Disclamiers:  "Wiseguy" belongs to Stephen J. Cannel, with or without Frank Lupo.  Frank McPike, Vinnie Terranova, Sonny Steelgrave, and Roger Lococco belong to Mr. Cannel -- with great thanks from me for creating such wonderful characters.  All the rest of the guys in this story belong to me.

Disclamiers:  "Wiseguy" belongs to Stephen J. Cannel, with or without Frank Lupo.  Frank McPike, Vinnie Terranova, Sonny Steelgrave, and Roger Lococco belong to Mr. Cannel -- with great thanks from me for creating such wonderful characters.  All the rest of the guys in this story belong to me.

My fiction contains consensual sex between two or more men and is not meant to be read by those who object to explicit homoerotic sexual material.  Or minors.  The law says anyone under the age of *consent* can't read this.  If you don't like the law, change it.  Remember: one person can make a difference.  

WARNING:  This story contains many elements of *bdsm*, including but not limited to bondage, spanking, whipping, nudity, enemas, butt plugs, general discussion of *bdsm*, and group sex.  If you are uncomfortable with the subject, don't read the story.

15 July 1998

Flying First Class

Alexis Rogers

"Where are we?" Frank asked as the driver opened his door to reveal a quiet countryside in the spring twilight.

"Connecticut," Vinnie responded as he exited the car.  "Isn't it beautiful?"

"And the real estate is worth millions," Frank deadpanned as he viewed the main house and outlying buildings.
"Probably."  Vinnie took the two small bags from the driver and started up the wide steps of the white Victorian mansion.

After watching the limousine leave, Frank followed Vinnie to the front door.  "I wish you'd tell me what's going on.  I hate surprises."

"I know, Frank, it's part of your problem."  He rang the bell.  "But we're going to work on that."

A beautiful young blond man wearing only tight black bikini briefs and a leather shoulder harness answered the door.  "Welcome, gentlemen.  I'm Brian, please come in.  Master Richard requests that you join him on the terrace after you have freshened up.  Please follow me."
Brian led the way down a hall and opened the door to a spacious bedroom decorated in heavy dark furniture and blue accents.  Across a dark blue bedspread lay two thin white gauze cotton tunics.
Vinnie picked one up and checked the size.
Brian laughed.  "Master Richard ordered a new supply of extra larges."
"Please tell Master Richard I said thank you and that we'll join him in a few minutes."
"Yes, sir."  Brian smiled as he left the room.
"What is that?"  Frank grabbed the tunic from Vinnie.
"Our weekend attire."  Vinnie grinned as he stepped out of his shoes and unfastened his pants.  "We need to shower and change. Master Richard doesn't like to be kept waiting."
"Vince, what is this place?" Frank snapped.
Pulling Frank into a tight embrace and savoring the taste of his mouth, Vinnie promised.  "The most perfect playground in the world."  After releasing Frank, Vinnie turned on both shower heads in the large tiled stall.  He watched as Frank slowly undressed, folded his clothes, and placed them on the chair that sat in front
of a curtained window.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?"  Frank stepped under the running water and ran his hands over Vinnie's wet body.
"I don't want to spoil it."  Vinnie captured Frank's mouth.

"My life is perfect right now.  You're living with me, you're sleeping with me -- every night.  I'm running Dead Dog Records and no one is going to kill me if I close my eyes and take the time to kiss you.  This weekend is like icing on a cake."
"Do I ever say no to you?"  Frank raised his face for another kiss.  "Are we going to spend all weekend in that big bed?"
"Probably not," Vinnie laughed.  "As a matter of fact, we probably won't see this room again until Sunday afternoon.  Here,"

Vinnie handed Frank soap and a blue cloth.  "Wash me."
After rinsing all the soap from his body, Vinnie stepped out and wrapped himself in thick blue terry, then held one of the bath sheets for Frank.
While Vinnie towel dried his hair, Frank walked into the bedroom.  "Vince!"
"Yeah, what?"
"Our clothes are gone!"
Pointing to the tunic, Vinnie explained, "That's all you're gonna need."
"Until Sunday?" Frank smirked.
"That's right, until Sunday.  At least yours fits.  Last time I was here, there was a shortage in my size."
"How many times have you been here?"
"A few."
Frank pulled the thin cotton over his head.  It hung loosely over his body, covering his bare hips.  "I suppose underwear is optional."
"You won't need it.  Besides, you look good enough to eat."

Vinnie slipped his tunic over his head and settled it in place.
"You don't look so bad yourself."  Frank kissed Vinnie long and hard.  "And if I turn you on, everyone will see it."
Stepping back, Vinnie slapped at Frank's hands.  "Later. Right now, Master Richard is waiting dinner for us."
Brian was waiting in the hallway when Vinnie opened the door.

After looking up and down his body, Brian smiled.  "Very nice, sir.  Master Richard will not be angry because you made him wait.

Please, follow me."
On the terrace, which overlooked a rose garden, a table for four was set in white, blue, and silver.  "Master Richard."  Vinnie bent on one knee before the man who was dressed in faded jeans and tee shirt.  "It's good to see you again."
Offering Vinnie a hand up, Richard said, "It's good to see you, too.  You're looking well and very happy."  He turned towards Frank.  "And you must be the one making him happy."
"Yeah," Vinnie acknowledged, "This is Frank."
"I feel as if I know you," Richard stated, offering his hand.
Frank looked questioningly at Vinnie.
"Oh, I know all of Vincent's secrets.  I know all about him and I particularly know about his feelings for you."
Andrew, dressed in black briefs and leather harness, came out of the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Vinnie.
"Frank," Richard offered, "the beauty wrapped around your lover is Andrew, my ablest slave, who will be assisting this week-end."
"You look great," Andrew whispered, "and it's wonderful that you finally brought Frank.  He's so sexy."
"He is," Vinnie agreed, "but I don't know how he's going to handle this weekend."
"Master Richard has been training slaves for many years, and I'll be extra gentle with him too, so don't worry."  Andrew released Vinnie and offered Frank his hand.
"Andrew," Frank acknowledged as they shook hands.
"Gentlemen, please take your places at the table.  Until noon on Sunday your diet will consist mostly of fresh fruits, rice, vegetables, juice and water.  I don't want anything heavy in your stomachs."
"Yes, Master Richard," Vinnie replied.
Lifting a bowl, Richard explained, "These have been lightly steamed and tossed with a special Italian dressing.  You may eat as much as you wish.  And please, drink as much water as you can."

He handed the bowl to Vinnie.  "Did you do the ritual cleansing?"
"Yes, Master Richard."
"And Frank?"
Vinnie handed the bowl to Frank, but refused to look at him. "You may punish me if you wish, Master Richard, but I haven't told him anything."  Vinnie looked at Frank.  "I was afraid he
"Afraid he wouldn't accompany you?"
Vinnie nodded.
"It's all right, Vincent, I know how important this is to you.  I think we can find a way to handle it."
Frank set the bowl on the table.  "Vince, I've been patient with you as long as I can."
"Relax, Frank," Richard said.  "I'm going to tell you, but first I'm going to ask you a question and I want a completely honest, first response answer."
Richard held Frank's eyes until he nodded.
"What are your first thoughts when I say the word *sadomasochism*?"
Frank was silent while conflicting emotions played across his face.
"First thoughts, Frank," Richard probed gently.
In a monotone, Frank chanted, "Dark rooms that reek of sex and urine.  The sounds of flesh slapping flesh.  Flickering candlelight in claustrophobic space.  Cries and groans from people in pain." Frank looked at Vinnie.  "Crazy people trying to hurt each other."
"Maybe like a medieval torture chamber?" Richard suggested.
"Yeah, maybe
"Well, Vincent," Richard stated, "I can see why you didn't want to tell him.  Explain to me why you brought him here."
"Because I love him, because I need him, because he has everything he needs to be my master except the training."
"Vince!" Frank hissed.
"Quiet, please."  Andrew placed his hand on Frank's arm.

"Vinnie needs to finish."
"He's punished me when I needed it, when I asked him for it, and he always cuddles me afterwards," Vinnie whispered.  "He works to control me, but he lacks your technique, Master Richard. I beg you to teach him."
"Is he willing to learn?  The way I teach?"  Richard stared at Vinnie, then demanded of Frank:  "Well, are you?"
Frank was stunned.  "You'll have to explain a lot more things before I answer that question."
"Within reason."  Richard lifted a large strawberry from a silver bowl and bit into it.
"You said you know all of Vince's secrets.  Would you explain that?"
"I met Vincent when he came here with Salvadore Steelgrave.  I know that Vincent and Salvadore were lovers and that he wanted more from Vincent than he could give.  Salvadore thought I could help."
"Help what?" Frank demanded.
"Allow Vincent to reconnect with his sexuality.  You do know that he was raped while he was in prison?"
Frank stared at the food on his plate.  "I know every detail."

Pain was heavy in his voice.
"And you know Vincent's brother was a priest and his mother disowned him and that layered pain on top of his pain?"
"Yes, damn you," Frank pushed through clenched teeth, "and I know how much of that pain I caused."  He looked at Richard.

"So what are you, some kind of kinky shrink?"
Richard laughed easily.  "Yeah, I guess I am."  He refilled the water glasses.  "Drink your water."
"Yes, Master Richard," Vinnie gulped.
"Why?" Frank asked
"Because it purifies the body," Richard explained.
"So you are a dietitian," Frank snapped
"What I am," Richard looked over the rim of his glass at Frank, "is a practitioner of the sexual arts.  I met Salvadore in the Village about a million years ago when I had a small dungeon in the backroom of a gay bar and he wanted to experience sexual magic.  But he couldn't release control long enough to achieve it on the bottom and he couldn't control his temper well enough to be a top, so we decided he could watch.  
Then he decided we could make a lot of money if I had my dungeon in luxury surroundings. So we found this place and he sent me wealthy clients who were willing to pay a lot of money for what I do."
"Vince," Frank snarled, "if you paid for this little excursion out of Dead Dog funds, I'm going to...".
"You will not argue over petty domestic issues in my presence," Richard barked.  "Is that clear?"
"Yes, Master Richard," Vinnie assured.
Richard glared at Frank until he nodded.
"Good."  Richard drank from his water glass.  "Salvadore also decided that the production of adult movies and video tapes would be a good investment, so we added the studio and other buildings. I was part of the Steelgrave business when he brought Vincent to me.  I was able to work a little magic for Sonny's boy toy,
which made him very happy.  He sold me his interest in the business for a dollar and lifetime services for Vincent."
"Why weren't you hauled in when Sonny died and the Mafia bosses were arrested?"
"Because this is a legitimate business and didn't have any connection to Steelgrave Enterprises when Sonny died.  You may not like what I do, but everything here is legal, and I have the tax returns to prove it."  Richard glared at Frank.  "You know, you're almost obnoxious enough to be a cop."
"Is that right?" Frank deadpanned while Vinnie nibbled on a stalk of celery.
"For a long time, I thought you were part of some bizarre fantasy because Vincent had a cop fixation.  He insisted that I use the metal handcuffs instead of the softer leather restraints I prefer.  When I convinced Salvedore that I could work more magic for Vincent if I was alone with him, Vincent wanted to be punished and his body cleansed of all traces of Sonny.  I usually only see that reaction in rape victims.  After that, he seemed to relax more.  But the surprising thing was when I had him alone and took him flying, he screamed for you.  It was evident that his feelings for Salvedore were confused, but I didn't know where you belonged, or even if you were real."
"My feelings for Frank were pretty confused, too," Vinnie admitted.
"And now?"
"Better."  Vinnie played with a strawberry.  "You know how hard Sonny's suicide was for me."
Richard nodded.
"I loved him and I hated him and I was terrified of him because he was out of control.  Once his brother was dead, there was no stabilizing influence in Sonny's life and the emotional turmoil was more than he could handle.  Master Richard, I watched Sonny kill a man and there was nothing I could do to stop him."  Vinnie gulped half a glass of water.  "Then, when faced with his crimes, he electrocuted himself.  It was horrible."
"I remember, and I remember how upset you were when you were here, when you asked me to punish you for failing him."  Richard refilled the water glasses, "But something's different now."
"I had an unplanned and rather nasty experience in the hospital with some drugs not long ago and while I was under the influence, I had strange dreams about Sonny.  Somewhere in the dreams, I managed to put all my feelings for him to rest.  I still light candles for him even though I know he can't go to Heaven, but I don't cry over him anymore."
"And Frank?"
Vinnie smiled and took Frank's hand.  "I love him."
"So you want me to teach him to love you?"
Vinnie nodded.
"And Frank, are you interested in learning?"
"I guess that depends on what we're talking about," Frank said, gripping Vinnie's hand.
"We're talking about the fact that our beautiful Vincent is a serious bottom man, which is almost too bad because he has the physical attributes to be an incredible  top."
Frank gulped.
"Aw, come on, Frankie, don't tell me you've never taken Vincent's magnificent cock up your ass?"  Richard taunted.
Frank stared at Vinnie.
"Master Richard, even great masters like yourself have requested that from me."  Vinnie stroked Frank's face. "It's okay.  Master Richard's magic works better if he knows all about you.  He learns how to punish you and reward you and make you feel like no one else can."
"Does that mean he ties you up, beats you, and lets you get your rocks off?"  Frank snapped.
"I suppose you could describe it like that, but that's not what it feels like."
"What does it feel like, Vincent?" Richard asked.
"You make me fly.  You push me into some other plane of existence outside my body.  Frank, it's a kind of freedom that I've never found any place else.  I feel incredible.  And I'm connected to my top in some strange way and I want to have that connection with you."
"Because, Frank," Richard explained, "Vincent loves you and that increases the connection a thousand fold.  It's also the part of the experience we can't explain or measure or understand.  I know flying happens because I've been a part of it.   I know it's been recorded throughout history because I have a library full of books that reference the experience, but the controlling agent remains a mystery.  With the help of Andrew and some of
my other slaves, I've studied the blood chemistry and other available data without reaching a firm conclusion."
"Studied?   How?"  Frank asked.
"I have a medical degree from Johns Hopkins and a Ph.D. in psychology dealing with human sexual responses.  The strongest sexual response seems to occur with the combination of adrenaline, endorphins produced by physical pain and the chemicals produced by orgasm or the building to orgasm."
"Why study it?"
"In the beginning I wanted to understand my own sexuality, my homosexuality."  Richard ate a slice of pineapple.  "Vincent tells me you're married."
"Separated," Frank corrected.
"Are you still in love with her?"
"My feelings are very confused right now, about a lot of things."  Frank played with his water glass.
"Are you confused about Vincent?"
"About Vince most of all," Frank confessed.
"About how you feel or the intensity of your feelings?"
"Uh, I guess, ah, maybe both.  Vince can be a little intense." Frank smiled weakly.
"It's okay, Frank, we're just different people," Vinnie reassured.
"But you have had, and enjoyed, sexual relationships with women?"  Richard asked Frank.  "And you've enjoyed yourself with Vincent?"
"Don't you ever wonder why?"
"Apparently not to the extent that you have.  Is there a point to this?"
"You asked me why, and I'm trying to answer that question, and reassure you that I'm not a crazy old sex maniac.  You see, I'm not comfortable with women.  In fact, I prefer not to be around them at all, which is why I live here.  Of course, there are other reasons as well, but here I'm insulated."
"So," Frank summarized, "you don't do women and you want to know why?"
"Yeah.  That started my research.  But I grew curious about sex in this country, and why people are so afraid of it.  Think back to your answer when I asked you about SM.  Where did those images come from?  And why?"
"His Catholic roots," Vinnie suggested.
"And how long has it been since your last confession?" Richard asked.
"We are not going there!" Frank stated flatly.
"Not today," Richard relented, "but if you decide to continue here, we'll have to go there because it's the root of your conflicting emotions."
Clearly uncomfortable, Frank changed the subject.  "What happens today?"
"When we finish here, we'll go downstairs.  I'd like to draw blood samples from both of you before and after, and I'd like to do some other monitoring, but I'll decide on that when we get to it.  I'd rather work on establishing a link between you two and study it rather than interrupting what might happen."  Richard poured Vinnie more water.  "Did you really follow the diet?"
"Yes, Master Richard, but right now, I really need to pee."
"Go downstairs.  Give Andrew a urine sample as well."
"Andrew?" Frank questioned.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that besides being gorgeous, my First Slave, and my lover, he's also an R.N. and is working on his Masters in biochemistry?"
"I guess the costume fooled me."
"May I suggest you check all your preconceived notions at the door, or you'll waste a lot of time here?"  Richard stood.

"Go with Andrew please.  I'll join you shortly."
Vinnie laced his fingers through Frank's.  "Are you angry with me?"
"I don't know.  Ever since I sprang you from the psych ward, you've been too happy.  Then this Dead Dog Records assignment came along and you've been impossible.  I guess I don't know what to think.  I certainly don't know what to expect next while I traipse around this house with my assets exposed."
Andrew led the way downstairs and opened a door that revealed a huge L-shaped room containing two large beds separated by a black lacquer screen, various chains hanging from the ceiling, a leather sling, a cross of polished dark wood, a tall narrow steel cage, a hot tub, a wet bar, a full large bathroom, a sauna and massage table.
"Excuse me, but I need the bathroom," Vinnie said.
"The bottles are under the sink," Andrew reminded.
Vinnie filled the container, then finished in the toilet.

He set an empty container on the cabinet for Frank, then returned to the main room.  He was not surprised when Frank closed the bathroom door.  "He needs a moment to compose himself," Vinnie explained to Andrew.
Andrew marked the capped bottle of urine and placed it on the back cabinet.  Then he removed a pitcher of light green liquid from the refrigerator and poured a large glass.
"So what am I drinking this time?"
"Electrolyte solution.  And did you really stick to the diet?"
"What diet?" Frank asked as he handed his jar to Andrew.
"When Vinnie called to schedule time with us, we asked him to eliminate alcohol, nicotine, and any drugs for at least a week before coming here, and we asked him to limit his intake of red meat and rich foods.  Master Richard helped Vinnie with prescription drugs before and doesn't want that to happen again."
"So that's why you were drinking club soda in the bars last night.  I thought maybe you were sick."
"No.  Just following orders," Vinnie explained.  "This is so far beyond an "E" ticket ride, I don't know how to describe it, but sometimes it's better than other times and Master Richard wants to know why, so I do a diet or exercise or other stuff to see if any of it makes a difference."
Frank shook his head.  "I never thought about kinky sex games being a scientific study."  He picked up Vinnie's glass and sniffed it.  "What's this?"
"A special solution we're studying," Andrew explained as he poured Frank a large glass of orange juice.  "You didn't eat much and you'll need this."
"Where's Master Richard?" Vinnie asked as he drained his glass.
"Probably meditating.  He likes for his mind to be clear when he starts."
Vinnie twisted the glass in his hands.
"Getting anxious?"
"I guess."
"Good," Andrew stated as he washed the empty glasses and set them to drain.  "Let's get the blood samples, then we'll show Frank around and get you set up."
"Can we have a minute?" Vinnie asked.
"Sure, come back to the lab when you're ready.  I'll wait for you there."  Andrew took the urine samples, walked into the bathroom and through the door at the other end of the room.
Vinnie opened his arms and pulled Frank in.  "If you want out, say so now."  Vinnie brushed his lips across Frank's.
"Would you go if I did?"
Vinnie shook his head.  "I'm committed for the weekend and I need this.  I probably won't leave this room until noon Sunday."
"If I stay, will I be able to leave?"
"No one is a prisoner here, Frank, but you would have to time your departure so as not to interrupt anything."
Frank looked around the room.  "Does he know we're cops?"
"No.  He knows that cop is a trigger for me, but he thinks it's because I have a criminal record.  I came up here for help after the cops beat me when they thought I had killed the cop in that robbery.  Master Richard helped me heal, inside and out.  It's the best therapy I've ever seen."  Vinnie pressed his mouth to Frank's, letting the heat spread through him.
"If this is what you want, let's go do the blood thing."  

Frank took Vinnie's hand and walked through the bathroom to the small lab.
"How big is this place?" Frank asked as he sat down.
"We have complete lab facilities on the grounds that cover several acres and necessary ones here in the dungeon.  We have a nicely equipped medical clinic and a full production studio, which supports our work here."
"Do you, ah, act in the films?" Frank winced when the needle broke his skin.
"Yes.  It's like the diets and this outfit, which is part of the environmental experiment.  We're looking for the key to
the door of sexual enlightenment."  Andrew motioned for Vinnie to sit.  "We've been after Vinnie for some time to make a movie with us because he has the one thing that attracts viewers: large equipment.  Gay men can be such size queens."  Andrew laughed. "And Vinnie's size would guarantee an audience."
Frank blanched.  "I don't think that would be a good idea."
"I could wear a mask.  Hey, it could be fun."  Vinnie watched the needle.  "Ouch."
Andrew slapped a Band-Aid over the small hole, then opened the other door to the lab.  Along the walls were hooks containing whips, rods, paddles, chains, ropes, handcuffs, leather restraints, douche and enema bags, dildos, and cockrings.  
"Normally, I'd start with bathing and cleaning Vinnie but we decided this time to let him do the prep at home.  I FedExed him the herbs I wanted him to use."
"I know," Frank replied.  "I did the enema for him this afternoon. He likes anal stimulation and I enjoy providing it."
"You didn't climax?" Andrew asked Vinnie.
"No, and that surprised Frank.  I blew him and told him I had to wait until tonight."
"Why?" Frank asked.
"Men lose their sexual energy when they climax.  We need that energy to push Vinnie up and out."
"Do you always fly?" Frank wanted to know.
"Usually.  Now.  I didn't in the beginning because I couldn't completely trust Sonny, but I have learned to trust Master Richard and now with you here, I should be able to do it several times over the weekend."
Andrew led the way to the end of the bed as an elevator opened in the direction of the lab.
"Master Richard," Vinnie said as he turned.
"An elevator?" Frank asked.
"Our clients are usually here for several days and the elevator makes it easier to bring food and other supplies down here with as little intrusion as possible," Andrew explained.
Richard was dressed in a white cotton tunic like Vinnie and Frank wore, but Richard also wore pants out of the same material. His feet were bare.  He embraced and deeply kissed Vinnie.  "Are you ready for me, my pet?"
"Yes, Master Richard."  Vinnie took a deep breath as he knelt to accept the collar around his neck..
When the collar was fastened, Vinnie stroked it lightly, wondering if the awe of this moment would ever lessen.  For those few hours he was completely free; nothing else existed but this room and Master's orders.
"Are you nervous, my pet?"
Without looking up, Vinnie admitted, "More than usual, Master."
"Good.  Stand now."  To Frank, Richard explained:  "The anxiety produces adrenaline, which adds to the ultimate pleasure."  Richard led Vinnie to a padded wooden and leather structure, while Andrew retrieved Vinnie's bag.  "Did you bring everything I requested?"
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie allowed Andrew to remove the tunic and help him into a smooth leather shoulder harness like the one Andrew was wearing.
While Andrew attached leather cuffs to Vinnie's wrists and ankles, he explained to Frank: "Vinnie is a slave in a totally submissive position; he has turned complete control over to Master Richard."
Once the cuffs were in place, Andrew leaned Vinnie over the spanking horse and attached the restraints to secure him in a comfortable but confining position.
"Frank, I'm going to give you orders during these procedures and I'll expect you to do as you're told, when you're told.  I will not tolerate arguing or disobedience.  Do you understand?"
Frank looked at Vinnie's ass positioned up in the air.  "I think so."
"Good.  Now use this to cover his eyes."
Frank secured the sheep's skin and leather blindfold over Vinnie's eyes.  "Why?"
"Sensory deprivation," Richard explained.  "Sometimes I also plug his ears, but today I want him to hear us and I want him to talk to you when he can.  I want to establish a link between you."
"Vincent, are you comfortable?"
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie stretched into the restraints, finding his body tightly bound.  He hoped Frank was going to be able to handle this.
"Frank," Richard said, "I want you to stand in front of Vincent and place your hands on his shoulders.  Andrew is placing a stool behind you so that you can sit, if you need to."
"The structure Vincent is strapped to is called a spanking horse and it's been designed for the proper physical support of the bottom."
"He doesn't look very comfortable."  Frank ran his fingers lightly around the leather across Vinnie's back, causing him to shiver.
"He is," Richard assured.  "The design allows for access to Vincent's face so you can kiss him, but you need to be on your knees.  I'd like for you to do that now."
"Ummm, Frank," Vinnie mumbled against Frank's mouth, "how you doing?"
"I'm fine, big guy."  Frank slipped his tongue inside Vinnie's mouth.
"When you finish there, Frank," Richard continued, "I want you to slide down further.  You should be able to reach Vincent's cock through the opening in the horse.  I'd like for you to suck him until he's hard and wet."
"Okay," Frank mumbled, changing positions under the wooden and leather construction.
Vinnie sighed as Frank's mouth closed around his cock.  "God, Francis, that feels so good."
"Frank," Richard asked, "do you have any trouble sucking Vincent?"
"No," Frank replied, his mouth full.
"Do you object to servicing any of Vincent's needs?  For example, if I asked you to rim him, would there be a problem?"
"Ah," Frank started, his mouth still working Vinnie's cock.
"He's not comfortable with it," Vinnie explained.
Richard slapped Vinnie's ass, the sound loud in the room. "I didn't address you, Vincent."
"Yes, Master."
Frank sat down on the floor.  "Why'd you hit him?"
"Vincent is totally in my control.  He may only do as I say. He's allowed to hear and speak because I permit it but he's certainly not allowed to speak for you.  Now answer my question:  Will you rim him if I tell you to?"
"I guess," Frank answered.
"Tell me what you felt when I slapped your lover just now."
"Startled and, well..."  Frank paused.
"I have a strong need to protect him," Frank admitted.
"Good," Richard said.  "If you don't do what I tell you, when I tell you, I'll punish Vincent."  He swatted Vinnie again. "I make the rules here."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie took a breath.  "Can he kiss me again?"
"Yes."  Richard ordered: "Frank, kiss him."
"Are you okay with this, Francis?" Vinnie whispered into Frank's mouth.
"Are you?" Frank countered.
"Yes.  I promise you he's not going to hurt me."
"Okay."  Frank brushed his lips across Vinnie's.
"Frank, stand up please and move behind Vincent.  Andrew has oil for you to rub into Vincent's back, his butt, and his legs.  I want you to be very gentle."
"I can do that," Frank replied.
"Good, because I want you to handle the gentle phase, when and where I tell you to."  Frank rubbed his oily hands across Vinnie's shoulders, around the leather straps.
"Vincent, tell me your safe words," Richard ordered.
"I tell you my name, Vincent Michael, if I need you to stop and I say zebra if I need things to slow down, if I'm close or need water or to pee."
"You won't let him go to the bathroom?" Frank asked.
"No," Richard answered.  "It's part of my control.  There's a urinal on the floor by the horse.  If he needs to pee, you'll take care of him."
"Yes, of course," Frank agreed.
"He'll need water.  There's a large glass with a straw.  Andrew will keep it full for you.  Use it when you need it or
when Vincent needs it.  The higher he gets, the less coherent he'll be and you must be constantly aware of his needs.  Andrew'll help you."
Frank took a deep breath.  "Anything else?"  He continued to work the lightly scented oil over Vinnie's ass.
After a few minutes of silence, Richard instructed, "I want you to rim Vincent.  Andrew cleaned him while you were sucking his cock so I want you to use your mouth and tongue and show me how much you love this man."
Frank placed his hands on each of Vinnie's cheeks and pulled the soft mounds apart.  He blew a stream of air across the tight hole, then dipped his tongue inside.
"Arrgh," Vinnie cried, tensing his body in response to the intense stimulus.  After a few minutes, he sobbed, "Zebra."
"Don't stop, Frank.  Andrew, give Vincent some water."  Richard ran soothing hands over Vinnie's lower back.
Frank's tongue continued to fuck the sensitive flesh, seeking entry into Vinnie's body, and Vinnie trembled. "Please, Master, give me a minute."
"Are you ready to shoot?"
"No.  Yes.  I need him to stop, please," Vinnie begged.
"Why?" Richard demanded.
"Because he doesn't like to do it."
"Frank, step back for a moment,"  Richard ordered before he slapped Vinnie three times, leaving pink hand prints on Vinnie's butt.  "Now, Frank, resume your rimming."
"No," Vinnie cried, trying to see through the blindfold.
"Vincent, if you disobey me again, I'm going to make you watch me whip your lover.  I'll bend him over in front of you and use my belt to make bloody welts on his bare butt."
"No," Vinnie pleaded, a picture of Frank being tortured flashed through his mind.
"Then do as I say."
"Yes, Master," Vinnie sobbed, his emotions uncontrollable.
"Andrew, give Vincent more water."  Richard continued to stroke Vinnie's back while Frank rimmed.  When Vinnie moaned with sexual pleasure, Richard ordered, "Frank, I want you to stop now and insert the butt plug that Andrew has for you."
"Here," Andrew said.  "Use the lube first."
Frank inserted one slick finger, then two as Vinnie's body tightened and squeezed.  "Would you like me to fuck you now?"
"Oh, yeah," Vinnie replied.
"Not yet, Frank," Richard ordered, rubbing Vinnie's arms and shoulders.  "Insert the plug, then stand in front of Vincent."
"Yes, Master Richard," Frank responded, slipping the condom covered toy into Vinnie's body.
"Frank," Andrew said quietly, "you're very pale.  Sit on the stool and drink this orange juice."
"Frank?" Vinnie asked, desperate to see Frank's face.
"I'm fine, Vince, just a little overwhelmed."
"Did he take you to the edge, Vincent?" Richard questioned.
"Yeah, a little faster than usual," Vinnie admitted.
"Frank, you might want to remember how much he likes that."
"Yeah," Frank admitted, taking a deep breath.
"Are you under control now, Vincent, or do you want a cockring?"
"I'm fine," Vinnie muttered.
"Why can't he come?" Frank asked.
"He can, and he will, but not until I allow it.  I need him as high as possible, so we'll tease him a little longer.  I'd
like to time his orgasm with his first flight.  When I tell you to suck him, I expect you to drop down and do it."
"Okay," Frank agreed.  "Now what?"
"This is a flogger and I'm going to use it on him."  Richard slapped Vinnie's ass with a whip made of numerous strips of soft leather.
Richard continued to whip Vinnie's butt and thighs until he was moaning and trembling.
"Frank, I want you to kiss Vincent while Andrew rubs more oil on his beautiful butt."
Frank knelt down and touched his lips to Vinnie's.
"So good, Frank, it feels so good," Vinnie mumbled.  "I love you."
"Ummm, yes," Frank managed against Vinnie's kisses.
"Okay, Frank, give him a little water," Richard ordered.
Frank held the straw to Vinnie's mouth.
"Andrew will take your place, Frank.  I want you to come back here with me."
Frank stood and ran his fingers through Vinnie's hair.
"He has such beautiful hair," Andrew cooed as he kissed Vinnie's shoulders, "and, my pet, Frank is doing just fine, so you relax and let Master Richard work his magic."
"Ummm," Vinnie muttered.
Richard ran his hand over Vinnie's ass.  "I know you've spanked him because he's told me about the discipline scenes."
"It's okay, Frank, discipline is also a healthy part of SM when your bottom needs it.  I only bring it up now because I need you to understand the difference between punishing Vincent, which I'm sure he needs on occasion..."
Frank chuckled.
"... and what we're doing here, which is to combine the pain and pleasure into one feeling."
"I want you to spank him, like this," Richard hit Vinnie's butt with his hand, "until the skin turns cherry red.  It usually takes fifteen or twenty minutes.  Andrew is going to cuddle him at the same time.  I want you to imagine what Vinnie is feeling each time you strike him.  Be aware of his skin texture and temperature, his trembling, his breathing, and sounds that he makes.  In short, I want your total and complete attention concentrated on Vincent."
Frank raised his hand and dropped it on Vinnie's butt.
"Ahhh," Vinnie breathed, surprised at the difference between Frank's hand and Master Richard's.  Frank's strokes stabilized into even, controlled swats, moving from side to side, then up and down in a random pattern that left Vinnie gasping.  "Oh, yeah, I knew you were a natural."
"That's right, Vinnie baby," Andrew encouraged, "he's your master now and you're totally in his control.  Give it to him, beautiful boy.  Know how wonderful it will feel when Frank drops to his knees and sucks your magnificent cock down his throat."
"Ummm," Vinnie mumbled, his butt was warm under Frank's hand, the air was rich with the sound of flesh slapping flesh, and the pressure of the butt plug was delightfully tormenting.  "Ummm, I'm so close."
Andrew dropped down and wrapped his fingers around the base of Vinnie's balls and squeezed gently.  "Ease up a bit, Frank."
Richard stepped back to Vinnie, stroking the flesh between his legs, touching Andrew's fingers.  "Not yet, sweet baby boy, soon, but not yet.  Frank, rub some more oil on Vinnie's back and butt.  Soft, gentle strokes."
"I'm so hard, I'm about to explode," Frank admitted.
"So's Vincent," Richard said.  "You're feeling what he's feeling."
"Now what?" Frank asked.
"Another paddle.  I'm going to change the pain and the speed. Change places with Andrew so Vinnie can feel and smell your arousal."
When Frank was standing in front of Vinnie, positioned so he could feel the hard flesh pressed against his face, Richard started with the paddle, slowly at first, then building in tempo and strength.  Stroke after stroke shook Vinnie's body.
"Now, Frank, suck him now!" Richard shouted.
Frank's mouth was wet and tight and Vinnie's cock expanded and exploded, searing his mind with brightly colored shooting stars against the velvety black his eyes projected.
And then he was free, soaring above the blue pounding water as it churned and sprayed over the rocks and sand.  At first, the beach looked empty, then he could see bodies entwined.  Frank was fucking him.  They were lying on the wet sand and the water lapped between their legs, cooling the hot flesh.  He could see it and feel it as he watched from above, his heart full of love.

                   * * * * * *

"Welcome back," Frank whispered.
"Where?" Vinnie croaked.
"In bed, with me."  Frank held the straw to Vinnie's mouth.

"You were gone for almost half an hour.  Can you tell me?"
"You were fucking me," Vinnie stated.
"Yeah.  We untied you and put you on the bed.  Master Richard said you wouldn't be aware of anything so I had to be very careful not to hurt you, but if I could tie my sexual energy to yours, I might intensify the connection."
"Did you?"
"I must have because I don't ever remember coming like that before.  I think I blew the end out of the rubber."  Frank was silent for a moment, then continued,  "I think there was a beach or something."
"Yeah, I was watching you fuck me,"  Vinnie rolled to the edge of the bed.  "I gotta pee."
"If you can stand, I'll take you to the bathroom."
Vinnie's legs felt like rubber, but he clung to the side of the bed until he could stand.
"Well?" Frank stood in front of Vinnie.
"It just takes a minute."  Vinnie allowed Frank to help.
"We're not running any races here," Frank teased, "and there's always the bedpan."
"I hate that thing.  I understand why it's necessary when I'm restrained, but I hate it.  It reminds me too much of the hospital."
"Yeah.  Come on, big guy."
Vinnie leaned on Frank and walked slowly to the bathroom.
"I left bottles for you," said a voice from the lab.  "And I need blood."
Vinnie chuckled.  "It's an added torture not found in most dungeons."  He filled his jar, then finished in the toilet.
The voice continued: "I left robes for you on the hooks by the massage table.  I don't want you to get chilled."
Vinnie watched Frank pee, then held open a robe.  "This may be the strangest weekend of your life, Francis."
"You may be right."  Frank picked up the sample bottles.
"Don't mix them up."
"No, please, don't mix them up," said the blond in the lab as Vinnie and Frank walked in.
"Hi," Vinnie said as he appraised the tall blond who looked like a Norse god rising from the sea wearing a leather harness and tiny black briefs.
"Vincent," the man offered his hand, "I'm Paul."
"This is Frank," Vinnie indicated as he took the bottles.

"Mine," he indicated the one in his left hand, "and Frank's," he indicated the other.
"Thanks." Paul marked the bottles, then shook hands with Frank.  "Now the blood."
"And what do you do here?" Frank asked.  "Besides the blood, I mean."
"Oh, I'm just a lowly undergrad at Johns Hopkins, but I work and live here when I'm not in school.  I'm a chem major and I plan to go to medical school."
"What kind of work?" Frank moved so Vinnie could sit down.
"I've done several films."
"Doesn't that bother you?  I mean, what if you grow up and want to be the surgeon general?"
"Since my interest is human sexuality, that probably won't happen,"  Paul slipped the needle in and filled the test tube.

"But I hope to make the world a better place."
"Oh, hi," Andrew stumbled in the other door.
"What happened to you?"  Vinnie asked, taking in the nudity, tousled hair, slightly bruised lips and dazed look.
"You."  Andrew held glass dishes containing used condoms.

"Frank's and Master Richard's."
Paul shrugged.  "Everything around here gets tested."
"And if what happened tonight can be repeated, Master Richard is going to want to test everything you do."
Paul put the samples away.  "Andrew, get a robe and let's go to the bar."
Vinnie settled on a stool and watched Paul dump yogurt, strawberries, bananas, milk and protein powder into the blender and turn it on.
"Here," Paul said as he poured the mixture into three glasses.  "Drink."
As he rinsed the blender jar, he looked at Andrew.  "So tell me what happened."
"Master Richard must have connected to both of them because he could barely stand while Vinnie was flying. When Frank climaxed, I had to hold Richard up.  When he was sure Vinnie was safely down, he was so turned on, it was incredible."  Andrew kissed Vinnie.  "He hasn't fucked me like that in a long time.  Thank
Vinnie chuckled at the expression on Frank's face.  "Incredible sex is what this is all about and since I'm the bottom, I usually get it.  I never really worry about what my top gets."
"Bottoms are pretty self-indulgent," Andrew agreed, "and this bottom is very satisfied."
"Did you go *flying* too?"  Frank asked.
"No.  *Flying* really takes the build up from the pain and the pleasure over several hours, like with Vinnie tonight, but the sex can still be a great high when both partners are in the right frame of mind."  Andrew finished his drink.
Richard moaned in the bed across the room.
"I need to get back to him," Andrew said.
"What should we do?" Vinnie asked.
"You should go back to bed and rest so you can go at it again tomorrow."  Andrew stroked Vinnie's face.  "Good night, you beautiful hunk.  Good night, Frank, Paul."
"I have to study, so I'll be in the back if you need anything. I'll leave the bathroom light on."  Paul placed the clean dishes to drain and left the room.
"Are you ready to go back to bed?"  Vinnie asked, concerned that his lover felt trapped.
"Yeah," Frank mumbled, following Vinnie.  "I have about a million questions, you know."
Vinnie settled in the middle of the bed and held his arms out.  "I'll answer as many as I can."
Frank kissed Vinnie.  "Can you tell me what you get out of this, besides great sex?"
"Peace inside myself.  It makes me feel good about myself and it lets me wash all the lies away."
"Haven't you lied to Richard by not telling him you're a cop?"
"Yeah, but I still have a job to do and I'm not ready to break my cover."  Vinnie snuggled closer.  "Do you remember the therapy you made me attend after Sonny died?"
"Yeah.  It's routine."
"But it only made me feel worse.  Then I came up here and confessed everything -- well, almost everything -- and Master Richard helped me sort out my feelings and removed the toxic thoughts from my head."
"But Richard knew Sonny and did business with him."
"Frank, you can do business with people without adopting them.  Master Richard had misgivings about Sonny and held him at arm's length.  If I had done that, Sonny's suicide wouldn't have been so hard on me."
"Kiddo, if you'd held Sonny at arm's length, you wouldn't have cracked the establishment wide open.  You're the best."
"Well, Master Richard helps me keep it together."
"Why do you always refer to him as master?"
"It's part of the mind set for bottoming or subbing, which is short for submissive, making Master Richard the dom or dominant partner.  I don't do the whole lifestyle, the twenty-four/seven. I'm only interested in what happens here and how good it makes me feel.  The truth is, Frank, I'm a spoiled rotten pampered bottom and I like that a lot."
"And you want me to cater to you by learning to take you flying?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"I'm not sure sex should be that important."
"Hey, I was raised Catholic, too, and my brother was a priest, but I don't buy into all that stuff about the sanctity of marriage and sex for the sake of procreation only.  I know what really good sex feels like and I think the church is afraid if everyone started having out of body experiences during sex, the church could lose its power.  But flying isn't for everyone; it's for people who live on the edge, adrenaline junkies, the doers of the world."
"What makes you think I belong here?"
"Probably because I want you here, but I do think you have potential."
"So you want me to be a master?"
"Frank, you are a master, you're the toppiest top I know.

It's a mind set, an attitude.  What I'd like for you to learn from Master Richard is his technique, his ability to take me flying because flying with you will be out of this world."
"So I just sign up and take the course?"
"No.  Master Richard won't teach anyone to top who hasn't mastered bottom.  You have to fly at least once or he won't teach you.  Part of the problem with that is once you fly, you want to do it again and again and then you're just another pampered bottom."
"I don't think I could handle the pain."
"The pain isn't the point, Frank.  The only real pain I felt was the punishment.  And if I have any bruises, it will be from his punishing me for disobeying him, not the various whippings he used to send me flying."
"He threatened me with bodily harm."
"No, he used a mental image that would force me to return to his control.  Master Richard knows I would never allow anything to hurt you and he uses that to control me.  Flying has to do with that control because I have to trust my master completely. Unless I do, I can't relax enough to release."
"If I agree to ah, bottom, would he do to me what he did to you?"
"He'd probably vary the routine because surprise is part of the package."  Vinnie held Frank.  "This is not like being tortured, anymore than making love is like being raped.  When those men tortured you, they tried to break you and couldn't because you're too strong.  Master Richard will ask you to give up control in order to obtain a reward."
"Did you fly the first time you tried?"
"No.  I was too afraid of losing control and ending up dead. It took five tries and Sonny someplace else before I could achieve the right state of mind."
"You did all that," Frank waved his hand towards the foot of the bed, "for nothing?"
"It wasn't nothing.  I learned about myself and my sexuality. I came to terms with the prison rape.  I learned how to handle myself in a sexual group, or I could never have made it through the Proffit orgies."  Vinnie chuckled.  "I would never have been able to seduce Roger Lococco if I had not met Master Richard. And I loved seducing Roger.  I knew instinctively how to handle Mr. Tough Guy, who really wasn't so tough, and then later, in the safehouse, I knew how to take care of him."
"And you learned all of that here?"
Vinnie ran his hand down Frank's bare leg.  "I learned about me and how to dump the garbage out of my life.  I learned what feelings to keep and what feelings to let go of."
"What would I learn if I let him beat me?"
"It's not beating, Frank.  Beating is what the cops did to me when they thought I killed one of theirs.  And it was time here that helped me endure that ordeal.  This is ...".
Frank gently kissed Vinnie.  "I know, this is different.

If I could learn one thing from Master Richard, what would you want it to be?"
Vinnie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then whispered, "That you would finally be able to love me."
"Vince, I do..."
Vinnie put his fingers on Frank's lips.  "No, Frank, I know you.  You feel responsibility and loyalty but I don't think you ever loved anyone, including Jenny, because you don't know how."
When Frank started to protest, Vinnie stopped him with a kiss.  "It's okay, it's just who you are.  I know you care about me, but you can't love me until you're ready to dump all that emotional baggage you carry.  You have to release your control and discover what's important in your life."
"You're important to my life."  Frank pressed tightly against Vinnie, then ran his hand over Vinnie's cock, "This is important in my life."
"How important?"  Vinnie pressed into Frank's hand.
"Important enough to drive me nuts ever since Richard asked me if I took your cock up my ass and I realized I don't do it often enough."
"For you, or for me?"  Vinnie breathed into Frank's ear, his body hot for Frank.
"For me.  I'm not good at taking the pleasure and it frightens me that I can't stay hard when you're fucking me.  I feel ...".
"Out of control, Frank?"  Vinnie wrapped his hand around Frank's cock, and circled his thumb over the wet head.
"Yeah," Frank gasped.
"It's not unnatural.  A lot of men react that way."  Vinnie chuckled.  "I could ask Master Richard for the stats."
Frank squirmed.  "Oh, no."
"I'd like to fuck you, Frank.  I'd like to look into your eyes as I press your legs forward into your chest and push my cock into your tight hole.  I'd like to control your body for just a little while."
Tossing the covers back, Vinnie moved down and took Frank's cock into his mouth, lapping the precious fluid from the head.

"I love your cock.  It's as masterful as you are."
Vinnie pulled the cock into his mouth and down his throat, listening to Frank's soft murmurs.  Running his hand across Frank's balls, Vinnie felt his lover tense when his finger brushed the sensitive flesh of the small opening.  Vinnie scooted around on the bed until he could reach the bedside table.  In the drawer he found towels, lubricant, and a condom to fit his nine inches.
He put the foil packet into Frank's right hand.  "You hold this until I tell you what to do with it."
"Yes, master," Frank replied shyly.
Vinnie smiled and kissed Frank.  "Good boy."  Then he moved between Frank's legs and tapped his hips.  "Lift," Vinnie ordered, then slipped the towel under Frank.
Opening the tube of K-Y, Vinnie coated the fingers of his left hand, then set the tube aside.  "Frank, I'm going to put my finger in you."  Vinnie stroked Frank's cock until Frank relaxed.

When one finger was buried inside Frank, Vinnie leaned over and swallowed Frank's cock, then he established a rhythm working his finger and his mouth.
When Frank's soft noises changed, indicating his nearness to climaxing, Vinnie backed off, wrapped his fingers around the base and squeezed gently.
"Vince," Frank hissed.
"Not yet, Mr. Control.  You'll come when I'm ready for you to and not before."
"Yes, Master," Frank replied sarcastically.
Vinnie slapped Frank's thigh.  "Watch that attitude or there'll be real punishment."
Frank's body tensed with quick anger, then relaxed.  "Yes, master," he whispered, acceptance in his body.
"Good boy."  Vinnie cooed as he coated his fingers with more lube.  "Are you ready for two fingers?"
Frank nodded against the pillow.
"I can't hear you."
"Yes, Master."  Frank lifted his hips off the bed.  "Please."
"Watch me while I do this."
Frank lifted his head.  "I can't see your hand."
"Then watch my face."  Vinnie pushed two fingers into Frank, watching for signs of rebellion.  "Relax, this isn't a test."
"I think you're demonstrating an example of pain and pleasure," Frank mumbled.
"No one ever said you were stupid."  Vinnie worked his fingers in and out slowly, then resumed sucking Frank's cock.  This time Vinnie allowed his lover to come, relishing the taste of the cream as it hit the back of his throat.
When Frank's body quieted, Vinnie reached for more lube. "Now, Frank, we work on your position as a pampered bottom.

I don't want you to do anything except enjoy the feel of my cock in your ass."
"Is it time for the condom?"
"Yes, Frank.  I want you to sit up now and put the condom over my cock.  I should teach you how to do it with your mouth, but for tonight, you may use your hands, then cover it with lube.  I want your hands to know how big and hard I am for you.  My cock craves your body and I want your body to crave my cock."
"Yes, Master."  Frank's hands trembled slightly as they rolled down the tight latex.
When Frank finished, Vinnie moved back between Frank's legs and lifted them.  "Wrap your arms around your legs and pull them up and apart."
Frank did so, exposing his ass.  Vinnie squirted more lube on his fingers and pushed into Frank, who pushed back against the intrusion.
Vinnie positioned himself, then pushed the head in.  "Relax, Frank, we have all night.  I'm not going to rape you.  You tell me to stop or slow down and I will."
Frank nodded.  "The pain's a little intense."
"I know.  It's because I'm so big and you're so tight.  With a little work, the pain turns to pleasure."  Vinnie pushed in a little further.  "You're not a virgin, Frank, so relax.  Maybe we should do this with you on your belly."  Vinnie withdrew.  "Come on, roll over or your legs will cramp."
When Frank was settled face down, Vinnie used more lube on his cock and inside Frank.  "Let's try again."
Vinnie pressed his cock against the opening and waited for Frank to accept it.  Poised with the head inside Frank, Vinnie raised his hand and slapped Frank's ass.
"Ouch," Frank moaned and took more of the big cock.
"It hurts and it doesn't hurt and it feels, ah, I don't know, strange."  Frank squirmed on the bed.
Vinnie struck the other cheek and pushed further into Frank.

Working slowly Vinnie spanked Frank, then slipped more cock inside until all nine inches were impaled.  "How do you feel?"
"Like my ass is on fire, inside and out."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Pull out, use more lube, then try again."
When Vinnie had done that, Frank wiggled against the hard flesh.  "Okay?"
"Better.  Can you fuck me real slow?" Frank asked.
"I can fuck you any way you want it.  And I can do it all night."
"I know," Frank sighed.
Vinnie pulled out, then pressed in, his awareness focused totally on his lover.  As the muscle stretched, Vinnie could feel Frank's body accept him, each step bringing more pleasure.  Wanting to touch Frank's mind as he touched Frank's body, Vinnie reached for the memory of flying and watching Frank, experiencing Frank,loving Frank.  
Frank's body tightened around the aroused flesh, clinching and milking, then relaxing as Vinnie moved in and out.  The speed increased until Vinnie erupted and collapsed across Frank's back.
"Vince," Frank called softly, stroking Vinnie's face.
"Huh?  What?"  Vinnie rubbed his hand over his face.
"I need you to come back."
"I'm here, Frank, it's just that you're so incredibly tight and it feels so good."
"Yeah, it does.  Especially when the pain collides with the pleasure and there's nothing in my head but you."
"Sleep with me."  Vinnie yawned.
"I need to remove the condom and wipe you off," Frank soothed, "then we'll sleep."

* * * * * *

"Ummm?  What?"  Frank muttered.
"Time to wake up," Vinnie whispered.
"Coffee," Frank pleaded.
"Sorry, no caffeine."  Vinnie sprinkled kisses over Frank's face.  "He's not a morning person."
"He can have some herbal tea," Andrew offered.  
"Yeah, okay,"  Vinnie said to Andrew, then turned his attention to Frank.  "Sit up."
"Oh.  Can't.  It hurts."  Frank covered his eyes with his arm.
"You're just well loved," Andrew teased as he returned with two cups of steaming tea.  "Of course, you can sit up."
Vinnie took the cups as Andrew moved to Frank's side of the bed and held out his arm.  "Here, let me help you."  When Frank was upright, Andrew smiled.  "Do you want your glasses?"
"Please."  Frank took a cup from Vinnie and his glasses from Andrew.  He sipped the hot liquid, then glared at Vinnie.  "This is not coffee."
"Good morning to you too, Frank.  Did you sleep well?"  Vinnie smiled at his lover.  "I slept like a baby."
Frank tried the tea again.  "At least it's hot.  And I slept fine except I feel like someone shoved a baseball bat up my ass."
"He does have a magnificent cock, doesn't he?" Richard asked as he walked to the foot of the bed.  "Nine glorious thick inches that can drive a man to ecstasy."
Frank groaned and rolled his eyes.
"If you took it more often, it would be easier, but then you wouldn't experience the pleasure throughout your whole body, like you are right now."
"This is not pleasure," Frank groused.
"Yes, it is," Richard retorted.  "It's just that your mind isn't educated to understand that.  With a little work on your part, I can teach you to crave how you feel right now."
"Right now, I need the bathroom," Frank deadpanned.  "Could I have my robe?"
"I won't force you, but I'd rather you walked to the bathroom nude."
"Slave training?" Frank snipped.
"Yes," Richard replied flatly.
Frank looked at Vinnie, handed him the tea cup, flipped the covers back and got up.  Biting back a groan, Frank padded across the room.
"It'll take a lot of work," Richard stated.
"He's worth it," Vinnie countered as he set the cups on the table and got out of bed.  "I'd like a shower."
"Sure.  Then take him swimming."
"No clothes, right?"
"No clothes," Richard repeated.
"And we won't be alone in the pool?"
"No, you won't," Richard confirmed, "but we have to start somewhere."
Vinnie followed Frank's path to the bathroom.

             * * * * * *

After a long swim and another shower, Vinnie and Frank, dressed in robes, joined Richard and Andrew at a small table for breakfast.
"Frank," Richard asked as he passed a plate of fruit, "will you tell me what you're feeling?"
"After an hour in the pool with those children, I'm feeling very old."  Frank sipped his apple juice.  "And I'd kill for a cup of coffee."
Vinnie covered Frank's hand.  "You are not old and you can take any of those children in a one-on-one setting.  You could probably take them two at a time."
"Vincent," Richard said, "I need to know what Frank thinks more than I need your opinion.  Frank, why do you feel old?"
"Watching two dozen young men engaged in sex play before breakfast makes me feel old.  I need coffee just to get my eyes open.  I can't begin to keep up with them."  Frank played with a strawberry.
"Vincent," Richard said, "now I want your opinion.  You just spent an hour in a pool full of beautiful nude men, including your lover.  You can have any, or all, of them.  Who is your choice and why?"
"There's no choice.  I want Frank.  There's something special between us.  We've been sexual partners for a while, but lately
I've felt more, I don't know, emotion or something.  He's been
staying with me and it's been great."
"Frank, if you could have any of those men, and you can, who would you choose?"
"I know you'll push me for an honest answer, so I'll just give it to you.  The thought of being with any of those guys scares me.  I'm not sure how I let Vince get so close, but I don't think I can handle anyone else that close."
"How long have you felt close to Vincent?" Richard asked.
Frank stared at his plate.  "Since the first time I saw him."
"How long between then and the first time you had sex?"
"Almost four years."
"Have you been involved with men other than Vincent?"
"A few."
Vinnie stood and walked behind Frank, rubbing his shoulders through the heavy terry cloth.
"I take it you don't want to talk about it?" Richard continued.
"I'm trying to figure out a way to do what Vince wants me to do and still be comfortable with it."
"But you don't want to be here or do any of this?"
"No," Frank replied.
"But you are and you're thinking about doing more?  Why?"
"Because I've never been able to say no to him," Frank shouted.
Vinnie startled and stepped back.
"Sit Vincent," Richard ordered.  "Does that make you angry, Frank?"
"Yes, damn it, it does.  He walked into my nice orderly life and turned it upside down.  He gives me orders and I don't seem to be able to do anything but follow them.  He calls me in the middle of the night and I crawl out of bed with my wife and into bed with him."
"Is that why you're separated from your wife?"
Frank looked around the table.  "You know, I really don't know.  My wife almost died, but she was provided with the necessary surgery and recovered.  But somewhere during all of that she had an Epiphany -- her word -- that I was killing her and she wanted me out of her life."
"So you went.  Where?"
"I tried not to, but there was no other place for me; I went to Vince's."
"And how do you feel now?"
"I can see that.  Would you like to find your way back?" Richard asked.
"Yeah, maybe, but what if the answer turns what little order I have left into chaos?"
"How orderly was your life?"
"So orderly," Vinnie interjected, "that his wife was an alcoholic."
"Vince," Frank hissed.
"Don't you Vince me, Frank.  A marriage is supposed to be based on love.  You don't love Jenny, you feel responsibility and commitment, but there is no passion."
"We have a child."
"Who has been neglected by both of you," Vinnie charged.
"Don't, please don't," Frank muttered.
"Frank, your neat orderly life is a sham.  The only time you feel anything is when you're with me.  The whole rest of the time you just walk through your day, and it scares you to death."
"Is that true, Frank?" Richard asked, his hands folded over his plate.
"Terrified is a good word," Frank offered.
"Are you afraid to live life?  Are you afraid to step off the edge with Vincent?"
"Step off?  I'm afraid to get near the edge, but he pulls me and I can't resist, just like I've known since yesterday I was going to let you tie me to that thing."
"I'm not, unless you want me to," Richard assured.  "If necessary, I'll send Vincent back to the City."
"No," Frank cried, reaching for Vinnie's hand.  "If I find the courage to do this, I'll need him here."
"Andrew, please fix everyone a protein drink.  Frank's a little shaky."
"Yes, Master."  Andrew walked to the bar and put ingredients in the blender.
"Would you like to take the next step?"
"Which is?"
"The herbal enema like you gave Vinnie yesterday, then a massage."
Frank blanched while the blender whirled.
"I'm fairly certain that having your lover's large strong hands massaging you isn't upsetting, so let's talk about the enema. Why does it bother you?  Judging from last night, you don't allow Vincent to fuck you very often.  Are the fears tied together? Not all people are comfortable with anal sex.  Be honest about this."
Frank smirked.  "If I'm honest about this, you'll use it against me and call it punishment."
"Okay, a couple of ground rules.  I've already discovered that the best way to punish either of you is to transfer that punishment to your partner.  For the duration of this weekend, I agree that if you misbehave, I will spank Vincent, and if he misbehaves I use a belt on you.  Agreed?"
"I'm certainly glad the Sisters at Mount Carmel didn't know about this," Vinnie said.  "You know I won't let him do that to you."
Frank nodded.  "I hope I can be good, too."
"The second thing I want from you is a promise that no matter what happens this weekend, that in four to six weeks you'll come back and we do it again."
Frank looked at Vinnie and nodded.
"Good," Richard continued.  "Now, Frank, punishment and any kind of failure have been removed, so I want you to tell me why you don't like anal penetration."
"Does it sound hokey if I say because it's unnatural?"
"Not at all," Richard soothed.  "You have been taught that all things concerned with your bathroom habits are dirty and should be dealt with quickly and privately.  It started when your mother fussed while she changed your dirty diapers and was reinforced during your toilet training.  We aren't going to discuss that at length, but I want you to understand that your feelings are consistent with the norm of society.  If you want to take a walkon the wild side with your lover, you'll need to overcome your reserve."
"So I submit to it.  More slave training?"
"Essentially, yes.  Your lover is a happy, dedicated bottom and he wants you as his top, so it's not a major problem.  But it is part of your learning process.  In the same learning process, I'm going to suggest you enroll in a basic anatomy class because the more you know about your lover's body, the easier it will be to pleasure it."
"Do I have to go to school, too?" Vinnie asked, mimicking a pout.
"Pampered *bottoms* only need to be indulged, but it might be fun if you learned the anatomy together.  Homework could take on a whole new meaning," Richard teased.
"Did I agree to something?" Frank asked.
"Did you?" Richard responded.
"Vincent, can you tell Frank what you enjoy about having warm water inserted in your ass?"
"It feels good."  Vinnie shrugged.  "It's a pleasant feeling different from a butt plug or fingers and it's usually a prelude to being fucked, which I really enjoy."
"Do you like the way Frank administers an enema?" Richard asked.
"Yeah, I do, because it's foreplay."
"Frank, can you cope with Vinnie reversing that role this one time?"
"Is it necessary?" Frank asked.
"I won't proceed without your being cleansed.  It's necessary for your mind and your body."
"Frank?" Vinnie said softly, stroking his lover's face
"You don't have to do this.  Please, don't do anything you
don't want to do."
"Just Vince and I?" Frank clarified after a few moments of silence.  "No lab tech or blood samples?"
"Just you and Vincent," Richard assured.  "You may lock the door if you like."
Frank started to rise, then looked at Richard.  "What?"
"Your water.  Drink it.  Andrew will put a pitcher in the bathroom.  I expect you to drink that as well."
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie stood and held his hand out to Frank, who finished his water.
"You're going to drive me crazy," Frank whispered.
"I'm doing my best," Vinnie quipped as he lightly kissed Frank's mouth.


* * * * * *

In the bathroom, candles flickered from various points around the room and soft music played in the background. "Some men associate enemas with hospitals and pain and unpleasantness," Andrew explained.  "This is about sexual play."
"And submitting control," Frank countered.
"To your lover, to increase your sexual pleasure," Andrew added, as he left, closing the door.
"Okay, okay," Frank waved his hands.  "I'm submitting already."
Vinnie hung his robe on a hook, then untied Frank's.  "Come here, handsome."  Vinnie carefully removed Frank's glasses and placed them on the shelf out of harm's way.  "Kiss me."
When Frank released Vinnie's mouth, he said, "I can't imagine how you can enjoy this."
"And I can't imagine how you can not enjoy it."  Vinnie ran his hands over Frank's bare butt.  "Just this one time, relax, and see if you can find the pleasure.  Remember what Master Richard said about leaving your preconceived ideas outside?  Will you pretend this is your first time and that it's part of the way I make love to you?"
A knock sounded at the door connected to the lab.  Vinnie opened the door and took the bag of warm water from Andrew.  "The temp should be perfect.  Use the stand by the massage table.  I left a stack of towels for you."
"Thanks."  Vinnie closed the door and placed the red bag on the stand.  "On the table, Francis, on your left side."
"It has to do with anatomy class.  Just do it."  Vinnie took one of the large towels and used it to cover Frank.  "I want you to be comfortable.  "Push your right leg up a little."  After using a small amount of lubricant on the tip, he eased it intoFrank's body.  "Tell me if this is too warm."  Vinnie adjusted
the flow.
"It's fine," Frank muttered.
"It takes about ten minutes," Vinnie warned, anxious about Frank's response.
"I know, I know.  I did this to you yesterday.  Remember?"
"Yeah, but this time you're spending the ten minutes on the bottom"  Vinnie picked up the massage oil sitting by the towels and poured some in his hands.  "I want to start massaging your shoulders, so you tell me if the water flow is too much.  If you don't think you can handle it, I'll stop."
"Do I have to hold it as long as you did?" Frank shifted on the table.
"Ten minutes to flow in and another ten to hold, if you can. I can insert a plug if you need it."  Vinnie rubbed the tense muscles.
"It's not so bad.  I should be okay."
"If you cramp, I'll stop the water."
"Do you want me to stop?" Frank asked, confusion in his voice.
"I want this to work."  Vinnie worked oil into Frank's back until it was time to disconnect the hose.  After he retracted the nozzle, he patted Frank's ass with a towel.  "Are you still okay?"
"Yeah.  Another very long ten minutes, huh?"
"Uh huh.  Then you can lay flat and I relax these muscles."
"After the cleaning, then what?"
"If you're ready, Master Richard will probably secure you to the spanking horse.  But he'd like for me to bring you out of here with your dick hard."
"Oh yeah, this is about sex," Frank deadpanned.
"You'll never achieve flying space if you don't lose the attitude."
"Yes, Master Vincent."
Vinnie slapped Frank's towel covered butt.
"Hey!  You want me to make a mess here?"
"No.  I want you to learn to be a pampered bottom so you can become the top who pampers me for the rest of my life."
"Don't make me laugh.  Please," Frank requested, amusement evident in his voice.
"I'd rather stroke your cock.  Can you roll back just a little?"
"Ah, no, I don't think so."  Frank rocked on the table.

"How do you do this?"
"Practice, and good muscle control," Vinnie laughed.  "What's making you feel better?"
"I'm not sure but the soreness you inflicted on my butt last night seems to be easing."
"Master Richard must have added something to the solution."
"You mean there's more than warm water in my ass?" Frank squirmed.
"This time, just some herbs," Vinnie explained, "but he has experimented with wine and cocaine."
"You've had cocaine shoved up your ass?" Frank exclaimed.
"More than once and thankfully here first."
"I told you I was prepared for the Proffits by my time here.

When Lococco slipped his finger, coated with white powder, into my ass, I knew how to handle it."  Vinnie smiled at the memory-- about the fight and about making up.  Someday he would have to tell Frank about Roger, but not today.
"Vince, I think I need to get up now."  Frank's voice held a note of panic.
"Deep breath, then clinch tightly.  I'll help you up."
Dragging a small stool in front of Frank, Vinnie sat down and took his lover's hands.  "Relax, Frank."
"Could I do this in privately?" Frank looked a little lost.
"No.  Master Richard insists that we share everything.  If I can fuck you, I can help you in the bathroom.  It's part of the reason for the cleansing ritual.  No part of our lives can be isolated."
"It hurts," Frank admitted.
"That's because you aren't relaxing.  Hold my hands and trust me."
After Frank flushed the toilet, Vinnie helped him back onto the massage table.  Vinnie washed Frank's ass with a warm soft cloth.  "I'll clean you one more time before we go out because I hope my mouth is there very soon."
"I do enjoy your tongue in my ass," Frank admitted.  "And I take it you liked my tongue up your ass last night?"
"I thought I was going to come, but I was worried that you were uncomfortable."
"I know and it almost got us both in trouble."  Frank rolled onto his side.  "Think you can get up here with me?"
Vinnie looked at the massage table.  "Nope.  But we could toss some towels on the floor."
Frank slipped off the table, embracing Vinnie.  "Come here."
Vinnie opened his mouth for Frank's kiss, eager for the closenessand the hunger that sometimes ravaged him.  There was a passioninside Frank; it was just difficult for him to let it out.  "Iwant you," Vinnie breathed between kisses.
"Oh yeah," Frank moaned as their cocks brushed against eachother.  "Fly me."
"I can't, not alone," Vinnie warned, "but I can get you offthe runway."
"Go for it."
"Frank, do you know how hot you look in leather?"
"I know how hot you looked in that leather harness last nightand the large ring in the back was made so I could hold on whileI fucked you."  Frank ran his hands down Vinnie's body, cuppinghis ass, pulling their groins together.
"You are so sexy, Francis, with your cool stare and yourhot body."  Vinnie knelt and ran his face across Frank's crotch.

"I love your body.  I want to worship your body."  Vinnie licked the wet head of Frank's cock, then pulled the hard shaft downhis throat.  Reaching between Frank's legs, Vinnie slid his finger into the tight hole, causing Frank to tremble.
"God, Vince," Frank squealed.
"Vinnie?  Frank?"  Andrew tapped on the door.
"Ah, fuck!" Vinnie muttered, releasing Frank's cock.  "What?"
The door to the lab opened.  "Master Richard wanted me to check on you," Andrew announced.
"We're fine," Vinnie stated, his face pressed against Frank's crotch, "but I would have sucked him dry.  I can't ever seem to get enough of his sweet cream."
"There will be time later.  Think how sweet it will be if you take him flying."
Vinnie made himself stand, then kissed Frank's mouth.
"I take it everything went well," Andrew said as he picked up towels and dumped them in the hamper.
"Yeah," Frank managed, his breathing ragged.  "I guess this means we're ready to move on."
"Well, you're hot and hard, which is a good place to be." Andrew opened the door to the main room.  "Let's stop at the bar."
After drinking more green electrolyte solution, Vinnie and Frank joined Master Richard at the spanking horse.
"Frank, I'd like you to wear the leather shoulder harness because Vincent will find it as sexy on you as you did on him." Richard settled the leather on Frank's shoulders, then he handed Vinnie a strip of leather.  "This is his first time, so let's use a cockring."
Vinnie dropped to his knees again, licking and kissing Frank's cock, then fastened the leather in place.  "Ooh, I like the way that looks.  The next time I tell you to wear leather, Frank, this is what I expect to see you in."  Standing, Vinnie took Frank's mouth in a long searing kiss.
Frank groaned, leaning against Vinnie.
Richard ran his hand across Frank's ass, then slapped it.

"Let's get the cuffs on you."
Vinnie helped Andrew place the wrist and ankle cuffs on Frank, then position him on the padded horse.  When the restraints had been attached, Richard slapped Frank's ass again.
"Are you comfortable?"  Richard asked.
"Yeah, I guess.  It's not uncomfortable, although I know how silly I look."
"The word, Frank, is sexy.  Your ass is incredible."  Vinnie ran his hands across the exposed flesh, then slipped one hand between Frank's legs to fondle his balls.  "You are fucking gorgeous."
"Frank," Richard asked, "do you understand the safe words and how to use them?"
Pushing into Vinnie's hand, Frank said, "I say my name, Francis Xavier, if I need you to stop and I say zebra to slow down or for water or something.  Could I have some water now?"
Richard held the straw to Frank's lips.
"Because you're a control freak," Richard returned the glass to its place on the floor, "I'm going to give you something to control."
"I'm not going to blindfold you.  Instead, I'm going to order you to close your eyes.  If you disobey me, I'm going to punish Vincent with this belt.  You will watch while I break the skin, make him bleed, and leave nasty bruises."  Richard ran the leather belt over Frank's shoulders, then draped it to hang around Frank's neck.  "Close your eyes, Frank.  Do you understand that if you open your eyes without permission, I will mark your lover?"
"Yes, Master," Frank replied.
"Vincent, I have placed a number of whips, paddles and canes across the end of the bed.  I think we will need all of them to make Frank fly."
"A riding crop, Master?  Do you really think that's necessary?" Vinnie asked with a touch of fear in his voice.
"Your lover is a stubborn man, my pet, and if you want to break him to ride, you must use the necessary tools."  Richard teased Frank's ass with the leather crop.  "You do want to ride him more frequently, don't you?"
"Yes, Master."  Vinnie's mouth was dry and he ran his tongue over his lips as he remembered his cock in Frank's ass.
"Here," Andrew offered water.
"Thanks," Vinnie said.
"I want you to do the warm up, Vincent.  I want you to spank him with your hand until his flesh is cherry red and hot to the touch."  Richard moved to stand in front of Frank.  "Frank, I want you to verbalize your responses.  I'd guess that normally you're quiet during sex and I want you to change that.  I don't care if you moan or shout or swear, but I want to hear you or I will punish Vincent.  Is that clear?"
"Yes, Master."
Richard nodded to Vinnie, who slapped Frank's ass.
"Ow," Frank squirmed as Vinnie hit him again.
Richard pulled the belt off Frank's shoulders.  "I did not give you permission to move.  Do I need to punish your lover?"
"No!" Frank cried as Vinnie slapped him again.  "I'll be good, I promise.  Put the belt back around my neck.  Ouch.  Please, Master."
Richard smiled at Vinnie, then slipped the leather around Frank's neck.  "Good boy," Richard mumbled as he rubbed Frank's shoulders.  "Andrew, let's get some oil on Frank's back."
"Vinnie, it hurts, oh yes, ouch that stings, Vinnie, oh Vinnie..."
Vinnie slapped Frank's ass again, moving his hand as Andrew rubbed oil where Vinnie had just struck.  They alternated stinging blows and rubbing oil until Frank was muttering incoherently and the flesh was red.
When Richard signaled for Vinnie to stop, he leaned over to kiss the cheeks, then separated the soft mounds until he could see the tiny hole.  Leaning forward, Vinnie touched his tongue to the puckered flesh and watched Frank shiver.
"Oh God, Vinnie..."
With Richard's encouragement, Vinnie rimmed intently, licking and sucking, then thrusting his tongue inside as Frank's body opened.
Frank moaned between gasps for air.
Vinnie continued to pleasure Frank until Richard pulled him away and struck Frank's ass with a wide leather belt.
Frank screamed.
Vinnie took the water Andrew offered, pulled the lid off and dumped half of it over his body and drank the rest.  He stroked his hard cock and watched Frank hold himself steady under Richard's blows.  When he had calmed down, Vinnie knelt in front of Frank and kissed him, feeling the vibrations every time the belt struck the flesh.
When Richard stopped the whipping, Vinnie held the straw to Frank's lips.  "Drink, baby."
"Can't," Frank croaked.
"Don't force Master Richard to make it an order," Vinnie urged.
Frank tried to nod his head, then sipped the water.
"Good.  Now more."
After Frank finished, Vinnie drank more, then crawled under Frank to suck his cock.  From the angle under the horse, Vince could see Andrew rubbing more oil onto Frank's ass.
Vinnie slid his tongue over the length of Frank's pulsing cock, greedy for the drops of fluid oozing from the slit in the head.  After teasing Frank, Vinnie sucked the cock into his mouth and down his throat.  Frank quivered against Vinnie's touch.
"Easy, Vincent."  Richard pulled Vinnie back.  "Not yet. Stand with me and watch your lover.  Look at the sweat beading on his flesh, see the tense firm muscles and his red butt.  He really is a good boy."
Vinnie was breathing hard.
"Stand here and rub his shoulders," Richard ordered as he picked up a cat of nine tails and struck Frank.
"Vince," Frank moaned with each blow.
As Frank's moans became shouts, Richard dropped the whip on the bed and rubbed Frank's ass until he quieted.  "Frank, tell me what day it is."
"Vinnie," Frank mumbled.
"Good," Richard said.  "Let's move him to the bed, belly down and tie his wrists to the bed frame."
Vinnie released the restraints while Andrew cleared the bed.
When Frank was spread across the bed, Richard opened the drawer in the bedside table and tossed Vinnie a condom.  Squeezing KY into his hand, Richard slipped two fingers into Frank's ass.
"Noooo," Frank cried.
"No, what, Frank."  Richard continued to finger fuck Frank.
"Vinnie, want Vinnie," Frank sobbed.
Richard tossed Vinnie the KY and waited until he was ready before moving away from Frank. "Fuck him, but let his body set the pace. He's on the edge."
Vinnie settled between Frank's legs and pulled him into a kneeling position.  "I'm going to fuck you now."  Reaching between Frank's legs for the pulsing cock, Vinnie pushed into Frank's body.
"Oh God," Frank cried and pushed back.
Frank was pliant under Vinnie and he rammed his cock deep.
"Easy, Vincent.  He's not in control, my pretty little bottom, so top him easily."
Holding himself rigid, Vinnie confessed, "I can't."
"You can, Vincent, listen to my voice.  Close your eyes and do as I say.  Pull out, now back in.  Good.  Out.  In.  Out. In.  Stroke his cock as you fuck him.  Out.  In.  Feel the heat rise.  Feel his body grip you."
"I'm gonna blow him apart," Vinnie sobbed.
"I'm unsnapping his cock ring, Vincent.  Do it."
Vinnie lost himself in the smooth blackness, hearing only Frank's gasps and soft whimpers until there was nothing but Frank and the beating of his heart.  Slowly he spiraled towards Frank, laughing into beautiful bright eyes, then sailing away to drop on the bed.
"Open your eyes and look at me," Richard ordered.
"No, I'm flying Frank."
"You can do that with your eyes open.  You're the top, so act like one."
"Spoil sport," Vinnie groused and opened his eyes to see Richard swaying in Andrew's arms.
"Do you have Frank?" Andrew asked.  "I need to take care of Richard."
Vinnie smiled as he ran his hand gently over Frank's butt. "I got him.  You take Master Richard.  And Andrew?"
"Fuck him.  He needs it."
Andrew kissed Richard's ear.  "Yeah, he does."
Vinnie returned his attention to Frank, rolling him onto his side in order to watch the peaceful face.  Vinnie snuggled close and followed the thread of his kite as it floated through the white fluffy clouds. "Hi," he whispered when Frank finally opened his eyes.  "Was it good for you?"
Frank chuckled softly.  "It was everything you said it would
be.  I could feel you holding me."
"Do you remember coming while I was fucking you?"
"I'm not sure.  I just remember how everything swirled together and felt good."  Frank tried to move.  "What's that noise?"
"Andrew fucking Master Richard."
"I thought Andrew was a bottom," Frank ran a lazy finger across Vinnie's chest, "like you."
"He is, but all tops need to be topped to remind them why we do this."
"And why is that?"
"What do you think?" Vinnie ran his finger tip across Frank's mouth.
"The simple answer is that it feels good."  Frank kissed Vinnie's finger.  "But between watching you and experience this flying, I begin to understand what draws you here."
"We've been sexual partners for several years and I've always watched you sleep after sex, but lately it's been different.  You're more relaxed and maybe it's a result of the kind of sex you have here."  Frank gestured to the room with his arm.
"You watch me sleep?"
"Yeah.  You can tell a lot about a man watching him sleep."
"And what do I tell you?"
"That you trust me."  Frank kissed Vinnie's mouth.  "Maybe too much."
"Did you watch Jenny sleep?"
Frank stiffened in Vinnie's embrace.  "I don't want to talk about Jenny, not here, in bed with you, particularly not tonight."
"You have to talk about her sometimes, Frank, you have to close out that part of your life.  You have to make the decision so you can outline your role in Drake's life."
"And in yours?" Frank ran a finger gently over Vinnie's cheek.
"Yeah," Vinnie smiled.
"It's not easy," Frank sighed.  "My life has been tied up with hers since high school.  That's a lot of time to close off."
Vinnie stroked Frank's chest.  "Was she your first?"
Frank nodded.  "It was clumsy kid's stuff."  He looked at Vinnie.  "Not anything like here, with you."
Vinnie gently touched his lips to Frank's mouth.
"Who was your first?"  Frank ran his fingers through Vinnie's hair.
Vinnie chuckled.  "My brother."
"Saint Peter?" Frank laughed.  "It's difficult to imagine."
"He wasn't always a priest, but he was always my best friend and when I was twelve, he caught me playing with myself and after watching for a few minutes agreed to help.  His hands were sure and strong and it felt so good when he brought me off, much better than my amateur attempts doing myself."
Still chuckling, Frank said, "It's hard to think about you and Pete -- how long did you two, ah...".
"Until he left home for school, which was about the time I discovered girls."
"So you went from your brother to girls just like that?"
Vinnie brushed the back of his hand across Frank's face.

"I never thought about it.  What Pete and I shared was an extension of a relationship as brothers and he taught me about my body like he taught me other stuff.  It helped me feel comfortable with myself.  We were closer than anyone else I know."
"When did he know about you work with the O.C.B.?"
"From the beginning.  We knew each other's secrets.  It was different when his vows as a priest stopped our physical relationship, but he offered me emotional support that got me through prison."

Vinnie closed his eyes while the pain washed through his heart.  "Pete was there for me through those long lonely months, when I lost my faith, when I was raped.  I miss him so much Frank."
Frank tightened his arms around Vinnie.  "I know, Vincenzo.

His death was senseless, but maybe I'm supposed to take his place in your life."
Vinnie looked up, tears tangled in his long lashes making rainbows around Frank.
"I have no experience with what you had with Pete.  I don't have any brothers, but I know he'd want me to take care of you."
"I was hoping that here, like this, you'd be willing to take our relationship to the next level."
"Is sex, even incredible sex, the way to build a lasting relationship?"
"Master Richard tells me that mature adults can use good sex to build a solid relationship, but it isn't easy.  Communication is absolutely essential and if we can't talk to each other about everything, it won't work.  And that's not something you've ever done."
"Think about it, Frank, when was the last time you had incredible sex with Jenny?  And when was the last time you discussed sex with her?"  Vinnie pressed his body to Frank's bringing their cocks together.
"You do know how to make a point."  Frank pressed into Vinnie, capturing his mouth.
"Answer my question," Vinnie ordered.
"I'm not sure I can because there is no way to compare what I have experienced with you to my experiences with Jenny.  Talk about apples and oranges.  I have never felt with Jenny what I feel with you, but..."
"There's a kind of safety with Jenny, it's normal and this with you, is, well, I don't know, scary maybe."
"Are you telling me the best sex in your life is scary?"
"The intensity of the feelings can be overwhelming.  It's been that way since the beginning, from the first time I saw you until the night Stan Dermitt died.  You were young and innocent and devastated and I was afraid I was going to lose you."
"That was a strange night.  I hated you, you know, but you were there and when you kissed me that first time, it felt right somehow."
Frank took Vinnie's mouth, kissing gently.  "It was crazy; I was crazy.  Sleeping with you was insane but it was the only thing I knew that would take the pain away.  And it worked.  It even helped with Sonny, at least I hope so."
"It did," Vinnie assured, "but I needed something different, which is why I came to Master Richard.  I held you responsible for Sonny's death."
"I know you did.  And for Roger Lococco as well."
"No, Frank, Roger is different."  Vinnie bit his tongue to keep from yelling that Roger wasn't dead, but he wouldn't betray Roger, couldn't, not even to Frank.  "This weekend is about us, not about any of the ghosts.  I've let them go, and they have no place in our bed."  "Not even Roger." There would be a time to discuss Roger with Frank, a time to tell him that Roger was alive and well in California, that he and Roger had been married in a small chapel in the land of the fruits and nuts.  Two married men sharing this wonderful experience with Master Richard.  It made Vinnie smile.
"What?" Frank asked.
"I was thinking about the possibilities for us when you finally decide to sever your ties with Jenny.  Until then, I'll have to settle for stolen weekends like this one."
"What possibilities?"
"More than you can imagine, Francis, a whole world of possibilities."

Vinnie thought fondly of the house in Berkeley and the wonderful times with Roger, who tried to talk him into leaving Frank and the job, and Vinnie not able to make a choice.  And the crazy priest, Father Patrick Fitzgerald, who told him that he didn't have to make a choice if he could bring Frank and Roger together
into a triple.  Fat chance, he thought trying to picture his two favorite tops in bed together.  Patrick insisted that all combinations of the triple had to work or the triple would not
"A few weeks ago I couldn't imagine this weekend and now you're telling me there are more possibilities"  Frank's blue eyes where wide with awe.
"Life is full of wonders."  Vinnie cradled Frank's head against his shoulder, "but right now I think you should concentration on being the pilot who sees to it that I always fly first class.
Vinnie could feel Frank's body shake as he chuckled.  "Are you sure that's all you want from me?"
"For now, Frank, that's all I want."  Vinnie kissed the bald top on Frank's head and listened as his lover drifted into sleep.

"Oh, Frank, I want so much more from you, but I have to wait until you're ready to give them to me.  Roger will have to be patient with me while I'm patient with you.  If this weekend happened, maybe the rest of it is possible too."

The End