15 July 1998

Rules for the Game

Alexis Rogers

Vinnie played with Roger's hand, stroking a finger across Roger's palm in a sexual rhythm, preparing for what he hoped would be a great night.
Roger smiled.  "Don't you ever get enough?"
"Of you?  No."  Vinnie licked his lips suggestively, his cock hard in the loose pants without underwear to restrict him.
"We're being watched."
"Anyone interesting?"  Vinnie did not take his eyes from Roger's face to look around the hotel bar as he tangled a finger in Roger's long thick curls.
"By a guy with cop written all over him," Roger hissed but did not pull his hand away.
"Uniform, plain clothes or undercover?"  Vinnie placed his other hand under the table, on Roger's thigh.  "Locals or Feds?"
"Local.  Probably plain clothes with a military background."  Roger sipped from his beer bottle.
"Good enough to ask him to join us?"  Cops who played could be a lot of fun.  "Maybe we won't need to go prowling."
"Ah, no."  Roger took a deep breath.  "On the other hand, maybe.  Turn slowly and look at the young man with the long curls and the older guy with the crew cut."
Vinnie scanned the room, then stopped on the couple Roger had identified.  "Ah, they're new to each other."  He stroked Roger's leg.  "New love is so wonderful."
"Old love ain't so bad, Buckwheat," Roger sneered.
"Shall we ask them to join us?"
"I don't know, maybe we should wait for..."
"Oops, sorry" muttered the young man with the long curls as he bumped into the table.
"Hi," Vinnie beamed.  "Join us?"
"Well, we were...", the taller man, the one Roger identified as a cop, mumbled.
"Yeah, we know," Vinnie replied as he twisted his empty beer bottle in his hands.
"Know what?" the older man snapped.
"That you're new to each other," Vinnie whispered, "which is reason enough for you to join our little celebration."
The man looked like he had been kicked in the stomach.
"Jim, sit down," his partner ordered, then took the chair next to him.  "Hi, I'm Blair."
Roger waved to the waitress, indicating another round.  The pretty young blonde in the short skirt nodded and smiled.  
"I'm Vinnie and this is Roger, one of my partners."
Jim looked at Roger, then Vinnie.  "Are you new to Cascade?"
"Just visiting."  Vinnie stated as he spotted Frank in dark tight jeans, dark shirt, and leather vest walking from the elevator into the bar.  Both men and women watched Frank with interest and Vinnie was glad his lover did not understand his strong sex appeal. "Our partner just passed the California bar and  we're here celebrating."
"Why Cascade?" Jim asked.
"Our travel agent assured us it was a great place to visit," Vinnie explained, remembering the description of this city's leather scene.
Frank slid a chair next to Vinnie and sat down, cradling a fresh, cold bottle of beer, and snapped his fingers.
Vinnie pulled the metal and leather leash from his pocket.

"Yes, Master," he whispered. thrilled with the feelings of ownership by a man he loved.
Frank took the leash and tugged slightly, causing Vinnie to blanch as metal bit into sensitive flesh.
"Are you okay?" Roger asked.
"No, damnit."  Vinnie adjusted his body, allowing for Frank's control.  "You dressed me in this fucking thing and it's too tight."
Roger shrugged and smiled at Jim and Blair.  "He's been a very bad boy so his tight collar reminds him to be good."
"Not as bad as you," Vinnie sneered.
Blair looked puzzled, then said.  "You must be Frank.  They said you just passed the California bar."
"Yeah."  Frank offered his hand.
"I'm Blair and this is Jim."  Frank offered his hand to Jim.
"Aren't you a little old for law school?"  Blair asked, bouncing a little in his chair.
"It's one of the things retired cops do," Roger stated softly staring at Jim, "especially cops who've been shot."
The men were quiet as the waitress sat the fresh drinks on the table and Roger dropped money on her tray.
Jim stared at Roger.  "Do we know each other?"
Roger shook his head, his blond curls bouncing around his face.  "No.  At least not personally, but I can spot a cop anywhere."
"So," Jim said menacingly, "does that make you a brother cop or a wanted criminal?"
"Depends on who you ask," Roger quipped.
"These days," Frank defended in a quiet tone, "Roger is neither,
nor are we."
"Frank was my partner," Vinnie explained.  "The bullet he took, the one that almost killed him, was meant for me."
"Were you partners, or lovers, or what, before the shooting?" Blair asked.
Vinnie beamed.  "Lovers.  With both of them."
"How do you handle two lovers?" Blair asked, his eyes wide.
"I sleep in the middle."  Vinnie chuckled quietly, enjoying the stunned look on Blair's face.
"Every night?" Blair continued.
"Unless we want a little variety," Vinnie teased.
"How did you know about us?"  Blair gestured towards Jim.
"We live and work in the gay community in San Francisco. We see gay men all day, every day. Spotting new lovers is easy," Vinnie replied, "and fun."
"We see everything, the good and the bad," Roger added.

"We know about the good," Blair's face radiated happiness, "but what bad?"
"AIDS," Roger stated flatly, "and men who take serious chances with their lives."
"And the legal aspects of relationships that exist outside current laws," Frank continued.  "We've seen long time partners forced apart because family members have legal rights that lovers don't.  Worse than seeing your lover die, is having him taken away from you when he's sick, and not being allowed to see him."
"There's nothing that can be done about that," Jim stated.
"There are always possibilities."  Frank took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.  "Carefully organized in the gay community are legal options for serious couples.  We were married long before Willie Brown performed his first committed partners ceremony."
"Married?  The three of you?"  Blair gasped.
"Yeah," Vinnie assured.  "By a Catholic priest."
"No way," Blair retorted.
"And we have legal documents to protect us," Roger added.
"How?" Jim asked quietly.
"My firm, the law firm where I work," Frank explained, "has,
for a number of years, handled the legal aspects of gay relationships.
Limited partnerships, trust funds, even legal name changes for
partners who want to take a lover's name."
"You mean, I could be Blair Sandburg Ellison?"
"The court doesn't care if you want to be Zorro," Vinnie laughed.
"Did you guys change your names?"  Blair's voice was awed.
"No," Frank admitted, "but we thought about it.  Vinnie's mother has had a tough time with us and I have enough problems with my ex-wife over my son without flinging my private life in her face.  However, a number of our younger couples are doing it."
"Frank's ex-wife is not happy that their son has decided to leave New Jersey to attend school in California," Roger added.
Frank shrugged.  "I don't think Berkeley is the best place for him to spend his freshman year either, but it's his decision. He's been accepted and there's a trust fund to pay his expenses."
"And we can't wait to have him out here," Vinnie grinned.
"So your son knows about you?" Blair waved his arm to include all three men.
"Yeah," Vinnie explained.  "He gave Frank to us when we exchanged our vows."
"Cool.  Can you explain how three men can be married?  I can't think of any culture that supports such a union although there are a number that support multiple wives, usually for the purposes of procreation."  Blair was almost squirming in his chair.
"Some days," Jim grumbled, "I feel like tying him to the chair to keep him still."
"Anytime, big guy," Blair whispered seductively.
"Handcuffing him to the bed might be more fun," Vinnie teased quietly and watched Jim tense with anger or frustration.
"Maybe we should move this conversation to someplace more private," Roger suggested.
"How about our place?" Blair offered.
"You live together?" Vinnie asked.
"Even before we became," Blair lowered his voice, "lovers.  It's not far."
"We have a suite upstairs," Vinnie said, "and it's as close as the elevators."
"And if Jim gets uncomfortable, it's easy enough to leave."  Roger folded his hands around his beer bottle and carefully watched the cop.
"That's a great idea."  Blair was visibly excited.  "Not only can I examine a gay couple, but a what? Threesome?"
"Or triple," Frank supplied.
"This is just a guess," Roger turned his attention to Blair, "but something tells me you're not a cop."
"I'm a grad student working on my doctorate in anthropology, but I do assist Jim on occasion, and I'd like to ask you guys about a million questions."
"Easy, Chief."  Jim placed his hand on Blair's elbow.
"Then shall we take this upstairs?"  Vinnie invited.  "We have a fully stocked bar, and if you're hungry, great room service."
Roger stood.  "Talk it over.  We're in room twelve forty nine if you decide to join us."
Frank stood and held the leash as Vinnie stood.  "If you decide not to come up," Vinnie said, "have a great life together."
"I thought we were going to play tonight," Frank grumbled as he led Vinnie onto the elevator, tugging on the leash.
"Ouch!  We are," Vinnie promised.
"Yeah, Frank," Roger acknowledged, pushing number twelve. "Jim's as big a pushover for Blair as you and I are for Vinnie and I'm sure he says no just as successfully as we do."
Vinnie laughed.  "I'll order food for five."
"Keep it simple, Terranova."  Roger pulled his key from his pocket.  "There'll be plenty of other things to eat."  
"You're hot for the cop," Vinnie stated.  "You want to melt that reserve just a little."
"You got a problem with that, Buckwheat?" Roger opened the door.
"Not as long as I get to help."  Vinnie closed the door behind Frank and took the leash from him before pushing Roger against the wall and kissing him roughly.
Frank caressed Vinnie's ass.  "And what do you want?"
Vinnie turned to include Frank in the kiss.  "I think that adorable little elf is a frustrated bottom and that my favorite tops should be ready to relieve his frustration."
"What do you have in mind?"  Frank led the way to the large curved sectional that divided the room, where he and Roger made themselves comfortable.
"Let's see what develops."  Vinnie stuffed the leash back into his pocket before he turned on soft lights in the living room area, then pushed the folding wooden door all the way open revealing the king size bed in the alcove.  When he switched on the bedside lamps, he discovered the maid had turned down the bed and left chocolate for three on the pillows.  He grinned and wondered what stories were being told in the housekeeping staff lounge.  He took a rose from the vase on the dresser and tossed it to the middle of the bed.
In the living room, Vinnie found the room service menu and flipped through the pages.  "What shall we order?  Fruit?  Cheese?"
"You're the one who's always hungry after sex," Roger teased, "so order whatever you want."
Vinnie decided on a selection of fruit, cheese, cold cuts and bread, then asked for candles for the table and an extra pitcher of iced water.
"Sit."  Frank patted the blue leather sofa, then waited as Vinnie did so.  "So what makes you think he's a frustrated bottom?"
Vinnie flopped down with his head in Frank's lap and his legs across Roger's lap.  "The look in his eyes when Jim mentioned tying him to the chair, and Jim's reaction to my comment.  It reminded me of the distasteful look on Roger's face the first time he watched me in a scene."
"Until I learned how hot you got when I paddled your beautiful ass."  Roger stroked Vinnie's denim covered cock.
"Or how great the sex is when we take him flying," Frank quipped.
"Yeah," Roger agreed, then leaned across Vinnie to kiss Frank with a passion Vinnie could feel in Frank's cock.
The doorbell rang.
Vinnie kicked off his shoes.  "Roger, get the door."
"Yes, my favorite slave."  Roger stood, then leaned down for a quick kiss.
"Behave yourself," Frank ordered.
Vinnie chuckled and pulled Frank down for a throat thrusting kiss.
"Come in," Roger invited as he opened the door.  "I knew you couldn't say no to him," he purred to Jim.
Blair bounced into the room.  "Nice place."
"Yeah."  Vinnie stretched his legs.  "Roger specializes in nice places."
Blair dropped onto the sofa near Vinnie's feet where he could see the one large bed.  "You like sleeping in the middle?" he asked Vinnie.
"I like having my favorite tops catering to my every whim."  Vinnie waved his arm.  "Roger, how about a beer?"
"Easy, Buckwheat.  Don't push it or I'll...," Roger snarled while smiling.
"You'll what?"  Vinnie asked, his eyes half closed while he rolled his head against Frank's hardness.
"Spank your ass," Roger snapped.
"Promises, promises," Vinnie teased, smiling at Roger.
Blair was still and quiet while Roger removed beer from the small refrigerator.  When their hands touched around the cold wet bottle, Blair gulped and asked, "Do you really spank him?"
"Only when he's a bad boy," Roger stroked Vinnie's thigh, "which is most of the time."  Roger filled his mouth with beer, then leaned over and dribbled it into Vinnie's mouth before kissing him.
"I thought you had a million questions, Chief."  Jim's voice was husky.
"I did."  Blair looked at Jim, then at Vinnie.  "And now I have about a million more."
Roger lifted Vinnie's feet, sat down, then arranged Vinnie's feet in his lap.  "So ask."
"Uh, how did you meet and were you couples first, before you were a, um, triple?"
Vinnie rolled onto his side so he could see Blair, and noticed that Jim was perched on the edge of the sofa,  poised for flight.

"Is that really what you want to know, or do you want me to tell you how Roger's hand feels when it strikes my bare ass."
Blair gulped as his face flushed.  "Ah...".
The doorbell rang and there was a muffled call of, "Room service."
Roger pushed Vinnie's feet off his lap.  "Shall I get that, too, exalted one?"
"Yes, please."  Vinnie grinned.  "I'll make it up to you."
"Damn right you will," Roger growled as he crossed the room, and opened the door to a slim, young Latino wearing waiter's livery, who was standing behind a laden cart.
"Your order, sir.  Shall I set this up for you?" the young man asked.
"Buffet style, on the table," Vinnie ordered as he sat up on the sofa.  After kissing Frank, Vinnie stood and walked to the table.  He grabbed a large strawberry from the tray and popped it into his mouth.  "He's pretty, Roger, tip him nicely."
"Vincenzo," Roger warned.
Ignoring his lover, Vinnie retrieved matches from the ashtray on the sidetable holding the telephone and lit the tall candles. As the waiter left the suite, Vinnie caressed Roger's ass.  "Were you good to him?"
"Yes, him I can be good to.  But you," Roger thumped his finger against Vinnie's chest, "you could be in serious trouble, especially if you scare Jim off."
"Don't want to do that," Vinnie responded, "'cause he might take Blair with him."  He returned his attention to the table and filled a plate for Frank.
As he knelt on the floor next to Frank, Vinnie directed Jim and Blair:  "Help yourselves.  Would you like something else to drink?"
Blair licked his lips.  "Water, please," he croaked.
"There's plenty on the table."  Vinnie stuffed a grape in Frank's mouth.
Jim stood next to Roger.  "Is he always this difficult?"
"He's on his best behavior tonight.  I'm afraid Frank and I have spoiled him rotten." Roger glanced lovingly at Vinnie.
"Do you, uh, really, discipline him?" Jim asked as Blair filled a plate.
"Would you like to watch?" Roger taunted.
Jim blushed.  "Ah, no, uh, I don't think so."
"Are you committed to him in a monogamous relationship?" Roger inquired.
"No, he's not," Blair answered instead, offering Jim an orange slice.  "We've never really discussed our relationship.  I seduced him and I'm not sure he's comfortable with us yet."
"Were you willingly seduced?" Roger asked Jim.
"He didn't handcuff me to the bed," Jim admitted.
"Would you let him?" Roger teased.  "Handcuff you?"
Jim was silent.
"The best tops are trained from the bottom up," Vinnie added. "And my lovers are very well trained tops."
"Blair."  Jim stepped towards the door.
"Don't go," Vinnie pleaded.  "I promise to be good."
"And I do want to ask some questions," Blair added.
Roger glared at Vinnie.
Frank looked sternly at his lovers.  "Vincenzo, I suggest you work very hard at being good, or Iwill allow Roger to punish you."
Blair dropped a quick kiss on Jim's mouth, then moved to sit next to Vinnie.  "Will you tell me about your marriage?"
Vinnie chewed on an apple wedge, calming his body because the confining leather and steel were driving him crazy, then pulled the two rings off the third finger of his left hand.  He rubbed his fingers over the warm metal, before handing them to Blair.

"A wedding ring is supposed to symbolize love, so when we were ready to commit to each other, we spent a lot of time designing the jewelery we wanted to exchange."
"Were you really married by a Catholic priest?"  Blair kicked his shoes off and sat cross-legged on the sofa, cupping the rings in his left palm and caressing them with the fingers of his right.
"Father Patrick isn't your usual Catholic priest.  He's married to Danny, his lover of many years, and he's as tough when counseling gay couples as my brother was with straight couples."
"Your brother is a priest?"
"Was.  He's been dead for several years."
"I'm sorry," Blair offered.
"Me, too.  He was very special."  Vinnie watched Roger maneuver Jim back to the sofa.
"Are you all Catholic?" Blair continued.
"Frank and I were raised Catholic, but it's not our religious background that led us to Father Patrick.  He and Roger found each other at a time when Roger needed someone special to talk to.  He did our couples counseling first, when Roger came face to face with his love for me."  Roger looked at the floor while Vinnie continued.  "Everything about these rings is symbolic. The silver band in the puzzle ring represents Roger and me. Our love was a tough hurdle for us and changed a lot of things in our lives."
"How did you face the emotions, the love?" Jim asked Roger.
"I almost didn't," Roger admitted, looking up, "because I knew that Frank and Vinnie had something really strong between them, which is why I insisted the gold strand in the three-band ring represent them.  Even after all our time together, I'm still awed by the strength of their love."
"How do you deal with that part?  It erodes my heart when Blair's too friendly with another person, male or female."  Jim took a long drink from his beer.
Vinnie put his hand on Blair's leg to stop him from going to Jim.  "That's why we have a commitment and rules for our relationship. Each of us was committed to the others as couples before the three of us joined as a triple."
Blair twirled Vinnie's rings on his slender fingers.  "And the other strand?"
"Roger wanted copper for him and Frank, but the jeweler and I talked them into the rose gold, which mixes the gold and copper. It represents their powerful love, which is strong, but sometimes a little rough around the edges."
Frank took Vinnie's hand.  "Roger and I were thrown together when Vinnie had some personal problems and he sent Roger to help me.  Before we got down to work, Roger got me drunk and told me about him and Vinnie.  He already knew about me and Vinnie.  And when we finished talking, he tossed me across the bed and told me he was going to find out what made me so special to his lover."
"And did you?" Jim asked Roger.
"Yeah."  Roger smiled and trailed his fingers across the back of Jim's neck.
Blair smiled at Roger, then looked at the rings.  "Now tell me about the second ring."
"It's symbolic, too," Vinnie answered.  "The smooth gold band represents our unending love for each other, which is true for most wedding rings, I think.  The diamonds on each ring indicate the three of us.  On my ring, I'm the diamond in the middle, surrounded and supported by my two lovers.  On Frank's ring, he's the diamond in the middle, and on Roger's...  Well, you get the idea.  This
matches the way our names are inscribed."
Blair looked inside the ring.
"See," Vinnie said, "mine says Frank/Vinnie/Roger."
Blair caressed the two rings, then returned them to Vinnie, who handed them to Frank.
Frank took Vinnie's left hand and kissed it before sliding the gold band on Vinnie's finger.  "I love you."
Vinnie kissed Frank.  "I love you, too."
Frank held out the puzzle ring to Roger, who hesitated a moment before standing and taking the ring.  He knelt in front of Vinnie, kissed his hand, then slid the ring on his finger.  "I love you, Vincenzo."
Vinnie leaned forward and kissed Roger.  "I love you, too, Buckwheat."
Jim leaned back and spread his arms across the back of the sofa.  "Some kind of tribal ritual?"
Roger returned to sit beside Jim.  "We learned to define our relationship because the only rules we have are the ones we write."
Vinnie touched his rings with his fingertip.  "Our rings are part of our rules.  If we take them off, and we do for any number of reasons, like when I'm working on the car, our partners put them back on whenever possible.  These rings represent our love and our lives."
"Are you, um, monogamous?" Blair stuttered.  "I mean, just the three of you?"
"No."  Vinnie watched Roger lean back and touch Jim's arm. "As a matter of fact, right now, Roger really wants a piece of Jim."
Roger jumped to his feet.  "I am going to paddle your ass."
"Easy, Roger," Frank warned, "you have been a little obvious."
Blair moved over to sit in the curve of Jim's arm, then glanced around at the other three men.  "What do you do when one of you wants someone else?"
"Watch," Vinnie explained.  "Or share."
Blair's bright blue eyes got wider.
"What images invade your mind when you think about Jim with Roger?" Vinnie asked softly.
Blair leaned forward and covered his face with his hands while Jim sat very still and Roger walked to the table, where he picked at the fruit.
"Blair, if I'm going to share my lover with yours, I want to know how you feel about it," Vinnie probed.
Without moving his hands, Blair mumbled, "Confused.  On the one hand, the images are so hot that my cock is hard, but the idea of Jim with another man..." Blair dropped his hands and faced Jim.
Jim looked around the room, then cupped Blair's face and kissed him.  "Let's go, Chief."
"If you do, you'll never get the answers to those questions." Vinnie paused and glanced at Roger.  "Does Jim like the feel of your hair rubbing over his cock?" he asked Blair, changing the subject on purpose.
Blair's face flushed as he looked at Vinnie.  "Oh, yeah. Big time."
"Think about Roger's blond curls there instead of yours."
"Or your long, soft black hair," Blair gasped.
Roger stood behind the sofa where Jim and Blair sat.  "It's silky soft," Roger whispered in Blair's ear, "and it feels wonderful around my prick."
"Why do you want me to think about my lover with another man?" Blair choked.
"Because," Vinnie grinned, "the sex can be incredible."
Roger leaned over Blair.  "Vinnie thrives on incredible sex."
Jim glared at Roger.  "Our sex life is not open for discussion."
Frank rested his hand on the inside of Vinnie's thigh, then looked at Jim.  "Why did you come up here?  You had to know that sex with us was a possibility."
"It's what Roger said earlier; I really can't say no to Blair, and he wanted to come up here."
"Blair?" Frank asked.
"I, uh, I was curious," Blair confessed.
"About us?  About sex with us?"  Vinnie licked his lips. "Or about being spanked?"
"All of the above," Blair hesitated, then jumped up from the sofa and went to the window where he stared out into the dark night.  "As for the last thing you mentioned, Jim won't even discuss
Vinnie dropped a quick kiss on Frank's mouth, then moved to stand behind Blair.  "How badly do you want it?"
"He treats me like a China doll and sometimes I need...".
Vinnie wrapped his arms around the smaller man, who was trembling.  "I know, I know.  In our beginning, I had to train Roger, and then later I had to train Frank."  Vinnie kissed Blair's neck.
"Roger was horrified when he first realized what I wanted him to do.  Not only did I want him to beat me, his word, but I wanted him to learn from another man how to hurt me properly."
Vinnie chuckled.
"Do you think...?"
"It could happen, if you want it, and if Jim wants to spoil you like I think he does."
Blair shook his head, his curls tickling Vinnie's face.  "He won't."
"I would once have said the same for Roger, but I convinced him just like you can convince Jim.  He's already admitted he can't say no to you."  Vinnie slid his hands down Blair's stomach to rest on his crotch.   "You want to watch Roger spank me?"
"Ohhhh."  Sagging into Vinnie's embrace, Blair's cock swelled.
"Have you played before?"  Vinnie pulled Blair closer and stroked his cock.
"Not really, and I haven't done anything since I moved in with Jim, which was almost a year before I seduced him, and I want Jim to do it."
Vinnie nuzzled Blair's neck.  "I know.  I felt that way too. Ever been flying?"
"No, but I want...".
"Yeah, with Jim, I know."  Vinnie rocked against Blair. "If you really want it, let us help you."
"And what do you get out of it?"
"Incredible sex."
Blair laughed hesitantly.  "That seems to be important to you."
"Maybe it's a habit I developed from living too close to the edge for too long."
"You wanna explain that?"
"I'd rather fuck you after I paddle your ass to a bright red."
"Yes," Blair surrendered.
Before Vinnie could act on Blair's desires, the feel of soft lips on his neck and Roger's unmistakable hands cupping his ass reminded Vinnie that other issues were involved.  Roger said, "Jim has decided he wants to leave, so I'm going to punish you."
"No," Blair whimpered.
"No, what?" Roger asked.
"I can't leave like this," Blair moaned.  "I'm so hard it hurts."
"Why don't you take Jim to the bathroom and change his mind?" Vinnie suggested.
"I, uh...".
"You can do it," Roger whispered, "just let him drown in your beautiful eyes while he's got your cock in his hand, or his mouth."
"Blair!" Jim called from across the room.
"Do it," Vinnie reassured as he turned Blair and released him.
"You," Roger warned Vinnie, "are in serious trouble."
Vinnie watched as Blair tugged a stubborn Jim into the large bathroom.  "They aren't gone yet."  He bit Roger's ear lobe.  "But I do expect the spanking you promised me, whether Blair's here to watch or not."
"Count on it!" Roger growled and waltzed Vinnie towards the sofa and Frank.
"You want him bad, don't you, Buckwheat?" Frank asked, staring at the closed bathroom door.
Roger sat down next to Frank.  "Yeah.  From the first moment I saw him.  Do you mind?"
Frank cupped Roger's face and held it as he kissed his lover. "I don't say no to you very well either."
"I love you, Master Frank."
"I know you do, Buckwheat, but I think you need a little of what you've been promising Vinnie."
"Ummm, you think?"  Vinnie knelt in front of Frank, nuzzling his denim covered groin.
"I think we've been ignoring Master for too long," Roger muttered, kissing Frank's neck.
"Master agrees."  Frank spread his legs as Vinnie struggled with the zipper.
"Can I help punish Roger?" Vinnie wheedled.
"No, you can't." Roger tugged at the buttons on Frank's shirt until it was hanging open.
Frank groaned and worked his hand between Roger's legs.
Roger shifted positions, giving Frank better access while he plundered Frank's mouth.
Vinnie sucked Frank's cock into his throat.
"Excuse me," Jim said, coughing.
Roger pulled back and Frank ran his fingers through Vinnie's hair while he looked at Jim.  "I thought you were bored with this party," Frank deadpanned.
"Uh, Blair wants to stay," Jim managed, "and watching them service you...".
"I can see the evidence in your pants, Officer," Frank stated flatly.
"It's Detective," Jim replied automatically.
"Very well, Detective, I want you to sit on the sofa across from me, where you can clearly see everything that happens.  Put your hands on your knees and don't move them until I tell you to," Frank barked in his best drill sergeant voice.
"Yes, sir," Jim responded without hesitation.
Vinnie snickered against Frank's cock.
"Vincent Michael," Frank raised Vinnie's head from his lap, "you have been a very bad boy tonight."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie, still on his knees, looked into Frank's stern eyes.
"Stand, your hands by your side, right there," Frank pointed, "in the middle of the room."
Vinnie did as he was ordered, backing up so as not to break eye contact with his lover.  His cock throbbed and his lungs could not seem to draw enough air.
"Roger, finish what Vinnie started," Frank dictated.
Roger instantly knelt between Frank's legs.
"Blair!" Frank snapped.
"Yes, sir?"
"Undress Vinnie."
Blair looked at Jim.
"Now!" Frank growled in a low voice.
Blair stepped in front of Vinnie and unbuttoned the top of his polo shirt.
Vinnie winked at Blair, then schooled his face.
Blair pulled the shirt up, skimming his fingers across Vinnie's skin, stopping when he touched the metal.  "What is this?"
Vinnie drew a deep breath, then leaned over so Blair could remove the shirt.  "Take it off carefully."
Blair dropped the shirt onto the floor, fingered the chain that connected Vinnie's nipples, then ran across his stomach and disappeared in his pants.
"They're adjustable nipple clamps, so Master can determine how tight to make them," Vinnie explained, "but Master Frank didn't want me to remove my nipple ring, so the left one is just hooked
into the ring."
"Remove the clamps and suck his nipples," Frank demanded, his fingers tangled in Roger's curls.
Vinnie gave Blair an encouraging smile, then gasped when the young man tugged on Vinnie's nipple ring.  Vinnie glanced at Frank, afraid Master would be annoyed by the noise, but Frank was ready to cream Roger's mouth.
Raising his hips off the sofa, Frank glared at Roger.  "Don't spill a drop, or I will let Vinnie punish you."
"Yes, Master,"  Roger mumbled, finishing Frank.  Lifting his face, Roger dropped cream on Frank's cheek.
"Lick it off," Frank ordered, glaring at Roger.
Roger ran his tongue over Frank's lips, then cleaned his face.
"Bring me the riding crop," Frank directed Roger.
Roger stood, glancing down at Frank's soft genitals.  "Yes, Master."
"Blair."  Frank zipped his pants.  "Remove Vinnie's pants. Carefully."
Vinnie risked a quick glance at Jim, who was still in his ordered position, but his eyes were glazed with passion, and his lips made a tight thin line.
Frank stood as Roger returned.  After taking the riding crop, he directed, "Stand behind Jim and drop your pants."
"But, Master, you promised Vinnie could...".
Frank struck Roger's jeans covered ass.  "Now!"
"Yes, Master."
"Lean over the sofa so that your hands are behind Jim's back."
"Yes, Master."
Frank hit Roger's bare flesh three times with the leather crop.  "Did you deliberately disobey me?"
"Yes, Master," Roger hissed through the sharp pain.
Frank whacked him three more times.  "Remove your clothes, then stand in front of the bed, at attention, your back to the room, until I tell you otherwise."
Roger did as Frank ordered.  Vinnie could see thin red stripes that would be bruises on Roger's butt.
Frank snapped the riding crop across the palm of his hand.  "I want Vinnie naked!  Now!"
Blair gulped as Vinnie, holding the leash and clamp chain, stepped out of his pants.  "Oh, my," he whispered, dropping to his knees and pressing his face to Vinnie's groin. "What's that?"
Vinnie chuckled at the look on Blair's face.  "The leather ring around my cock is a cockring, the clamp attached under the foreskin of my dick is part of the nipple clamp paraphernalia, and the leash attached to the cockring is what Frank uses to control me when we're in public."
"Because it's part of the game, and it feels good.  Walking through the bar with my lover holding a leash attached to my cock is quite a turn on, for both of us."  Vinnie stroked Blair's fingers. "I'm also wearing a butt plug."
"Take the leash and clamps off," Frank ordered.  "The cockring and butt plug stay."
Blair's hands were shaking as he removed the controlling devices.  He fondled Vinnie's dick and the leather ring.
"Suck it!"  Frank popped Vinnie's butt with the riding crop. "All of it down your throat!  Remove the cockring just before you bring him off."
"Yes, sir." Blair followed orders, leaving Vinnie gasping for breath and Jim's fingers white as he tightly gripped his own knees.
"No," Roger cried.
Frank smacked Roger's butt.  "I did not give you permission to speak."  Frank whirled to face Jim.  "And what's your problem, Detective?"
"He's too big," Jim croaked, "he's going to hurt Blair,"
Frank went to the table and poured a glass of water, which he handed to Jim.  "Drink this.  Blair's fine.  Vinnie's so hot he's gonna last about thirty seconds."  Frank sat on the sofa next to Jim and traced the riding crop across Jim's erection.  "You took care of Blair in the bathroom?"
A faint smile played around Jim's mouth.  "He lasted about thirty seconds."
Vinnie grabbed Blair's head and moaned as he pumped into the willing mouth.
Blair leaned back, licked his smiling lips and stared questioningly at Frank.
"Vinnie, you may sit on the sofa with Blair and undress him." Frank cupped Jim's hardness and squeezed.  "Would you like to relieve this?"
Jim dropped the glass on the table between the pieces of the curved sectional.  "Yes," he hissed.
"Roger, come here," Frank ordered.
Roger moved quickly to stand in front of Frank and Jim, his proud cock standing out from a hairless base.  Frank stroked the organ, rubbing fluid across the head.  "The last time Roger misbehaved, I had Vinnie shave him.  I like him this way so much I'm going to keep him like this for a while."  Frank leaned forward and licked Roger's smooth balls, causing him to shiver.  "He's very sensitive like this, aren't you, Buckwheat?"
"Yes, Master," Roger gasped.
Frank kissed each of Roger's balls, then stood.  "Undress him, Roger."
"Master, please, may I kiss him?"
"Yes, Roger, you may kiss the good detective, but you may not touch his cock, or he yours."
Vinnie watched Roger's tongue probe the tall detective's mouth for a few moments, then turned on the sofa to concentrate on Blair.  Vinnie removed Blair's sweater, then unbuttoned his shirt.  He found a small gold nipple ring that matched his own.  "Master Frank, may I please suck his nipples?"
Vinnie pushed the shirt off Blair's shoulders while Frank teased the nipple ring with the riding crop.  "Yes, Vincent, you may play with Blair's pretty nipples."
"Thank you, Master."  Vinnie tugged the little gold ring, mimicking what Blair had done to him.
"Master," Blair moaned, "may I play with Vinnie's hair?"
"Yes, you may."  Frank tousled Vinnie's long hair with his hands, then ordered, "Roger, take Jim's shirt off."  Frank clinked the ice in the glass Jim had used.  "Do you understand?"
Roger eyed the glass and smiled at Frank.  "Yes, Master."
"What?" Blair whispered to Vinnie.
"Roger's going to use ice on Jim's nipples.  Have you done that to him?"
Blair shook his head.
Frank popped Vinnie's bare hip.  "I did not give you permission to speak."
"Yes, Master."
"Get his pants off," Frank ordered Vinnie.
All activity in the room stopped when Jim screamed.
Frank, Vinnie and Blair turned to look at Jim and Roger, who grinned.  "I think it was effective, Master."  Jim's nipples were tight, hard buds.
"It's just ice, Mr. Detective," Frank explained.  "Continue, Roger."
Roger took his time choosing another ice cube, then placed it in his mouth before touching it to Jim's left nipple.
This time, Jim moaned and squirmed.
"Good boy," Frank praised Roger before turning back to Vinnie. "Didn't I tell you to remove Blair's pants?  Don't disobey me."
"Master," Jim whimpered.
Frank turned and the two men stared at each other.
"Please, Master," Jim pleaded, "I'm going to come in my pants."
"I punish slaves who come without my permission."  Frank drew his riding crop across Jim's chest.
"Roger, you may open Jim's pants and take care of him.  And," Frank caught Roger's chin with the riding crop, "do not waste a single drop!"
Roger grinned.  "Yes, Master."  He worked Jim's zipper down gently.
Blair stared at his lover, awe on his face as Roger went down on Jim.  "Oh, god, " Blair moaned.
"You like to watch him?"  Frank asked Blair while stroking the riding crop.
Blair swallowed several times before he managed, "Yes, sir."
"Vincent, finish undressing Blair, then let him kneel beside
his lover."
Vinnie grinned.  "Yes, Master."  He pulled Blair to his feet.
Frank moved behind Roger and ran the riding crop down his bare back and across his ass.  "Don't swallow."
"Ummm," Roger muttered as he sucked Jim's cock.
"Kneel, Blair, where you can see, your hands clasped behind your back," Frank directed.  "No touching!"
Vinnie wrapped himself around Frank, bare skin against cloth. "Permission to kiss my Master."
Frank smiled and surrendered his mouth to Vinnie.
Jim groaned and Blair whimpered.
Frank stepped away from Vinnie and watched Roger as Jim climaxed. "Share it with Blair."
Roger gently released Jim's cock and turned to Blair.  Sliding his hands into the springy curls, Roger pulled Blair's mouth close and dribbled cream into the eager open mouth.
Jim relaxed against the back of the sofa, spreading his arms wide, his soft cock nestled against the dark fabric of his jeans.
Blair groaned, trying to lick clean the inside of Roger's mouth, while his hands were still clasped behind his back.
Frank stroked Blair's hair.  "Very good.  You may kiss Jim."
Blair jumped into Jim's lap, pressing his cock against Jim's, and captured his mouth.
"Master," Roger moaned, leaning back so Frank could see his swollen, demanding cock.
Frank teased Roger's hardness with the riding crop.  "Vincent, prepare the bed."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie went to the alcove housing the large bed.  He collected the gold foil wrapped chocolates and dropped them in the basket with the condoms and lubricant.  He placed the rose on the bedside table next to the basket, then he pulled the spread, blanket and top sheet to the foot of the bed.  Lastly, he spread a large towel in the middle of the bed.
"Roger, on the bed, face up," Frank ordered.  "Vincent, get the belt."
"Yes, Master," Vinnie responded.
Roger stroked Frank's face, smiled slightly, then positioned himself on the towel.
"Vincent, I want Roger's hands above his head.  Let him hold the belt so he has something to do with his hands."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie crawled on the bed, and straddled Roger's chest, then leaned forward to place the ends of the thick leather strip that had no buckle in each of Roger's hands.  "I love you," he whispered and could not resist brushing his lips across Roger's mouth.
Frank slapped Vinnie with the riding crop.  "I did not give you permission to kiss him."
"Wasn't really a kiss, Master, but I would very much like to kiss him properly."
"Later," Frank barked.  "Right now, I want you to stop teasing him with your prick so close to his mouth and bring two chairs from the dining table and place them right there with their backs facing the bed."
Vinnie stood up, looked down at Roger, then blew him a kiss. "Yes, Master."
"Blair, I want Jim out of his clothes now!"
"Yes, sir."  Blair crawled off Jim's lap and pulled the man up.
Vinnie positioned the first chair.  "Like this, Master?"
Frank moved it a few inches as Vinnie brought the other chair.

"I don't want them close enough to touch."  He adjusted the secondchair.  "Blair, Jim.  Straddle the chairs.  Put your hands on the chair backs.  You may not touch each other, or yourselves."
"Yes, Master," Blair acknowledged, sitting down.
When Jim remained silent, Frank trailed the riding crop across the detective's bare ass.
Jim sat in the chair.
"Vincent, you may fellate Roger."
"Yes, Master," Vinnie beamed.
Jim made a strangled noise in his throat.
"Vincenzo," Frank said, reaching out his hand to stop Vinnie from crawling back onto the bed, "please get our guest some water, and bring the pitcher over here."  Frank rested his hand on Jim's shoulder.  "What?"
"I...", Jim tried.
Vinnie handed Jim the water, then set the pitcher on the dresser.
Jim held the glass with two shaking hands.  When the glass was empty he handed it to Vinnie, then stared at Roger's aroused body.  "I want to do him."
"Oh, yeah," Roger breathed harshly.  "Master, please."
"Vinnie, take Jim's seat, and the same rules apply.  Jim, you may only touch his cock and balls.  He may not touch you."
"Yes, Master."  Jim settled on the bed, his large cock very hard, the head glistening wet.  He kissed Roger's smooth balls, then licked the sensitive cock.
"Oh yeah."  Roger pushed his hips up.  "Suck me."
Vinnie watched Blair, whose face was flushed.  Blair's hands gripped the back of the chair and his breathing was harsh and ragged.  Vinnie smiled at Frank.
Moving to stand between Vinnie and Blair, Frank commented. "Your lover's hot."
"Yeah," Blair agreed, "and I may come just watching him."
"Vincent, put a cock ring on him."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie went to the dresser and took a strip of leather from the top drawer.  "Blair, slide back in the chair, so you can still see and I can reach you."  He applied pressure to the base of Blair's cock by making a tight circle with his thumb and forefinger.  "Easy.  Master Frank gets very upset if
you come before he permits you to."
"I'm so hot," Blair admitted.
"This will help."  Vinnie gently placed the leather in place and snapped it securely.
Blair groaned.
"Never worn one before?"
Blair shook his head, never taking his eyes off Roger and
"Master," Roger moaned.
"Don't swallow, Jim," Frank ordered.  "Vincent will want to share."
"Thank you, Master."  Vinnie moved to sit on the bed opposite Jim.
Roger arched his back and gripped the belt tightly in his hand.  "Oh, God, Master, he's so good."
As Jim's mouth filled, Vinnie leaned forward and kissed Jim, sucking Roger's cream.  Then he kissed Roger.  "I love you, Buckwheat, and he's so hot."
"He is," Roger panted.
"Blair, you may sit on the bed and hug your lover," Frank said.
"Thank you, Master."  Blair hurried to comply and thoroughly kissed Jim.
Frank ran the riding crop over Vinnie's ass.  "Roger, are you ready to use that belt?"
"Yes, Master.  Vinnie was a very bad boy."  Roger sat up and fondled the thick leather.
"Vincent, assume the position," Frank ordered.
Before Vinnie could move, he noticed Jim had paled.  "Frank," Vinnie said softly.
"Do you need a minute?" Frank asked Jim and Blair.
"He'll be all right."  Blair wiped sweat from Jim's forehead. "He, uh, occasionally suffers effects from his time in the jungle."
"Malaria?" Roger asked.
"Uh, yeah," Jim muttered.  "Maybe we should go."
"I'd like to stay," Blair said in a soft authoritative tone.  "Just relax and breathe.  Listen to my voice and center yourself."
Vinnie watched the two men as the balance between them shifted. Blair went from pampered pet to emotional controller.  It was the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship.
"Don't zone, man," Blair whispered in a steady voice.  "Not now."
Frank put a hand on Jim's shoulder.  "Let Blair take you to the other room.  There's some fruit juice in the fridge.  The sugar'll help."  Frank released Jim's shoulder and turned back to his lovers.  "In the meantime, I have to deal with some bad boys."
Blair stroked Jim's cock.  "Come on, Big Guy.  I'm not through with this tonight."  He kissed Jim softly, then led him to the sofa.
"Master," Roger said, "may I warm up Vinnie's ass with my hand first?"
"You may.  Sit on the end of the bed so Blair can see everything," Frank whispered.
Roger nodded and gestured for Vinnie to move.  Roger sat and slapped the belt against his hand.
"Vincent, over Roger's lap," Frank barked.
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie did as he was told, wiggling into a comfortable position before Frank used his knee to roughly separate Vinnie's legs and his hand to gently pull Vinnie's cock to rest outside Roger's leg.
"Do you need a cockring?"  Frank asked, stroking Vinnie's warm balls.
"No, Master.  I've learned control."
Frank took the leather strap from Roger and placed it in Vinnie's hands.  "Hold this," he ordered.  "Roger, you may strike Vincent from here," Frank drew the riding crop across the top of Vinnie's butt," to here," then across the tops of Vinnie's thighs, "with your hand."  Without warning, Frank struck Vinnie's ass with the riding crop.
Since he was not prepared for the first blow, it hurt, and Vinnie arched upward, meeting Roger's descending hand and disrupting his control.  "Damn it, Roger."
"Vincent." Frank was displeased.  "We can stop this right now."
"No, Master, please don't make him stop.  I'm sorry."  Vinnie relaxed, shifted his weight, aware of the pressure from the butt plug, and prepared for Roger to strike.  Then Roger set a random pattern of area and force until Vinnie's ass was on fire.
"How long is he going to hit him?" Blair asked in a small voice.
"It usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes of hand spanking to warm him up for the heavier stuff -- and Vincent particularly likes the heavier stuff.  His ass should be bright red and warm to the touch," Frank explained.
"Oh," Blair responded.
"Still interested, Chief?" Jim asked.
"Yeah," Blair gulped.  "I think.  I mean, Vinnie's cock is so hard, he looks like he's about to explode."
"And he's so big," Roger moaned as he whipped Vinnie again.  "May I mark him, Master?"
"Light bruising, when you use the belt," Frank granted.
"Yes, Master, thank you, Master."  Roger kissed Vinnie's red skin.  "You're going to remember this for days."
"Mark him?" Blair asked.
"Done properly, spanking doesn't leave bruises.  If I want my lovers marked, with bruises or welts, I adjust the way I strike to leave the level of bruising I desire.  Vinnie likes the reminders the bruises represent."
"Ahhhh..." Blair sighed.
"Use the belt now, Roger," Frank ordered
"Yes, Master."  Roger took the thick leather from Vinnie's hands and popped it together, making a loud report.
"Light bruising," Frank reminded.
"Yes, Master."  Roger struck hard enough to make Vinnie cry out.
"More, baby?" Roger asked.
"Yes, please," Vinnie moaned.
Roger struck again, and again.
"How long does this last, and what happens next?"  Blair asked in a breathless voice.
"When I decide Vinnie's had enough, Roger is going to fuck him," Frank replied.  "Would you like to help?"
"Yes, Master," Blair replied instantly.
"Detective?" Frank asked.
"Um, I'm not sure," Jim said hesitantly.
The only sound in the room was leather on flesh and Vinnie groaned with each strike.
"Enough, Roger.  On your knees, Vincent."
"Yes, Master," Vinnie replied, crawling onto the towel in the middle of the bed and hugging a pillow.
"Roger," Frank directed, "removed the butt plug."
"With pleasure, Master."  Roger caressed Vinnie's tender ass, then slapped it lightly."
"Ummmm," Vinnie signed as the toy was removed.
"Blair, get a condom for Roger, and the lube.  Cover Roger, then squirt lube into Vinnie's ass," Frank commanded.  "Don't finger him."
"Yes, Master," Blair replied, doing as he was ordered and being careful not to touch Vinnie's puckered opening when he squirted the lube.
"Roger, fuck him using only the head of your dick until he begs."
"Master," Vinnie cried, "I want you under me."
"Later, Vincenzo.  Blair will take care of you now."
"What?" Blair asked.
"You'll do what I tell you, when I tell you."
Blair bit his bottom lip and nodded.
Vinnie relaxed into the pain of Roger's entry, luxuriating in the exquisiteness of Roger stretching the muscle with his cockhead. The motion drove him crazy and he finally gave in.  "Fuck me, Roger, please, fuck me now!"
Roger lengthened his strokes immediately until he was hammering
Vinnie's ass, flesh slapping loudly against flesh.
"Blair, work Vinnie's cock with your hand."  Frank turned
to Jim.  "Well?"
"What do you get out of this?"
"I'll show you later.  Right now, I want you to finger fuck Roger.  He's got such a beautiful body, don't you think, Mr. Detective?"
"He does," Jim agreed.
"And he turns you on?"
"Yeah," Jim panted.
"Gloves are in the basket with the lube," Frank ordered.  "Kiss your lover, then play with mine."
"Gloves?" Jim responded.
"Gloves, Mr. Detective," Frank replied.  "He's mine and I love him.  You may play with him but I won't allow anyone to damage him or put him in danger."
Vinnie was a mass of sensations with Roger pounding his fiery ass, Blair's tentative touches, and Frank's voice running the show.  Roger's strokes were long and hard as Vinnie sank into
the feelings.  "Frank..."
'Yes, Vincenzo, you may come now."
The pressure built as Vinnie pumped inside Blair's hand until cream sprayed over the slender fingers.
"Vincenzo," Roger screamed, pumping hard, then stilled.  He kissed the back of Vinnie's neck, and whispered hoarsely,  "I love your ass."
"I know."  Vinnie said to Roger before kissing Blair.  "You could get to be a habit.  Your hands are almost as wonderful as your mouth."
Frank tossed a box of baby wipes onto the bed.  "Clean him, Roger."
"May I do it?"  Jim asked, reaching for the box.
Frank nodded, fondling the riding crop.
Jim removed his glove, then gently removed Roger's condom, and cleaned him.  Roger cradled Vinnie while Jim spread Vinnie's bruised cheeks and wiped gently.  "Does it hurt?" Jim whispered.
Vinnie smiled into Roger's chest.  "In good sex, the line between pain and pleasure blurs out of existence.  I learned to deal with that when I dealt with my prison rape.  It took a lot of time, but my counselor, who is an M.D. as well as a Ph.D., is also an SM Master and he showed me the differences in how I needed to handle the way my body responded.  Not everyone can handle rough sex, getting or giving, but I get off on it and my partners and I have learned how to handle my needs, as I have
learned how to handle theirs."
Taking the moist wipes from Jim, Blair cleaned his hands, then turned Vinnie so he could clean his cock.
"It won't break," Vinnie teased at Blair's light touch.
"That's not entirely true," Blair responded, "a penis can be injured in several ways during sex, particularly rough sex. And this,"  he kissed Vinnie's cock, "is too magnificent too harm.  Even soft, it's big."
"Nine and a half inches of pure pleasure," Roger purred.
"Can you take it all?" Blair asked.
"Every chance I get."  Roger grinned, then winked at Frank.
Vinnie turned so he was cradled in Roger's arms, bringing their mouths together.
"When we started tonight, Blair, you wanted Vinnie to spank you.  Do you still want that?"  Frank asked.
Blair ran his hand over Vinnie's ass.  "Yes, but I want Jim to do it," he pleaded.
"Jim?" Frank asked.
"I, um I...", Jim stuttered.

Frank sat on the bed, rubbing Vinnie's foot.  "Detective, tell me what happened!" Frank snapped in his most authoritative tone.
Vinnie released Roger and sat up, alerted by the tone of warning in Frank's voice.  Taking Blair's hand in his left, he smiled encouragingly, then took Roger's hand in his right.
"I broke her arm," Jim stated flatly, staring at Frank.  "I lost my temper, and I broke her arm."
Blair gasped and Vinnie shushed him.
"Jim," Frank maintained eye contact.  "You're a cop and ex-military, right?"
Jim nodded.
"And a killer."
"As are Vinnie, Roger, and I.  Even on the side of the law, taking another life is, and should be, a difficult thing to do, and to deal with after.  We have used sex, and later our love for each other, to deal with tough issues.  The first time Vinnie killed a man, undercover, taking the law away from the courts, he begged me to punish him.  I used a single tail whip and left a criss-cross pattern of bloody welts on his beautiful, broad shoulders, then I held him while he cried.  And I cried right along with him.  The perp was a scumbag and deserved to die, but it took another part of Vincenzo's innocence, something I could never put back.  We made love that night until we worked through some of the emotions."  Frank patted Vinnie.  "It took a lot out of both of us, and later I learned from Master Richard, Vinnie's SM Master, how to best handle Vinnie, who has a need for both punishment and rough sex."
"It's easy to lose your temper," Roger admitted, "but a lot tougher to learn not to."  He stroked Vinnie's arm.  "I learned to handle Vinnie's needs with the help of Master Michael."
"Tell me what happened," Frank ordered Jim.
Jim looked at his hands.
"Look at me and tell me what happened."  Frank was not to be disobeyed.
Jim looked at Blair, then back at Frank.  "She wanted to play rough, then changed her mind.  I was out of control.  It scared us both.  She agreed not to press charges if I agreed to counseling.  My captain was very supportive and handled everything discreetly, but I have never been able to block that picture from my mind.  And the sound of a bone breaking still makes me sick to my stomach."
"Jim," Blair cried, anguish in his voice.
"Go to him," Frank ordered Blair.  "Hold him."
Vinnie scooted over on the bed, resettling in Roger's embrace while Blair cuddled into Jim's arms.
"Do you love him?" Frank asked Jim.
"I don't think I know what love is," Jim admitted.
Roger chortled.  "I remember when I felt that way."  Roger combed his fingers through Vinnie's hair.  "I was so in love with him I could barely function, but I didn't have a clue how to name what I was feeling."
"So what happened?" Blair asked, hanging onto Jim.  "How were you able to work through it."
"I met a guy in a bar, a gay bar, Master Michael."  Roger chuckled.  "He's an M.D. and he introduced me to a number of other men, including the Catholic priest who married us.  They all helped me understand my feelings about myself, and about Vinnie.  The doctor and his lover, who are now close and dear friends, also played Cupid, and brought Vinnie and me together, and helped us deal with our love.  Then they helped us deal with Vinnie's love for Frank.  It was very complicated, but once I sorted it out and understood my love for Vinnie, the rest was easy."
"What does that mean for us?" Blair asked.
"No one can define your relationship but you," Vinnie offered, "but like us, you might need some help.  Quite frankly, I don't know how any relationship makes it without a little help now and then."
In the silence that settled over the room, Roger chided, "Frank, you have on too many clothes.  Why don't you take care of that and cuddle with us?"
Frank ran the riding crop through his fingers.  "I'm not sure the game is over.  Blair?"
"I think we need to do some talking before we do any more playing."  Blair looked at Jim, trust obvious in his eyes.
"Blair," Vinnie warned, "this is not the time to deny your needs."
"I won't...".
"Yes, you will.  I can see how much you love him and that means you're willing to sacrifice anything for him.  That can be such a major mistake that it can destroy your relationship later on."
"What do you recommend?" Jim wrapped his arms around Blair and buried his face in the long brown curls.
"First, I have a question," Frank said.  "Did your lady use her safe word?"
"Huh?" Jim jerked his head up.
"Did you and your lady agree in advance to rules, including a way to stop the game if either of you changed your mind?"
"No.  She came onto me like a freight train, wanting to play rough cop and suspect, and then, well, I really don't know what happened.  I just lost it."
"People die in scenes like that," Roger lectured.  "It's why we try to teach people how to play."
"Games?  With rules?"  Blair grinned.  "That's so cool."
"Sex tends to affect our thinking processes, particularly when combined with new love," Vinnie explained.  "We believe it's important to define the rules before we play, like we define our relationship before we run into problems."
"How?" Jim asked.
"Your love for each other and your sex life are all rolled up together.  We can give you some guidelines and suggestions, and we can teach you how to set some basic rules for game playing.  We can even play so you can see where the control comes from."
"What should we do first?" Blair asked.
"Couples counseling," Frank replied.  "If there isn't someone available in the Cascade gay community, or if you don't want to do it here, we can make arrangements for you to meet our friends in San Francisco.  The clinic is in the Castro district and easy to get to.  We usually have room for guests in our hospice residence."
"Is it difficult?" Blair asked.
"One of the toughest things I've ever done," Roger admitted, "but well worth the effort.  I have two lovers and a lifestyle that works for me.  Without the help I got, my life would probably be very different."
"And not nearly as satisfying," Vinnie added.
"Love can be very scary," Frank acknowledged, "particularly when it invades our life when we are older.  Vincenzo pretty much turned my neat, orderly life upside down."
"I know that one," Jim sighed into Blair's curls.  "Some days I really do feel like he needs a good spanking."
"So how do we play?"  Blair wiggled in Jim's arms.
"Safety rules first," Frank insisted.  "You must both agree that either of you can stop the game at any time, for any reason. More importantly, anger has no place in the bedroom, or the playroom. If either of you loses your temper, stop the game.  No questions."
"How?" Jim asked.
"Safe words" Frank continued.  "One to stop, one to slow down.  Agreed to before you play and adhered to religiously.  No exceptions.  No explanations."
Vinnie kissed Roger's hand.  "We do a lot of scenes like tonight's.  We're very much into the darker aspect of sex, but even for us, some nights it just doesn't work.  We have worked through some tearful episodes because for some reason, Frank or Roger hurt me, really hurt me.  But when it works, the sex is so good that it strengthens our bond."
"When your honeymoon's over," Roger warned, "you'll need a good foundation to make your relationship last.  That's why we chose to be married."
"Can we talk about the spanking thing?" Jim managed in a strangled voice.
"Blair," Frank said in his master's voice, "do you want to be spanked like Roger spanked Vinnie?"
"Yes," Blair mumbled to his hands.
"Not good enough," Frank snapped.  "You look at me, then you look at your lover, and you tell us what you want."
"I want to be spanked," Blair stated to Jim, then looked at Frank.  "And if we do it here, tonight, it will be safe."
"I'm still not real clear on those rules you mentioned," Jim admitted.
"I'm going to spank Blair," Frank declared.  "I'm going to use my hand, so that you and Blair can see how you both respond.
The house safe words are red and yellow.  Use red and
I stop.  The game is over.  End of discussion.  If you need to slow down, but don't want to stop, use  yellow.  Use that if you need a drink of water or something."
"Then what?" Blair asked.
"If you like it and you want to add more games, you'll need a master to train Jim, and possibly a fellow slave to show you how best to enjoy the games," Vinnie explained.  "Frank was trained by Master Richard on the east coast while Roger was trained by Master Michael on the west coast.  And they are both very good."
"Training?  It's all so complicated," Blair said.
"Anything worth having is worth working for," Vinnie added.

"What will we do tonight?" Blair asked.
"Jim is going to sit in a chair and watch."  Frank ran the riding crop over Jim's bare leg.  "Roger and Vinnie will stand on either side, so that if Jim gets angry, they can help him deal with it."
Vinnie swung his legs over the side of the bed.  "Master, it's time for you to take your clothes off."
Roger crawled to Frank.  "Vincent's right, Master.  If you spank Blair with all these clothes on, you won't be able to feel him respond or judge the effects of your blows."
Vinnie kissed the back of Frank's neck.  "I want you turned on, the way spanking a bare bottom -- a virgin butt -- turns you on because, Master, I want to fuck your beautiful ass while you're sizzling hot."
Roger tugged at Frank's leather vest, then pulled it off.  "No one can do this as masterfully as you do."
Vinnie stood.  "Come on, Master.  Let Roger unzip your pants."
Roger carefully eased the zipper down and Vinnie walked the jeans over Frank's hips, then caressed the bare skin.  "I love you," he whispered into Frank's ear before he thrust his tongue inside the small sensitive opening.
"Ahhh..." Frank groaned as Roger fondled the hardening cock.
"I love you too," Roger mouthed, then kissed the head of Frank's cock.
Vinnie pulled the jeans down Frank's legs so he could step out of them.  "Not bad for an old man, huh?" Vinnie said to Blair.
"I like older men," Blair smiled at Jim.
"Experience and maturity," Vinnie agreed as he settled Frank on the end of the bed.
"Can I ask a question?" Blair hesitated.
"Of course," Frank replied.
"Well, after Roger spanked Vinnie, uh, Roger fucked him. Does that mean after you spank me...?"
"I thought you wanted Jim," Vinnie interjected.
"I do," Blair stated.
"Good," Roger patted Frank's erection, "because we," he indicated Vinnie, "have other plans for this.  Okay, Jim?"
Jim swallowed and nodded.  "Uh, I took the cockring off Blair when we were in the living room.  Should I put it back on him?"
"Blair, do you need the cockring?" Frank asked.
"I don't know."
"Then if you feel you can't control yourself, you use your safe word and we'll stop and put one on you."
"Yes, sir."
Frank turned to Jim.  "Straddle the chair, hands on the back. You may not move until I tell you to."
"Yes, Master."
"Roger, if he disobeys me, restrain him," Frank ordered.
Vinnie caressed Jim's face.  "I once saw Roger kill a man with a plastic swizzle stick.  Don't disobey Master Frank."
Apprehension showed in Jim's eyes.  "Yes, sir."
"Across my lap, Blair," Frank ordered, glaring at Jim.
As Blair positioned himself, Frank stroked Blair's cock, then placed the stiff organ against the outside of his leg.  "All your weight should be suspended on my legs.  If it's not, my control can shift and I could hit you harder than I intend to.  I usually do virgins restrained in a specially designed frame to prevent any awkwardness.  Doing it this way means you must be very aware of your body and use your safe words if anything feels wrong. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master," Blair stated clearly.
"Relax, Blair," Vinnie recommended, "follow Frank's lead, then relax into the pain, make it a part of you, and your body chemistry will do the rest."
Frank slapped Blair's ass.  "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be," Blair gulped and closed his eyes.
After Frank had delivered ten swats, Blair was squirming. "Be still," Frank snapped, "or use your safe word."
"Yellow," Blair muttered.  "May I have some water?"
"Yes."  Frank gently rubbed Blair's ass.  "Vincent?"
Vinnie held the glass to Blair's lips.  "Do you want to stop?"
"I don't know," Blair admitted.  "It hurts."
"Imagine Jim spanking you, caressing you, fucking you, then cuddling and kissing you."
"Okay," Blair nodded, his hair falling over his face.
Vinnie put the glass on the dresser and returned to his place beside Jim as Frank resumed the paddling.
When Blair began to whimper, Frank instructed: "Verbalize your feelings.  Tell Jim what you're feeling right now."
"Fire," Blair exclaimed as Frank hit him again.  "I'm on fire.  It stings and it hurts and it makes my blood burn.  My cock's so hard for you, Jimmy."  
"See the fire in your mind," Vinnie chanted, "think about how you burn when Jim touches you; think about how hot you get when you want him, when you want him so bad you're about to explode."
"Watch his ass turn red," Roger picked up, "Jimmy, think about kissing him, licking the skin to cool it, sinking your dick into that hot body.  It's an incredible body, tight and hot, wanting you, working you."
Jim growled like a big cat as he rose, knocking over his chair.  "I want him now."  Jim's cock was dripping fluid as he struggled to pull out of Vinnie's and Roger's restraining hold.
Frank struck Blair one last time.  "On the bed, on your knees." He grabbed the lube and a glove from the basket.  "Watch me, Mr. Detective.  I'm going to prepare him for you."
Jim snorted, his eyes dilated with lust.
Frank worked one, then two fingers into Blair's willing body.
"Jim," Blair cried.
Leaving his fingers inside Blair, Frank tossed a foil package toward Vinnie.  "He's almost as big as you, so your condoms should fit him."
"We d-d-don't," Blair stammered.
"Well, you should," Frank pulled his fingers out and slapped Blair's butt, "even fluid-bonded lovers should use condoms."  He nodded to Roger to release Jim as Vinnie finished smoothing down the rubber.
Frank touched Jim's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Are you in control?"
Jim nodded, "But I'm so turned on I want to ravage him."
"Ravage away."  Frank eased off the bed to join Vinnie and Roger, "but don't injure him."
Jim pounced on top of Blair, bit his neck, and roughly shoved his cock into the younger man.
Turning Frank, Vinnie pressed their mouths and cocks together. "I want you that turned on."
"Me, too," Roger stepped into their kiss, licking the mouths of his lovers.
Vinnie pulled back and declared to Roger: "I wanna fuck him."
Roger nodded, "My control, Vincent."
Blair cried out as Jim pounded him.
Vinnie watched the couple on the bed.  "Yes, Master Roger. Whatever you want."
Jim and Blair were both making inarticulate noises.
Roger blew in Frank's ear.  "Frank?"
Frank gripped Vinnie's hard cock.  "Yes, Master Roger," he murmured.
Roger stepped to the dresser and took a small multi-lash whip out of the drawer.  The leather was soft, designed for pleasure, not pain.  He turned and stroked the penis whip across Vinnie's genitals.   "You up to this?" he whispered.
Pushing into Roger's hand, Vinnie groaned, "How much more up do you want me to be?"
"I want you so hot that you plow into Frank like Jim just did to Blair."
"Oh, yeah," Vinnie agreed and leaned into Frank.
Jim screamed and pushed into Blair, then both men were breathing harshly.
"I'll do them," Roger said.  "You two get ready for me."
Roger picked up the box of wet wipes and sat on the bed. "Cuddle time.  Pull out easily, Jim, so I can clean you, then I want you face to face, kissing."
"Don't want him out," Blair mumbled.
"I know," Roger continued, "but you need to cuddle, and I need the other side of the bed."
Jim rolled off Blair, and Roger removed the condom, then lovingly wiped both men before removing the towel from under them.
"You two are so hot," Vinnie exclaimed, stroking Blair's flushed face.
"I may never cool off," Blair responded in a shaky voice.
Frank spread a clean towel on the empty side of the bed, then patted it.  "Vincenzo."
Blair sprawled flat on his back and Jim curled around him.

"Now what?"
"We're going to take care of Master Frank," Vinnie grinned as he crawled onto the bed and flopped down with his ass on the towel.
"I'm going to use this," Roger pulled the penis whip through his hand, "to start a fire much like the one Frank started for you."
"Oh," Jim drew light circles over Blair's stomach.  "Can we watch?"
"Think you can get it up again?" Blair teased.
"Tonight," Jim kissed Blair, "who knows?"
Roger knelt between Vinnie's legs and struck the bare thighs and stomach before lashing the whip across his hard cock.  Moaning, Vinnie lifted his hips, thrusting into Roger's blows, then hitting
the bed on his bruised butt.  Every nerve in his body was alive with stimulation, his mind fuzzy with lust and desire.  "Hit Frank," he managed to utter, then rolled on his side.
Roger made room for Frank to stretch out while Vinnie curled around him on the outside edge of the bed.  Beginning with light slaps, Roger continued to increase the pressure until Frank was groaning with pleasure.
Vinnie squeezed lube onto his hand, then lifted Frank until he could insert a finger.  "Want me, Frank?"
"God, yes," Frank sobbed as he pressed down on Vinnie's finger.

"Fix him, Roger."
Roger grabbed a condom from the basket, torn it open and placed it in his mouth.  Then he rolled the rubber down Vinnie's cock.
"I love when you do that," Vinnie sighed.
Roger used his fingers to secure the latex at the base of Vinnie cock, then sucked and kissed the full balls.  "I know. Now take care of Frank."
Vinnie removed his fingers from Frank's body and squirted more lube into the opening, then he pushed the head of his cock in as he pressed Frank's legs to his chest.
"You're driving me crazy," Frank cried, when Vinnie pulled almost all the way and shoved back in again.
"I know and you love it," Vinnie teased.
"Stop talking and start fucking."  Roger popped Vinnie's ass with the riding crop.
"Roger!" Vinnie yelped, as the pain radiated throughout his body while Frank's ass clenched tightly around his cock.  "Oh god."
"Fuck him, Buckwheat," Roger ordered, slapping Vinnie's bruised flesh.  "Fuck him hard."
Roger slid his lube coated fingers over Vinnie's hot ass.  "I'm gonna do you now."
"Oh yeah?" Vinnie grinned at Frank.  "Master, Roger's gonna fuck us."  He pushed himself all the way into Frank and stilled while Roger inserted lube.
"Ready?" Roger asked.
"Do it," Vinnie said, waiting while Roger penetrated.
Vinnie loved being in the middle of his lovers and put his mind into neutral as he fucked and was fucked while working Frank's cock.
"How can they do that?" Blair asked.
"Practice," Jim suggested.
"Would you like to try?" Blair continued.
"I don't think I can bend like that," Jim chuckled.
"I could," Blair replied.
"You're serious?"
Vinnie thrust into Frank as Roger thrust into Vinnie; it was a familiar dance and Vinnie never tired of it.  As the muscles tightened around his cock, Vinnie met Frank's eyes, holding the gaze until he cried Frank's name.
Roger's teeth were sharp on Vinnie's shoulder at the same time Frank filled Vinnie's hand.  He lay still until his breathing slowed.
"Vincenzo," Frank mumbled, "you're heavy."
"Yeah.  So's Roger, and he's gotta move first."
"Don't wanna," Roger croaked.
"Do it anyway, Buckwheat."  Frank kissed Vinnie's shoulder.
Roger rolled towards the side of the bed, then popped Vinnie's ass.
"Ouch," Vinnie whined.
Frank pushed Vinnie, who rolled towards Blair.  
"I'm hungry," Vinnie said.
"Big surprise," Roger quipped.
"Sex makes me hungry," Vinnie pouted.
"Breathing makes you hungry," Frank retorted, laughter in his eyes.
Jim laughed, running his hand through Blair's curls.  "You clean them while I round up some food."

Blair kissed Jim lightly, then reached for the wet wipes.

He removed Vinnie's condom and ran the damp cloth over the soft cock.  "You always use them?"
"Yeah.  They're pretty much automatic for us now," Frank replied, watching Blair's hand fondle Vinnie.  "We live and work in the gay community.  We see a lot of death.  Master Michael insists we all use condoms and that we preach and practice safe sex, and we've seen enough to know he's right."
Blair cleaned Frank, then moved to the other side of the bed to clean Roger.  Running his fingers over the hairless flesh, Blair licked his lips.  "How does it feel?"
"Sensitive."  Roger grinned at Vinnie.
"Doesn't it itch?"
"Only when the hair starts to grow back, then Vinnie shaves me again."
"It's so smooth it feels like he just shaved you."  Blair ran his fingertips over Roger's bare groin.
"He did," Roger sighed.  "Before dinner, when we were getting ready for the evening's activities.  He shaved my face, then my crotch.  I washed his hair, and shaved him."
"Feels so good," Vinnie purred.  "Does Jim ever wash and brush your hair?"
Blair shook his head.  "But I think I can change that."
"And you can clean, bathe, and massage Jim the way we do Master Frank."  Vinnie ran his hand over Frank's chest.  "It helps to mellow him out.  No one likes a grumpy master."
"Cleaning?  What kind of cleaning?" Blair asked.
"We like everything to be clean before a scene," Vinnie explained.
"So you shave and bathe each other?" Blair looked confused.
"Pardon me for being crude," Roger said, "but nothing ruins a good scene like a shitty mess, so we make enemas a part of our foreplay."
"Roger, you're embarrassing Blair," Vinnie chastised, then kissed Blair gently.  "We make all the aspects of sex part of what we do.  It makes the sex really good, and we have the sensual aspects as well as the rough stuff."
"Vinnie gets off on having his butt spanked and he gets off on having his hair washed," Roger explained.
Frank smiled.  "It's about expanding your horizons, and I remember when I was embarrassed by some of the aspects of our sex life."
"He got over it," Vinnie grinned.
"Anyone want beer?" Jim called.
"Yeah."  Vinnie pushed himself up.  "Ow, I'm going to be sore tomorrow."
Roger sat up, making room for the tray Jim was holding.  "And tell me that you haven't already made an appointment with the cutest masseur on the hotel staff for tomorrow."
Vinnie popped cheese into Roger's mouth.  "Wanna join me in the spa afterwards?"
Before Roger could answer, Jim interjected, "Blair, we should go."  Jim stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed.
"Why?"  Vinnie spread his legs, his body sated.   "You working tomorrow?"
"Uh, no," Jim admitted.  "I have the weekend off."
"Sit," Frank ordered.  "We're here to play and you could stay and play with us.  You need to schedule some playtime."
"Schedule what?"  Blair took a beer from Jim and sat cross-legged next to Vinnie.
"We take one weekend a month," Roger explained, "and do something special for the three of us.  If we can't get out of town, we at least spend one night in a fancy hotel room and pamper ourselves."
"There's a lot of tragedy in our world right now and we deal with it every day,"  Frank explained.  "AIDS is ugly and depressing and we have to take a break from it or we'd go nuts.  I think that's called burnout.  Master Michael's lover, Jason, who is our administrator, makes sure couples, or triples like us, have at least one weekend off a month."
"Are you the only triple in your group?"  Blair enjoyed a big, juicy strawberry.
"No,"  Vinnie answered.  "Two of our clinic doctors are partners with the most beautiful black surgeon with these great hands..."
"Don't drool," Roger teased.  "Maybe one day they'll learn to share."
"Scheduling three doctors for the same weekend off every month is one of Jason's biggest challenges," Frank explained.
"How did cops end up working in San Francisco gay community?" Jim asked.
"Shortly after Roger and I consummated our relationship," Frank patted Roger's leg, "I took a bullet.  Almost died.  Vinnie was in pretty bad shape, too, for other reasons -- too long out in the cold.  Roger moved us both to Frisco to heal and he convinced us to stay."
"We resigned from the Bureau and rebuilt our lives, and our love," Vinnie added.
"And what do you do now," Jim asked Frank, "defend the scum you used to arrest?"
"No," Frank smiled.  "I work with gay legislators and community leaders for laws protecting gay rights.  I'm part of the team advising Mayor Willie Brown on gay rights.  And now, as a licensed
California lawyer, I will be handling legal matters for our clients.  Roger decided that I needed something to do while I was recovering, so he picked law school."
"Sounds interesting."  Blair fed Jim purple grapes.
"You should come visit us," Frank offered.
"On one of our weekends off?" Jim asked, chuckling.
"That would work, Buckwheat," Roger grinned, "but for this weekend, you could stay right here.  The sofa makes out into a queen size bed."
Vinnie stroked Blair's long hair.  "I'm sure we could find something to keep us amused."
"I'm sure," Blair sighed, taking grapes from the tray and feeding Jim.

The End