnie leaned back on the bed and blew smoke at the ceiling.  "God, I'm tired."
"That's a very sane way to feel.  Why don't you crash here? Call the lifeguard when you leave."
"You're not staying?"
Frank took the burning cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray.  "No.  Your moods are too unstable and I'd rather not be your target again tonight.  Get some rest and check in.  I need you stable if you're in on the deal with the Zaratzos."
Digging the keys out of his pocket, Vince tossed them to Frank.  "Take the Porsche back to the garage.  I'll take a cab in the morning."
Frank leaned over and kissed Vinnie softly, then left, closing the door quietly.
Staring at the ceiling, Vinnie tried to put his feelings in some kind of order, but nothing matched.  He wondered what would have happened if Frank had struggled or argued.  They were pretty evenly matched but Vinnie had never tried to take Frank with the kind of anger he had felt tonight.  Frank was the focus of the anger because Frank was in control; even in this room tonight, Frank had been in control.  Vinnie rolled over and buried his face in a pillow, and pushed all thought from his mind.
         * * * * * *
Vinnie could hear Sonny's laughter echo in his mind as clearly as it had echoed in the car in the afternoon sunlight.  Sonny had giggled, had been especially pleased with himself, as he presented the dead Kiki Vanno for Vinnie's birthday present.
Pulling away from Sonny, Vinnie sat up on the bed.  He waited a few minutes to make sure Sonny did not wake up, then eased out of bed.  Leaving was not a problem, since Sonny preferred that Vinnie return to his own room before sunrise.  Vinnie pulled on his pants and watched Sonny sleep.  Even though it was dangerous, the sex with Sonny was great.  The constant adrenaline rush made the sex hotter.  Usually.  But tonight Vinnie felt dirty.  Vanno's dead body had been handled by someone else and Vinnie was thankful
that Sonny had not insisted that the burial was part of the gift.

Vinnie did not want to bury anymore bodies.
And still the laughter echoed in his mind.
From his own bedroom, Vinnie dialed the lifeguard.
"It's after midnight," Mike Terranova grumbled.
"Tell Frank the spoiled brad said please."
"Sure, and I'll remind him that I'm just the messenger."
"It's important, Uncle Mike.  Tell him the same room at HoJo's as the other night."
"Not a good idea."
"Please," Vinnie whispered.
A heavy sigh was followed by: "Does anyone ever tell you 'no'?"
"Yeah.  Frank.  All the time."  Vinnie hung up the phone.
After dressing in gray sweats, Vinnie took the elevator to the garage.  He started the car and hoped for a momentary escape from his life of lies.
At the Howard Johnson Motor Inn, Vinnie tipped a different night clerk for the same key.  The money Sonny paid could buy anything, even a few hours with Frank.  In the room, with one lamp glowing softly, Vinnie sat on the bed, his hands folded together and waited.  He had left the door ajar so Frank could get in.
"Vincent Michael," Frank commanded when he marched into the
"Yes, sir," Vinnie replied, without raising his eyes to Frank's.
"Are you presenting yourself for punishment?"
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie held out his hands, ready to accept the restraint of the handcuffs.
Frank slapped Vinnie's hands.  "Tonight, you'll restrain yourself by following all my orders exactly and without question. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
Frank sniffed.  "You smell like sex.  Did Steelgrave fuck you?"
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie squirmed as he remembered Sonny's touch, ugly for the first time.
"You came to me with the smell of that man on you?"
"Yes, sir."
"I want you clean."  Frank rummaged around in the bag of supplies Vinnie had left on the room's small table, then tossed a white box with green lettering onto the bed.
"He used a condom, Frank," Vinnie stated flatly.
"I want all traces of that man removed from your body. In the bathroom!  Now!"
Vince removed his clothes and threw them at the chair near the end of the bed.  Retrieving the box marked 'Fleet' from the bed, he followed Frank's orders.
"On the floor.  Fifteen minutes should be enough time to remove the stench."
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie dropped a towel on the cold floor and opened the box.  He wished the cleansing was real, but knew it would help the next few hours.  Without looking, he knew Frank was standing in the doorway watching and would announce when the time was up.
With the fluid inside his body, Vinnie pictured a clear mountain stream where he could be alone with Frank after the Steelgrave empire collapsed and be really clean.
"Okay, Vincent, your time is up." Frank stated flatly.
When Vinnie stood, he saw Frank stroking the leather belt, which Vinnie hated, and wondered why Frank would chance marking him tonight.
"Make sure the shower is hot and that you use lots of soap because I don't want to smell him on you."  Frank slapped the palm of his hand with the belt, the sound loud in the small room.
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie flushed the toilet, then stepped under the hot spray.  He wished there was a way to remove the sound of Sonny's laughter from his mind.
Using the motel shampoo, Vinnie scrubbed his hair, then used the rough wash cloth to scour his body.  His belly tightened with a cramp as he ran the cloth over his ass.  When he had rinsed completely, he turned off the water and stepped out to dry.  Frank was still standing in the doorway playing with the belt, but now
his only clothing was his shirt.
Still toweling his hair, Vinnie walked into the bedroom when Frank pointed with the belt.  Frank sat down on the bed where the covers had been carefully turned down.  "Across my lap."
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie dropped the towel and positioned himself, his flesh hot against Frank's.
"Here," Frank handed Vinnie the belt.  "Hold this in both hands.  You may not touch yourself or me."
"Yes, sir," doing as he was told.  Maybe Frank was going to use his hand, but that was usually reserved for play time, not punishment sessions.
The first blow was wicked and painful, the leather paddle slapping against still damp flesh.  There was a sense of purpose to Frank's swats and they were delivered evenly and strongly until Vince could only think about the pain.
"On the bed," Frank ordered when he stopped, "on your belly, hands in front of you."
"Yes, sir."  Vinnie hurried to comply, not wanting to be hit again.
Frank's fingers were rough as they worked cool gel into Vince's ass.  The fingers were replaced by the thick head of Frank's cock.
"Frank," Vinnie gasped, "you're not wearing a condom."
"I did not give you permission to speak," Frank growled as he slapped Vinnie's sore butt.
Frank must be crazy, Vinnie thought.  They always used condoms,
it was too dangerous otherwise.  As Frank began a strong pounding,
Vinnie gave in, responding to his lover.
"You're mine, damn you, and I'll not have the mark of another
man on your body," Frank rasped into Vinnie's ear.
"Yes, Frank, I'm yours," Vinnie mumbled, surrounded by the
physical reminder of Frank's control.
Vinnie's cock was hard but the need not insistent when Frank exploded, filling Vinnie with hot cream.  Frank was still for long minutes before he groaned and rolled away.
Gathering Frank into his arms, Vinnie enjoyed holding the trembling man, feeling his breathing slow.  "Frank," he asked softly, "why no condom?"
After a few moments, Frank looked into Vinnie's eyes.  "I needed to feel your body grip mine.  I needed to feel you."
"No buts, you're clean.  I'm clean.  I don't let that clown play Dracula for nothing.  And the lab reports the results to me under my doctor cover.  No one knows those results but me."
Vinnie kissed Frank gently.  "You think of everything."
Running his hand between Vinnie's legs, Frank stroked the thick cock.  "Tell me what prompted this scene tonight.  Have I punished you enough?"
"Did you bruise me?"
"I never bruise you unless I want to.  No, you won't have to explain strange marks on your butt to Sonny, but I'd be careful sitting down tomorrow."
"Thanks, Frank."
"Now tell me why you called."
"I know where Kiki Vanno is."
"Okay.  You could have told that to the Lifeguard."
"He's dead.  Sonny killed him and gave him to me as a birthday present.
"How do you want to play it?  You'll have to testify or we don't have a case."
"Frank, the only thing I can testify to is there was a dead body in the car, wrapped in a big red bow.  Danny's killer is dead."
"I thought that's what you wanted."
"Yeah," Vinnie squirmed against Frank's caresses.  "Me, too. But there was something about Sonny that made my blood run cold. He enjoyed doing Kiki."
"Are the lines beginning to blur, kiddo?"
"Frank, I don't even know where the lines are right now."
"Tell me about Gina Augustina?"
"What?"  Vinnie pulled back, startled.
"You heard me."
"Yeah, but we were talking about Sonny."
"Did you sleep with Gina?"
Settling back down, Vinnie shook his head.  "You know I didn't."
"Tell me why."
"I couldn't dirty her.  I'm sleeping with Sonny and I couldn't dirty her with that."
"But you care for her."
"I'm Italian, Frank.  I care about a lot of things."
"Did Gina represent something normal to you, Vincenzo?  More normal than I do?"
"Maybe, but it didn't work.  You know it didn't work."
"But we do?"  Frank was very still.
"Yes, Frank, we do."
"Now tell me about Sonny."
The images blurred in Vinnie's head and he reached for Frank, pulling their mouths together to avoid thinking about Sonny. "I need you."
"I know.  And you have some making up to do for the other night."  Frank kissed Vinnie lightly, "But right now, I want to hear about Sonny."
"He scares me, Frank.  I don't think I realized it until this afternoon.  He's like a candle burning at both ends, his passion's greater than mine and his morality is in his checkbook. He showers me with expensive gifts, he kills for me, but if he knew I was a cop, I'd be dead and he'd enjoy it as much as he did doing Kiki."
"You want out?"
"Can we talk about that in the morning?  Right now, I want to make love to you."

The End